SMT thread

Why do kids claim that final is better than Nocturne? Also SMT thread personababies not welcome

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Because it is.

I sure hope I'm making the right choice going chaos in my first run of SMT 2

I've only played Nocturne and I'm planning to play the others.

Is SMT IV a good game to play next?

SMT IV has its flaws. But, it's still a solid game.
Then follow it up with Apocalypse after.

The boss fights in SMT IV: A don't revolve around boss attack RNG as much as Nocturne, like there's nothing like Mot's Beast Eye spam.

I think the only things truly out of your control are random crits, and maybe Krishna's status effects but there's the hazmat suit and Alice for that.

No It's not.
>worst story
>worst protagonist
>worst music
4 is even worse than Apocalypse. I recommend Digital Devil Saga next.

>I recommend a game with no fusing, negotiations and endless grinding next

>worst story
Nocturne didn't have a story yet it was still terrible. Final has a story and while bad is still better than Nocturne because at least the characters aren't cliche law and chaos (or reason) advocates who do nothing but spout dribble at you.

>worst protagonist
Nanashi fits his games atmosphere to a t. He's also not a jobber.

>worst music
Come on now. IV and Final had the best OST in Megaten history.

I am playing through DDS1 for the first time and I am about to go into Nirvana, but isit even worth it to go for a second playthrough? Having no Macca and losing all your stats seems like a very big chore, even if the Demi Fiend is in it. Is fighting the Four Guardians and all of the other optional bosses even worth it, or should I just go for finishing the story and moving on to DDS2?

SMT and Persona a shit

I found Apocalypse to be pretty shitty.

>IV and Final had the best OST in Megaten history.
You were doing so good up until that part too.

It's "Apocalypse", not "Final" you dirty weeb.

>mfw we will never get a new devil summoner ever again

>worst music
look a this faggot and laugh

Should I play the SNES or IOS version of SMT 1?

DDS 1 and 2 are god-tier, but they have nothing on this.

iOS, its the only officially translated version of SMT 1

There is not a single song better than ONE

They're stupid and probably played this and 4 first. I would say the combat system and fusion are better but everything else, bosses, dungeons, story, setting, even the fucking characters are worse and that's really fucking saying something considering Nocturne's are just barely a step above cardboard cutouts. I know a lot of people will say combat and fusion is all they need but in my opinion if I've got nothing interesting that I want to do with either of those mechanics outside of random encounters then it doesn't really matter in the end.

i've literally never seen anyone say that

>4 is even worse than Apocalypse

uh no

LMAO not preferring Persona to mainline

You're making the correct choice. Lawfags are retarded especially in SMT2. Neutral is equally retarded

post favorite demons

Final is great and i also play persona

deal with it faggot

is this the only theme that has been in both smt and persona?

You haven't been in a lot of recent smt threads have you? Nowadays nintenbabies claim that Nocturne almost ruined SMT but 4 and Final revitalized it

I'd die for her

SMT 2 has the happiest chaos ending
makes you feel like a savoir
It also helps that Lucifer is pretty bro in that game



Been playing Megami Tensei II.
Anybody else get a bit of a Dragon Quest vibe from this game?

does anyone here mod P3P? I'm doing it right now and changing all the music to some reel shin megoomi tensay music

Because in terms of gameplay and QoL improvement, it's far above Nocturne.
Though if you speak about atmoshpere, Nocturne is pretty much unbeatable. And given how shitty is the writing in IVA, Nocturne is also better in term of story, which is quite a feat since the game didn't have a very interesting story to begin with...
But come on, we are all SMTfags, we must not fight among ourselves. Persona is the real nemesis.

Not him but while I agree that it's a very debatable opinion, SMT IV and IVA do have a pretty good soundtrack imo.

>persona 3+ is the real nemesis

I dunno man, I beat Nocturne this week and the OST wasn't all that great.
I only really liked a handful of them those were.
>Fiend theme
>pre conception map
>last map area theme
>oldman from the underworld
Other than those I thought the rest were just okay or meh.
Amala battle theme is cool too, but that one is originally from if....

Persona 5 has better dungeons than SMT4 and Apocalypse.

>Nocturne didn't have a story
It did but it's just 2deep4u

> at least the characters aren't cliche law and chaos (or reason)
Confirmed for not playing the game. Nocturne law and chaos are far from cliche.

I found Nocturne too slow, and the repeated animations get nauseating

>persona 3+
Indeed. The first two games (never played Innocent Sin so I don't know) were great.

It has longer dungeons for sure, but I wouldn't say they were better. They were pretty much boring very quickly, and - I speak for myself here - absolutely not memorable. Not hard, nor clever, just tedious, because you get how they work extremely quickly and they last forever. But I guess that's also because the pace of Persona 3+ games is fundamentaly broken, when you want to optimize your time.

Though, in Persona, dungeons are not even 30% of the game. And even in SMT, it's clearly not the main selling point of the game either.

>Got both these games for £10 all in from CEX and they smell of piss

What am I in for


I'm loving 4 so far, I thought Nocturne was average

wait a minute that switch...

I thought Nocturnes dungeon weren't all that memorable either the only dungeons I liked was the moonphase thing in the obelisk, playing tag with Dante from devil may cry and those optical illusions in the diet building.
Maybe I had too much expectations og itbsince I heard a lot if anons talk about how trash iv and IVA was because of the lack dungeons and how shit the p5 dungeons were compared to nocturnes dungeons.

Actually Kamoshida Castle is the only dungeon I didn't find too bad. Maybe because I was happy they dropped the RNG levels and was still surprise about that. But it might also be because the game took the time to built up a bit Kamoshida personality, and because I wasn't already aware of the cycle that was going to happen for the rest of the game : new bad guy, new partner, new confession, repeat.

It's got better gameplay, better story/characters, mostly better music, and better pacing.

How could you forget this one?

>Apocalypse improved almost everything from IV
>But some fucking retard decided it would be a good idea to lock the skill slot apps behind levels
>Need level 75 to get all 8 demon skill slots
Its really fucking hard to enjoy the improvements when the best part of the game (demon fusion/management) feels so god damn restricted. What the fuck Atlus.

Probably because literally everything id better than nocturne when it's not strictly about zhe combat/fusioning.

Fucking hell, even games like pong and tetris have a more coherent story and characters than nocturne.

Eh I am not really a huge senpai of teleporter dungeons, but now that you mention the amala temple, the red temple wuth the shadows was cool too.

>I am not really a huge senpai of teleporter dungeons
Exactly, the White Temple is objectively bad on all levels which is how I'm not sure how you could forget it or the Tower of Kagutsuchi.

I don't think you're giving the Assembly of Nihilo enough credit, I thought the puzzles in that one were the second best behind the Moon Phase ones in the Obelisk.

It was for the best, if you could use 8 skills from the start the game would be way easier orbthe begining atleast and I'll take that over rng skill inheritance any time of the day.

c l a i m e d

Personally i think that if there is one part of the game that needs to be easier or at least get by faster its the beginning. Its probably the worst part of the game because of how restricted you are by the lack of apps. They should instead focus on making the mid and end parts of the game harder. Look at how much of a joke IV turned out after Naraku.

Nocturne is a bit different from IV and IVA in terms of dungeons since it actually has dungeons and some pretty difficult ones (though I played the game when I was younger so...). But from what I recall, this game gave me hard time.

My complain about P5 was more that the dungeons were too long and in the same time, not very interesting in term of level design. It really felt like an artificial way to boost the length of the game (which was absolutely not necessary). I mean I know it's not a zelda or something dungeon, but if you just want to throw some regular basic RPG dungeons, don't make them drag on so many floors...
I also have a real problem with the writing of the game but that's another story, and even SMTIVA is very hard to defend on that specific point.

Because the fusion system in Nocturne is ass.

That alone makes Nocturne worse.

>They should instead focus on making the mid and end parts of the game harder. Look at how much of a joke IV turned out after Naraku.
Yeah IV was pretty much a victory lap after Naraku, but I thought IVA was consistently hard and it gave mea much harder time than nocturne.
By the time I got divine shot I blew through bosses pretty easily and when I got deadly fury and spiral viper the gane was pretty much over in terms of difficulty.
The last boss I remember giving me a hard time in nocturne was kin-ki or sui-ki.

my dick is confused

>Want to play these games
>Just have a PC..


Nocturne dungeons aren't all that hard, the first few dungeons were har, because it was a battle of endurance for the most part, but when I went out of my way to fuse a demon with makatira and manalift that problem was pretty much solved for the rest of the fane the only dungeon that stopped me in my tracks for a second was the moonphase one where you had to figure out how you had to walk to fight all three sisters in one run.
However if there is one level that drove ne insane it was fucking puzzleboy.

You can emulate most ifvthem though unless you mean the 3ds ones specifically.

No Nocturne just has the worst SMT story.

every emulate every smt game ever

>you mean the 3ds ones specifically.

I mean the 3ds ones actually..Is it possible?

How shitty is your PC? Nocturne is very easy to play on PCSX2, and pretty much most of the old-school games (Up until SMT2) are easy to emulate, and SJ can be played on DeSmuME. I'm not sure if there's a good 3DS emulator yet, so tough shit for 4/4A.

Ahriman/Noah/Chiaki's battle theme is goat though

I don't think I disliked a JRPG party more than I disliked the gang in Apocalypse. I didn't hate them or anything, but I didn't click with them at all. Maybe it'd be better if I played with Japanese VA

you can*
yes but with 60-80% emulation speed

I take it you've never played Apocalypse?

I take it you've never played Nocturne?

That is why you kill them, but if I have to be honest the only one I actually cared about was Gaston, navarre and Hal were allright, Doggo was okay because shitting on her was fun (fucking power), I did not care for Toki at all in the slightest and Nozomi can die in a ditch as far as I care and as I am writing this I realized I forgot about the monkey which is telling what I think of her.

Going to replay Nocturne soon, so I wanted to set up my team in advance. I feel like I could've done this better, so if you want to help you can.

Get a koppa tengu it carried me until like halfway through the game.

Aside from his boss fight there is literally nothing wrong with Isamu, he just wanted a world where people were free to be themselves.

He is a fucking loser, he is the only one who gets rekt by someone else.

Besides the fact that his movations don't make sense and he does a complete 180 in personality.

I take it you've never played Persona 5 ?

Nah joking, it's not even a real competition.

Please tell me that's a shop.

The entire fucking game is pretty much "ADULTS ARE BAD FUCK THEM".

Oh yeah I remember the first dungeons to be an absolute ordeal ahah. It was my first SMT, didn't know what to expect. Though like I said, for me the dungeons never were the selling point of SMT nor persona games. Might also be why I liked IV and IVA more in terms of gameplay.

it shouldn't be.

It's not. And it's not a one time sentence. It's basically the leitmotiv of the game.

I've played it but I don't remember Ryuji saying that line verbatim, that's also an oversimplification of what the game is trying to get across it's about people in power who abuse said power. Yoshida and Iwai are both adults and aren't 'evil'.

persona games are aimed at edgy underage teens
more news at eleven

Apoc literally had the best gameplay from an SMT yet, mainline and spinoffs.

Spotted the edgelord

after seeing them high heels you're right

>I've played it but I don't remember Ryuji saying that line verbatim
He spouts that or some variation of it plenty of times for like the first two or three palaces, then he chills for the rest of the game.

I liked IV and IVA more too, Nocturne is a great game, but the only thing it has over is atmosphere and production value.
You could argue character as well, but the are hardly in there you just come across them 2 or 3 times in the game where they just talk about their reasons for a bit so you know what their deal is and then just fuck off.

Yes it's a simplification. But the story telling is god awful and the characters have anime-tier personality, so the whole "real message" of the game is beyond irrelevant at that point.

I beat the game a second time a few days ago. I went for the friend ending since I did the anarchy on my first run.

It felt weird seeing that kind of ending that would normally suit a Persona game.

Because it has shitty animu waifubait like Asahi and Toki.

That is why no one should go bonds what they did to dagda was disgusting and them pretending like it is fine makes them even worse than anarchy Nanashi.