Penelo is cute! CUTE!
Penelo is cute! CUTE!
Larsa is best girl
I used to tug my weiner to Penelo as a kid. I also used to fantasise a scenario where Ashe and Penelo would essentially be gangbanged by the rest of the FFXII party. Even Fran would dominate the both of them.
What a rush.
So how did they achieve those brilliant faces? It looks like they just drew a 2D sprite on a flat surface or something?
Cute boy
I didn't really like 12 but I hope the mandatory PC port comes soon because it actually seems like an okay game to play on the side while shitposting on Sup Forums
>drew a 2D sprite on a flat surface
That's called a texture.
Same VA as Vette from SWTOR
best girl in both games
Best butt (but(t) Penelo isn't that bad either)
Weird face, but I want her to suffocate me with her huge butt.
Post her ass
I thought larsa was a girl when I was but a wee little bab when the game came out.
One time, my pp got hard, so I went to paheal to unleash that beast.
Then I realised that larsa was a boy.
Then i realised I'm gay.
Final fantasy 12 made me a fag.
Does she look better in the remaster?
Pretty sure OP's pic is the HD remaster
Wait, thats when they were using the PS2 models in their first teasers. Sorry, pic related is the more current model.
i love the ivalice art style
honestly this is so much better than muh realistic grafix in FFXV
too bad final fantasy is dead
Not gonna lie, I'm hype as fuck to play this game again
>tfw i noticed that everyone turn gambit on for the character they are controlling
am i supposed to do that?
If you wanna stream line your experience for the game, yes.
Larsa is cuter
Vaan isn't twink enough. He needs a softer body for me to be aroused.
There's a PC port comming?
Gurdy is cuter!
I never liked this type of faggots but i have to admit he is the cutest boy in the series
So what job combos are you planning on, Sup Forums?
More than likely several months after the ps4 release
I have honestly no idea
don't remember her name but the Viera chief was gorgeous
Penelo: shikari/foebreaker
Ashe: Knight Samurai
Fran: Black mage/Monk
Vaan:Archer/red mage
Basch: uhlan/time mage
Balthier: machinist/white mage
Shikari with just about any mage class is broken as well. Particularly redmage and white mage.
Do you have an image that lists them all?
I can't recall from the brief time when I emulated IZJS
I'm quite interested, attempted to replay the game on emulator few times in the past year but i always stop after few hours
thank you user
Why is it broken?
katana scale from both STR and MAG
playing shikari/mage gets you max STR and MAG, and there is no longer the damage cap of 9999
Indeed, but I want to tap Ashe ass
Shikari is an incredible tank that can have incredible evasion especially when you have the main gauche and a shield with good evasion. Ninja swords also have great combo chance and the genji gloves just about doubles your already great combo rate. Great dps on its own.
Being a white mage too means you are a near invincable white mage and could probly solo the whole game with the right equipmemt. A total support/dps/tank through and through.
Redmage lets you do some serious CC with sleep spells, while being a less effective white mage/ black mage. Still supportive, arguably a better job choice than white mage at the cost of efficiency.
Also get red mage exclusive arcane skills like dark spells and ardor.
>tfw now that I know that my job decisions will be swayed
Garnet is the the love of my life, the most beautiful woman I have ever met, she's so beautiful, she's so sweet, she's so loving, I want to marry her, I want to spend my life with her, she's so beautiful I just can't stop thinking about her, I never want her to leave my side, I cried when I finished the game because I knew my journey with Garnet was over. I'll never experience this again for the first time, I love her so much I just can't imagine life with any other woman.
uhm, that's Dagger
Actually using this same set up.
It's the only optimal job combination that lets you experience every job and grants all characters Swiftness x3
>Penelo's ass
>permanently etched with a pantyline.
Yeah cuz they fixed Vaan's robo abs.
You are not wrong on idea, but you got the wrong job idea.
You are thinking of bushi (new name for samurai)
Though samurai should be paired with a class that grows with streangth rather than a mage class.
Bushi actually gives you stats for your magic damage, you even equip mystic armor like a mage would.
Knight(especially) and monk are good classes to pair with samurai as they primarilly give streanght based stats and armor.
Its generally a good idea to always go for a physical class/magic class combo from what I understand
You want to have a good spread of skills, if you go for say black mage/white mage you will have many overlapping skills that you gain no additional benefit from.
Those are whores panties good women wear bloomers
Alright, I'll do that but not the exact min-maxed set listed above
From what I played of IZJS it felt easier than vanilla anyways
Interesting. Anyway, I was going for
Vaan - Monk / Knight
Ashe - Samurai / Red Mage
Basch - Archer / Machinist
Balthier - Hunter / White Mage
Fran - Breaker / Time Mage
Penelo - Black mage / Uhlan
I've never played the game but that's what I decided from looking at the different classes and the character's stat growth.
Right. Versatiliry is great.
There are some cases, however, where some job combos are just too good to pass up.
Redmage/black mage comes to mind just for flame sceptor + oil+ ardor straight up being the most damaging combo in the game.
White mage/ time mage is amazing for straight support as well
>robo abs.
It sounds a lot cooler than it actually is when you put it that way
>Balthier is the worst gunner because he has the slowest firing animation with guns
>Fran is the worst archer because she also has the slowest animation with bows
>bought Baten Kaitos and Lost Odyssey to ease the wait for Zodiac Age
>haven't finished either yet
>The Zodiac Age release was closer than I thought
well fuck, no wonder that backlog keeps getting bigger.
Christ, thank you for reminding me how long Bal takes to fucking shoot
Trash encounters would end him him literally not firing every time
Makes up for her not wearing panties in Revenant Wings.
She's also a one dimensional waste of space. Her only motivation is that she's in love with Vaan, she doesn't give a shit about the Empire or her home or friends or anything else.
So the Yuffie/Selphue/Rikku of the game actually got the lead boy for once.
At least in the sequel.
I think the zodiac age lets you use any party member you want in town sections
is this a thing or did I just imagine it all?
I'm pretty sure you're still stuck as Vaan while not out exploring.
Basch is better for bushi/knight uhlan time mage is crap
She's not like them at all tho. I don't know why people think she is. She's not kooky or irreverent like the others.
She's irrelevent! IRRELEVENT!
But also cute!
Uhlan/time mage is just to fill out the last two jobs. It isnt horrible.
Balthier has the best gun animation for aesthetics so he stays.
Animation time is not all that important unless you are just wanting to hardcore min max.
Oh yeah if you put it like that, i admit though i'm a bit of a minmax fan and i have already some specific fights planned like yazmat
>Animation time is not all that important unless you are just wanting to hardcore min max.
So many people talked about fucking attack animations and why Balthier isn't a good machinist and I wasted time reading walls of fucking texts about it only to find out how the difference is so incredibly miniscule that no one in their right mind should devote so much time to this.
I fucking hate autistic fuckers.
balthier white mage machinist fucking rocks
>characters wear the same clothes for the whole 100 hours through the game
>equipping new armor have no graphics
Why is this not addressed? This is completely unacceptable in 2017, shit game
Does this mean there's going to be a resergence in FFXII porn? I fucking hope so
>that guy who makes Larsa doujins will come back
You have inspired me to do a canon run, min maxing be damned
So obviously Balth is Machinist, and Fran is archer, but what about the other 4?
Oh man, you should look up on youtube a guy named infinygodslayer.
He has a video with a modded izjs file to show off which zodiac age combos are the best Yiazmat killers.
Shikari/samurai just absolutely destroys yiazmat.
>all the current ones out look like they were drawn in the sailor moon era with sameface
>tfw no ivalice mmo
I did a canon run on my 122333 run actually.
As you said Balthier Machinist, Fran Archer.
Then I went with Vaan Hunter, Basch Knight, Penelo White Mage.
I have no idea what to put Ashe for. I think I had her on Red Mage simply because I never used that class before.
Vaan is shikari for sure.
Penelo would no doubt be a white mage? Some kinda mage at least. She is a dancer in revanent wings so WM is pretty close.
Ashe is a sword and board kinda girl, when you first see her she is using it anyways.
Bashe seems like a great sword user. He is the most knight like person in the game and greatswords are knight's end game weapons.
>I think I had her on Red Mage simply because I never used that class before.
Also cause red mage can use swords and shields and she has those, forgot to mention.
>tfw no ivalice mmo
That actually does piss me off because I don't give a shit about XI and XIV but I love the world of Ivalice. I want to play as a Riskbreaker again ;_;
Just so you guys know.
Translations yo, so we ended up with this mess.
Yeah i was planning on using an ashe shikari/samurai + yagyu and genji goves
FFT/FFXII moogles are the best
Oh i forgot + dark robe too
I really enjoyed FFXII but when I reached the tower where you're supposed to deal with Cid I noticed it was the 2nd last dungeon or something and immediately lost interest. We just got a subplot before this area where the ancients were trying to use Ashe to sabotage the main villains' plans or something so I thought I had reached 70% of the game plot, not 90%.
I expected a bit more padding in the plot really but this is just my assumption from seeing the list of dungeons. Was I really that close to the final boss already?
so you ignored all the end game bonus dungeons and hunts and complained the game was too short?
>Was I really that close to the final boss already?
You weren't. Great job man.
yeah my biggest gripe was how the cutscenes became far too sparse in the end-game, there was barely any character interaction after the tomb of raithwall or whatever. if you didnt do any side quest hunts in non-story related zones until end-game then there'd maybe be a few more cutscenes like when you enter the deadlands for the first time, but outside of that it slowed to a crawl
also instead of red mage and time mage its Red Battlemage and Time Battlemage
Penelo has a great doujin made by Jingrock, before he started drawing fat bald old men NTR exclusively.
He was though, he's clearly talking about Pharos, and once you beat Cid and Famfrit at the top, it's one trip back to Rabanstre and then you're at the Bahamut for the final 40 minutes.
Pharos was honestly the real end-game dungeon, even with a walkthrough I remember getting lost, plus it has all of those end-game hunts + Yiazmat
the one where she has a dick?
That was the best one.
Yeah I don't mind XIV but the races are bland as fuck, would have been neat to implement the clan hunts and stuff while playing as a Bangaa Dragoon or Viera Red Mage
I didn't ignore those actually, I still did them but when the plot of a JRPG just drops the ball then I tend to lose interest in the game as a whole (along with some other IRL issues I had at the time).
Oh good, guess I'll pick up where I left off then.
They talked about making vieras a race didnt they? Would have been a perfect time for them to make that race with the release of zodiac age.
PS2 emulator
Thank you for reminding me.
"Penelo" in italian means something like "little penis".
Can someone give me a quick run down on the combat system? I played this for the PS2 but not the version with the job system
That would still leave your race selections as Human, lanklet human, big human, cat human, lizard human, rabbit human, and pedophile. Not particularly interesting choices.
Honestly one of the reasons early WoW was so successful is because you could choose to play the blatantly non-human Bad Guys faction and have a completely different experience to playing the Humans and Elves faction.
Which are cute too, it all fits.
It's the same but you have jobs instead of it being the same license board for everyone.