I'm enjoying this - I'm skipping the million cutscenes (am aware I will be criticized for this but idgaf)- the...

I'm enjoying this - I'm skipping the million cutscenes (am aware I will be criticized for this but idgaf)- the atmosphere of 80's Japan and the fighting is so much fun.. should I pre-order Kiwami? or should I dust off the PS3 and buy 3,4 and 5 next?

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Kill yourself.


>I'm skipping the million cutscenes
GenZ cancer

>Skip the cutscenes
>Should I play 3, 4 and 5?

Play Kiwami first since that's the first Yakuza game, then emulate 2, play the PS3 ones then buy the new one on PS4 when that comes out.

>I'm skipping the million cutscenes

>Skipping the cutscenes
You are the one person i hate the most right now.

sorry, who gives a shit how much someone plays any video game if they are still enjoying it?

Welcome to the series OP! Listen to:

You should kill yourself for skipping the cutscenes, Tyler

So I grabbed this and Hatsune Miku Future Tone for £40 (Grabbed £45 PSN credit for £40 from CDKeys) because I want to get into the series (I actually have 3,4 and the Spinoff on PS3 but never played them).

So my understanding is that its best to play Zero, Kiwami, 2 (Emulated), 3, 4 and then finally 5 and eventually 6.

>skipping the kinoscenes


>skipping cutscenes in a story-character driven series
>should I play 3, 4 and 5 next
No you fucking shouldn't.

>skipping cutscenes in any Yakuza game
You can go fuck yourself.

Delete your save and restart. You aren't playing the game correctly cunt.

>skipping the cutscenes

Man it's gonna be so jarring for people to first play 0 and then play the other games. At least going from 0 to Kiwami is the only consistent one gameplay wise

I mean it's fine to not give a shit about the cutscenes but they go hand-in-hand with the atmosphere of the setting which you're praising, surely? You can enjoy the game however you want but I don't get what you're saying here.

If you don't care about the story at all then maybe you should import Ishin though.

I've had 2 sitting on my shelf since 2009 but never could find 1 so I said fuck it and bought 0 anyway. Found 1 not long after beating it and it's hard to go back, wish I started with it instead but it's still enjoyable in its own way. Does the gameplay in 2 get better?

why are you skipping the best part of the game, user ?

It is improved, smoother combat and shorter loading times but it still does not hold a candle if you played 0 or any of the later games if that's your concern

2 fixes a lot of the issues 1 had, so yeah, the gameplay is a lot better. Tough out Y1 and your reward will be Y2.

I went from 4 to 1&2, and while 1 was pretty rough to play, 2 was an absolute blast. Playing Y1 will let you appreciate Y2 a whole lot more, even if you've played future titles. It's why I'm worried about people going from Kiwami to 2.

The first character was pretty fun. I enjoyed it. It fizzled out for me with the switch to the second character and the momentum and interesting story was lost somewhere. I haven't picked it up in a while now.

Do they merge, or what? It was a really jarring cut, when the most interesting things were happening in the first story. I hadn't got into a game story in absolutely ages.

Kiryu and Majima don't formally meet during the story but the rest of the cast are involved in both sides.

Their stories connect, but they never meet each other. Majima's story picks up pretty quickly, so keep playing.

Majima is fucking kino: the character, how could you lose interest after the introduction they gave him

This is actually a compliment for the game, it's so good that you can give a fuck about the story and enjoy the gameplay.

0 is the only one set in the 80's. The others are good but a lot of the game's strength is in the writing (see: cut scenes) so maybe consider giving them your time. If the setting and game play are enough to make you happy, that's fine but that is fucking weird

>skipping the cutscenes

>that ridiculous introduction
>when you realize it's just a facade he puts up
>he's so good at his "job" that he can turn from a trained foot soldier to a successful and charismatic cabaret owner if it means making his boss happy
>mfw "ah, at the grand, the customer is king... but you will pay your tab because after all: the customer is king"

One of the most entertaining cinematics I've seen

Holy shit I love this game. Just started playing Majima who's total class. Having a fucking blast, the claw games, the karaoke, dancing, pool, a fun as fuck. Hell I even like buying food and just reading the descriptions, wish it had models though.

Definitely surprised how up front it is, with erotic vids and sidequests which are much better done than Witcher 3 I reckon.

Can't wait to play the others, heard Taiko was in 5 which is great.

Zero & Ishin are probably the peaks of the series at the moment. Zero's a bit better due to Ishin's skill unlocking being a bit grindy, but Ishin's atmosphere is fantastic. Also that sex minigame.

I went from 2 to 1 to zero ...... it's just hilarious to see the improvement, i agree though someone coming from the more modern titles is going to have a hard time


>I'm skipping the million cutscenes