Poe's Law.
Sexual Dichotomy
Other urls found in this thread:
Name 1 game that does this
Look at statistics. Nobody plays races that do not look strongly human. Not men not women. Making unattractive designs is a waste of money and time.
I have to agree with this person, but only because I don't want to play furry shit
Are there any games that actually do that first one?
I see tumblrites whine about this all the time but I literally can't think of one game. Sure, lots of games have more attractive females than males, and sure some games have sexy armor for females, but I've never seen a single game where the males are monsters and the females of the same race are just sexy humans.
This is either some bizarre strawman bullshit, or none of them have a fucking clue what they're talking about and are just mindlessly imitating each other.
Pretty ineffective logical fallacy comic when all it does is make me want to fuck the shit out of that lady mouse. Maybe shouldn't have drawn her so cute.
>says he agrees with picture
>but picture says it's better that the females are full furry
>but hates "furry shit"
I don't know what to make of you, user, so I'm just going to assume you're an idiot.
>Caring about the loss of a sale from someone who most likely doesn't play games that involve anything other than walking around and reading notes
The occasional no-name korean MMO might do it.
So, basically, they're whining about people who'll never see their tweets, nor be able to understand it, and expecting them to obey.
I would go nowhere near that game.
>be an entitled millennial "artist"
>never improve your artwork beyond typical "tumblritis" trash
>be incapable of differentiating between constructive criticism and a grave personal insults
>the only thing shielding your retarded ideology from reality is the block button
>live pay check to pay check because you are to lazy to get a career/job that doesn't revolve around some useless Liberal Arts garbage
>end up in a shelter when no one wants to buy your shitty art/you are no longer relevant anymore and you refuse to get a blue collar job because you think it's beneath you.
A tale as old as time....
the true solution?
Here's the full discussion
Wildstar isn't anywhere near as dead as the last thread would have you believe.
>we had this thread already.png
>implying any games will do this
You're going to get the same elf, dwarf, human, gnome, halfings forever and ever, and you'll like it.
It's mostly the freemium Korean MMOs, where the males are hulking beasts and the females are your typical weebshit cosplayers with was and tails. Doesn't really happen in western games much, but then again the poster in OP's picture is probably just one of those "I hate anything Asian" SJWs.
Here's what she meant
How many times has this thread been posted?
boi breast milk?
>and it's dead, so I'm reviving it.
> Forcing human sexual dimoprohism on completely different species.
Wew lad.
>bird (male)
4, maybe 5
Until both the MRA and Feminists kill each other so that the moderates can consume in peace.
>this thread again
Belves are the best though, armor actually looks good on them. Also no hunchback.
Better solution
nazrin posting start
It's literally how artists have depicted differently sexed anthropomorphized characters in media for almost a century.
>This is either some bizarre strawman bullshit
I think it is; a mockery on both the Dirtbag Left and the Alternative Right.
>1st example lets you play as sexualized female rat
>2nd example lets you play as a rat
Hm, I wonder which one is the furry option.
>current year meme
oh joy we're still using this unironically
How else will you know which is which?
oh nice someone re-made the thread, too bad i already fapped from the last one.
>go to artist twitter
Oh so that's the kind of person were dealing with.
I reckon we should send all these edits to her
Normies like good loking females, sex sells after all. Normie women don't want to play a monster. Weebs get waifu material, but are fine to play bad looking male characters as long they have some sort of personality or are just cool. There is literally no downside to have good looking female characters. Some whales crying on social media don't buy video games anyway
So? Just because something has became normal doesn't mean it's good.
Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian
i thought everyone had a pocket belf class so they could pvp more effectively
>i won't buy your game unless you follow my arbitrary rules sweetie uwu
So? Just because something is abnormal doesn't mean it's good.
Defend why the status quo needs to be changed.
>barneyfag unironically shilling MLP again
kill urself
What's the logical fallacy?
Wow, that's pretty xenophobic of you.
Are you saying other species can't have their own sexual dimophism? Not every has to be so human-centric, bigot.
Fuck no
What's wrong with cute animal races?
>defending Capitalism and the endless seizure of property and power by the Oligarchs.
>Not every has to be so human-centric, bigot.
In order to make a character more appealing or relate-able to a human audience it definitely helps.
Commie plz
>renard is mainly just using Halley Labs, Darius, and Rotteen aliases now
>old ones are forever dead, with the exception of the few that had a new release (Kitsune^2, hyi, TQBF, ⇩LOAD of all fucking aliases)
I like the new releases but I still kind of wish for a new Truxton album
Why do games only have to appeal to humans?
Don't aliens deserve games too?
Yeah, but relatable usually means just have a human, and why bother with anything else.
Nazrin is a mouse!
>so memed on by pseudopenis that experts can't even tell the difference
Cosmo still plays games.
Well, to be honest it would be perfectly appealing to me a bear race, bears are literally the only other thing that i would like to play as, apart from humans.
fuck aliens
they stole all my alcohol
>destroying the planet for the sake of getting fantasy-currency is good!
>bara cow has more players compared to the other furry races
robots are better.
Do it
monstergirls are trash
I hate how they are just anime girls with animal ears and trail
I completely agree with that twitter fucktard
The one that's a human with ears and a tail.
So what games do this where specifically the male version is a more monster like and the female human with a tail?
I can only think of some Korean MMO type of shit.
That's what sells the most and video games are a business. Don't blame the creators. They are subject to the will of the people with wallets.
I bet you enjoyed watching Brave.
>game has playable robots
>can't customize your body
>you're just a bladerunner human robot, or other lazy piece of shit
>it's da current year
>not liking both
>not liking robotic furries
>tfw no robot gf with vibrating lip and tongue functions
why even live
I know.
To be fair, I've been making the same argument about how playing as black people makes a game significantly less relatable for 90% of the people who actually buy games.
But, apparently that's racist.
Why aren't aliens making their own games if they want to be featured in them so badly? Why does it have to be the human's responsibility to make games for aliens?
they literally fucking raped someone, i hope they die in a car crash
People are lazy as fuck. At least, in the actual Monstergirl Quest they're legitimately monstrous.
Not exactly mate, it didn't quite depict actual bear behavior, and i lost interest in disney movies a long time ago.
Is this acceptable as a female character?
Why did this become a meme anyway? It does not in any way address the fact that your opinions are backwards and outmoded.
>tfw work door to door in philly and see this sign all the time
It's such a bad slogan, makes me laugh every time I see it
Based gooks, thank god the slopes know how to please my dick, mouse chan is hawt, any more art?
Why not? It's up to the creators ultimately, if they will stick to their guns instead of bowing to focus-tested, bottom of the barrel garbage.
I got this
I dunno, it's some kind of logical fallacy, but it's definitely not a strawman which is why I didn't say strawman, I'm just not Sup Forums enough to memorize all of them.
Sales reflect this, but companies and the left refuse to acknowledge it. To be fair though most people wouldn't give a shit if the gameplay itself was good. Problem is games that are looking to push this sort of agenda are typically heavily focused on story which invariably means the gameplay isn't interesting enough to draw in the largest audience: video game players.
oh no, it's retarded
What games have human on anthro relationships?
>Artist obsessed with gender bullshit is a tranny faggot with unwarranted self-importance
Beans on the table.