The great debate
The great debate
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There's no debate. Portal 2 is superior in every way. End thread
Portal 1 was more popular but Portal 2 was a better game
i hate stephen merchant so portal 1
Portal forever. Nothing comes close.
This. I get why Karl's bully instinct sometimes kicks i around him.
Portal felt like it did a lot with a small budget. 2 felt like it wasted a large budget on story sections that werent that good and gameplay that was less concise
Portal 1 was tech demo.
i have no friends
portal 1
Portal 1 has much better atmosphere and humor, and features puzzles which actually require thought about where to place a portal (most of Portal 2's puzzles have black tiles all over the place).
Multiplayer and a user-friendly level editor are huge advantages for Portal 2 though, so objectively the two games are more-or-less equal.
How is it even a debate? Portal 2 was better in every single way.
Probably the only game I know of that deserved it's 10/10.
p1's visuals are incredibly bland and the gameplay isn't anything beyond necessity
p2 creates a far more interesting visual (and narrative) world to explore, and adds new gameplay mechanics on top of the original ones
there's really no excuse to pick 1 other than really strongly disliking the narrative
though that is definitely a valid reason
Portal, cause my autism kicks in due to that they updated the ending to a shittier one, just so the could justify a sequel.
Portal 1 is better for me. All I want is a good puzzle game with a nice gimmick.
In 2 I get a lesser version of that and a whole lot of other nonsense I didn't ask for.
Portal 1 is fun to replay. 2 isn't because I know that every 3 puzzles some wacky shit has to happen.
this is like comparing L4D and L4D2. The sequel is better in every single way, and there is literally 0 reasons to play the original, because the sequel has/can have all the levels from the original.
Not to mention if you only play portal games for the puzzles, you can just play community chambers indefinitely
Portal is a nearly 'Perfect Game'. Portal 2 was a huge disappointment for not pushing things as far as it should have, neither mechanically or in the mostly retread plot. It was too short, versus Portal 1 being perfectly sized for its price and ambition. It was still a very good game judges entirely on its own merits, it just failed to even approach the original.
If the in-game level editor and auto-workshop system they tried to add later had actually worked that might have justified its existence. Otherwise, I wish they'd just put the effort into something a little more actually novel/unique (capturing the Spirit of Portal rather than just More Portal).
They're both dull shit.
I dont see how any one can enjoy a game where half the time you have to spend reading a walkthrough to play it.
>needing a walkthrough for Portal
whos that gamer girl who said that she didnt complete portal because it was too long?
but it doesn't stop her from enjoyit it ;)
Portal 1 almost feels like a demo for portal 2
>I dont see how any one can enjoy a game where half the time you have to spend reading a walkthrough to play it.
i think maybe you don't have the brain to play the game.
1 was a better designed with more difficult puzzles and little to no downtime while 2 has more replayability with co-op and the Steam Workshop and mods.
2 is the best in terms of content and what will keep you coming back, but the main game had several flaws while I'd argue that the first one was 10/10 and is one of the few games I've ever played that had literally nothing wrong with it, if that somehow makes any sense.
>1 was a better designed with more difficult puzzles and little to no downtime
Because it's like, a two-hour long game
Portal has better atmosphere and humor but Portal 2 has better puzzles.
And? So long the game is appropriately priced, there is nothing wrong with a short game.
>half the time you have to spend reading a walkthrough to play Portal
This is both hilarious and pitiful.
autism incarnate
I thought that the p1 story was better
Portal 1 had consistent quality.
Portal 2 had higher highs, but fucking lower lows. Man fuck those "Find the little white dot where you can shoot a portal" levels.
decent bait
not really, it was pretty obvious and I can't believe all those people actually fell for it, but it was a good one though
Portal 2 almost felt like portal went mainstream and sold out you cluck
fuck this guy. hate his voice
Regardless, pretty much sums up Portal 1 vs 2
>walkthrough to play it.
>it was too long?
I swear portal is like a 2-3 hour game.
>I swear portal is like a 2-3 hour game.
That's the issue...
imo 2 was superior, with more physics, harder puzzles, longer game, and a relatively decent story
>on Portal
nice b8
Even if you are a brainlet, getting stuck, experimenting, and piecing it toghether is literally the fun of the game.
both are shit but 2 is better
>The great debate
What fucking debate? Portal 1 is a god tier fun little puzzle game and Portal 2 is annoying overproduced reddit tier fan service.