I kinda enjoyed final fantasy when I was a kid but I never owned a PS2. I like traditional JRPGs and I was massively disappointed by FFXV.
Give it to me straight, how good is this game?
I kinda enjoyed final fantasy when I was a kid but I never owned a PS2. I like traditional JRPGs and I was massively disappointed by FFXV.
Give it to me straight, how good is this game?
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Worth playing Zodiac Age at least once if you haven't. FF12 is good but not great, in general.
It played it pretty safe on a lot of fronts.
What I like most about JRPGs is the feeling of exploring a new world, grandia and skies of arcadia were my favorites in that aspect. Is FFXII similar to that?
Ignore this retard, it doesn't play it safe and the most unique battle systems in the series.
XII is everything XV wanted to be. Admittedly it's instanced and not a true open world, but the world here is far more captivating than Eos, and it has a genuinely political plot that doesn't devolve into "We gotta save the crystals to stop the demons."
If you want an adventure then XII is the game for you. The world is fucking VAST and you get to really feel like you're trekking all across it.
The strategy guide for this bitch is 400 pages long.
There is just so much to do and explore
offline mmo gay battle system
spreadsheet supremacy
in terms of adventure it's tops but it's not traditional JRPG combat
I'm personally fucking jazzed for it. Every issue I had with the original NA release sounds like it's been fixed
You don't know how much better it is during the game, i did a side to side comparison with the emulated izjs earlier today .... this game is fucking good so much QoL
I guess that sounds okay enough, not that there's much else coming out in the next few weeks. Thanks for the help, anons.
FF XII has a fair bit of exploration, yes. The world is massive though it feels a bit empty by modern standards. For the time it was impressive as fuck, though. Lots of side quests too.
There's always one of these faggots in every FF12 thread that has to defend the game even when nobody criticized it yet.
what are you, a twelve year old from 2004? Maybe try some actual criticism
It plays like an mmo desu
No problem. It's my favourite FF so happy to help
Unless you like a story so boring it induces a coma, characters who are underdeveloped and superfluous to the point of hilarity, and a combat system that is essentially offline-MMO tier, I would not recommend falling for this remaster meme. Removing Vaan's drawn on abs isn't going to change the fact FFXII was shit to begin with.
Play it on a emulator and see by yourself. There is no point comparing each FF, they are usually made by different directors, compostiors, artist etc
Hey guys, look who's here
Is the Zodiac Spear still a pain to get?
I loved it but definitely wouldn't call it a traditional RPG so it might not be for you OP. From the gameplay to the setting/story pretty much nothing is like your traditional RPG.
I'm not FFXV-kun. I hate FFXV just as much as FFXII if not moreso. I just posted that picture so people would read it
I've read that it has a job system. I've played ffxiv, is it somewhat like that were you pick classes for your party members or do they have predetermined classes?
I put 120 in it but don't remember much. It had lots of airships which is always a good thing but the combat was boring and the levels were too big considering the fact that they were only filled with enemies but lets be honest, most people play Final Fantasy for the story which was completely forgettable and Vaan is the most unimportant main character of the history of Final Fantasy.
In this new version you give each member two jobs. They basically become a hybrid of both in one.
The story is only forgettable if you're too retarded to follow it, and Vaan is not the main character. It's an ensemble cast just like 6.
Vaan not being the protagonist doesn't really matter when you still play as him for the entire game, which is retarded. And you're kidding yourself if you think the story is deep. It's boring as shit.
you didn't understand it
>t-too deep for you!
No, I said it was boring, not hard to understand.
explain the plot then
if you don't do it fast enough i'll know you googled it
Hey everybody, even you you stupid fuck; I'm here to tell you which of the games in this god forsaken franchise are good, and which fall a little short of the mark in a way you could probably relate to in bed. I've played all of these and and know them better than anyone else so sit down and listen the hell up:
>Best Tier
Tactics, VIII, XII, IX
>Good Tier
>Okay Tier
>Bad/Outdated tier
II, III, IV (Suck my dick)
>Florence and the Machine Tier
There you have it. Play whichever one you like, feel comfortable knowing all in all the entire franchise is pretty entry level and plebean so it's not even worth arguing over. IV was the worst one of them all and only Trump voters will tell you otherwise. You're better off playing a big boy gamu like literally anything else.
I fuckin hate dudes who just put a side game like tactics in their FF tierlist but not any other FF. Wheres FF10-2? Crisis core? I know ivalice is good but jesus christ my man
12 is shit.
9 is best.
Even the man agrees youtube.com
Call me when there's a PC release
>too retarded to pirate
I will but until then can you stay out of my thread? Thanks.
Why do you think I want a PC release, and yes I have the old international one.
>he didn't emulate the translated PS2 version yet
I did you fool I just want to try the new 2 class system
the best final fantasy for gameplay
so they have both skills sets active instead of switching between them?
You switch between them but all the unlocked skills and passive are actually effective all the time
>20hrs in I got burned out and it just stopped
I liked the world and story but I felt like I fell into an effective however repetitive gameplay loop that I just couldn't keep grinding through to keep going, this seems to happen with all FF games I try, I can never bring myself to finish them.
You don't need to worry about opening the wrong chest at the very least.
XII really feels like you're exploring the world and going on an adventure. There are a few parts in the story where you're given a task and specific destination and you have to cross through lots of different unique environments to get there.
spirit ghosts exist
one spirit ghost doesn't agree with the others
other spirit ghosts want you to kill him
kill other spirit ghosts and then kill that spirit ghost too
Well this game comes out in a couple days right?
I can only speak on the vanilla USA PS2 release. That game was fantastic imo. Top tier must play in my eyes. Although I seen many on Sup Forums say it basically plays like an offline MMORPG. I don't play MMORPG so I can't say if it does. The gambits are also one of the best ideas implemented in any game I've seen. Yet many on here think it was shit and that the game plays itself.
So I'd say you might get some polarizing opinions here. With many thinking it is fantastic (such as me) and others thinking it was bad. I'm just going to go on record here and say I fucking wish more games were like this OP. Also TZA is going to play much faster than vanilla thanks to the speed up button they have so grinding is going to be much better.
Ignore the haters and just buy it. It is much more of an RPG than many modern games that claim to be.
>Actually getting upset at someone for saying "gay"
Get some help, homophile...
I'm afraid it won't be so soon, aka, the next 3-5 years.
All trailers and demos were branded with the sony/ps4 logo, ONLY. And we can also estimate by looking at how well FF15 on PC is doing.
So the only thing you retain from the plot was the occuria ..... jesus fucking christ that's one shitty "summary" if I ever saw one