Look up game I'm interested in online

>Look up game I'm interested in online
>It has no trophies, no platinum or almost impossible to get trophies

No thanks.



I love how frogposters don't even try to shitpost anymore

>look up game I'm intrested in
>Only matter if it's fun and has good controls

>Most likely sitting in your steam library is Stanley Parable.
How does it feel to know you own a game you will never be able to complete?

This shouldn't be allowed

>he cares about achievements
How retarded can you get?

>He plays for "fun" aka I'm shit at games and can't face a challenge

>Read anonymous post
>It's a stupid frogposter

No (you) for you

>mfw I play games solely for trophies now

Achievements are just runner up medals for downies, they are NEVER an indicator of skill. If anything, they are an autism red flag.

t. babby who hasn't platinum'd Crash N'Sane Trilogy

I guess trophies like finishing Ninja gaiden 2 on master ninja difficulty or DMC on DMD are no measure of skill? Winning so many games in a row online in a fighting game? Being ranked #1 in the world at a game? Retard, just admit you're shit, we don't care but they are an indicator of skill.

That's one deep grave you are digging there. Tell me about your complete little pony collection next.


lel lmao why don't they just call them achievements like everyone else? Fucking special sonyflakes.

Because getting a play beats getting an achievement any day. It is truly the superior version.

>Winning so many games in a row online in a fighting game
You're one hell of a funny person.

T. Scrub

>This thread

Name literally any fighting game and I'll show you why you and your winning streak achievements are equally hilarious.

On PC, of course. I don't have any mental illness so I'm afraid I don't own a PS4.

dam w2c

So you're saying fighting games don't take skill? It doesn't take skill to beat your opponents? Think about what you're saying.

>It doesn't take skill to beat your opponents
This one, in several scenarios. For example, pit the biggest retard (you) against the second biggest retard in a game. There's gonna be a winner, but neither player is necessarily good at the game. Couple that with a ranking system in the option to be matched only against people of similar skill, and you got quite a few sony downies thinking their winning streak achievements make them hot shit.

Nice projection but I'm pretty good at fighting games. If you want your win you better earn it.

>"complete chapter x"
>"get all weapons"
>"get all 100 hidden y"
wew what a challenge, Autisimo

>Self confessed online warrior
>I'm pretty good at fighting games

That's basic shit. Try getting all trophies in a game like the binding of Isaac or getting the emperor trophy in elder scrolls online.

I knew Sup Forums was shit at games but holy fuck.

holy shit user stop trying this hard

Enjoy your autism and hard earned achivements, hardcore gamer.

I'm sure all those indie games and casual mobile moba shit on your $5k pc give you a great challenge. You'll maybe get some console scraps one day and see what a proper modern game is like in around 8 years or so.

Holy shit, you aren't being ironic, are you? We really have retards like you posting like they belong here now? No wonder Sup Forums is so shit, toddlers that were born in the same year the 360 was released are clearly posting here now.

I guarantee you're no older than 15.

Hyper Light Drifter has the most insane trophy list I have ever seen and the fact that not even like half of the trophies have a 1% completion rate is telling of that.

>Look up game I'm interested in online
>It has an in game achievement system which rewards you with xp and items you can use in game

Remember when achievements were announced for the first time on Xbox 360 and people laughed and treated it as a joke?

Those were good times.

That's the subtlest admission of being a 17 years old shitter I've ever seen. Go unbirth yourself, you aren't ready for this cruel world.

Nintendo are ruining current gaming with their "fun" games. They have absolutely zero challenge or reason to replay them.

I've been playing since the atari was first launched but nice try.

>Half of the achievements are either from multiplayer that no one plays, or DLC that no one in sane mind bought

>friend owns a PS4 and PC
>has access to a game on both platforms
>PC version is cheaper, runs smoother and controls infinitely better
>buys it on PS4 because he wants trophies
>'there's Steam achievements if you really care about that autist bullshit'

>over 15
>cares about achievements
You sad little fucker

You don't even need achievements for Isaac, all the hard shit is on the way to 100% the game. It isn't telling you to do anything a normal completion playthrough wouldn't have you do, meaning that it wouldn't change one bit if achievements didn't exist for it, and that OP ignoring it if it didn't have achievements show how dumb his mentality is.

Achievements made everybody play Halo 3 on legendary with 4 person co-op. I did it like 3-4 times to help others get the achievements.

That shit was so fun. People spawn on whoever is standing still, I remember banging this thing into a cliff and having everyone spawn then fall to their death instantly. Never got old.

>You even get steam trading cards which you can sell for real money

Im not a console player,can someone explain to me whats the point of trophies?
Do they give you points or something so you can get games for free?

>Achievements made everybody
You mean all the 5 year olds that didn't know better. Everyone else either, didn't care or hated that shit.

Back then it used to be high scores in the arcades we all went for but keep playing your games with no improvement. Kids like you are the reason games are dumbed down now.

No. People just see them on your profile. People gave a shit about achievements for about 2 years back in 2007, nobody has ever really cared about trophies/steam achievements.

Bragging rights for doing shit that was usually shit the devs didn't incentivize in-game so they just throw it in as an achievemnt.

Doing a lost run is pretty hard if you don't get a good setup to cheese the game

So they are useless?
I kinda expected a reward for going through the trouble of getting them all.

lmao did you grow up in a 90s show for teenagers or something? Nobody gave a single fuck about high scores. Getting a high score didn't earn you respect, it earned you the title of "that kid that filled the high score list with funny swearing".

I played arcades through the 80s and 90s and they used to have huge crowd's of people around them competing for the high score, it was a lot of fun and you used to make friends with the people bit you kids just know about playing on your own and being assholes to each other so you wouldn't know any better.

>Bragging rights for doing shit that was usually shit the devs didn't incentivize in-game
>Beat the tutorial
>Beat Chapter 1
>Beat Chapter 2
>Win 3 fights
>Kill 30 mooks
>Stop 10 robberies
>Beat the game
>Get the good ending
>Get the bad ending
damn, look at these bragging rights. when do the pretty girls come to suck my dick?

>game has achievements
>they're almost all things you'd be doing naturally with enough playtime anyway
>despite this they're all very difficult to get because the game itself is difficult
>the hardest ones are purely for the hardcore players and require insane game knowledge to do successfully
>the game is so fun that you want to get the achievements anyway

spelunky was easily my favourite purchase this summer sale

>being over 30
>defending autism tokens
>on Sup Forums
Nice life you have there, arcade grandmaster.
Achievements are nothing than a flashing notofication telling you what you just did. AMAZING!

I'm kind of with you OP, I like to play through games while checking off the trophies as I play and some games have far too easy platinums which is disappointing. The trophy thing is a competition I have going with my friends, we're always competing to see who can have the most, we're neck and neck most of the time, so when you buy a game you're interested in and it doesn't have a plat or the plat is super common, it's a big of a negative. I don't buy games just for the trophies though and I'll get the game on PC if it has first person gameplay. I got NieR Automata, Mad Max and Prey all on PC even though I would love to have tried to platinum them. I still go for the achievements on steam, because it's fun, but the pay off isn't as good.

I played arcades through the 90s and they used to have huge crowd's of people around them competing with each other. it was a lot of fun and you used to make friends with the people bit you kids just know about playing on your own and being assholes to each other so you wouldn't know any better. There was always that odd autist playing by himself thinking that looping a shitty AI was comparable in skill to beating a thinking, feeling human being.

It's a part of gaming so why not? If you're shit then it's understandable. I'm sure those amiibos you collected are a true badge of honour.

>It's a part of gaming so why not?
Because it's shit for autists that only started existing about 10 years ago and was never well received. Shit grandpa, you going senile already?

It is ok grandmaster, show them women all your awesome achievements. Maybe one day a failed 40 year old will notice you and your awesome skillz.

I remember the real fights that used to break out over fighting games, people getting beat in the game and then beating each other in real life.

It was never well received yet there is entire communities dedicated to it. OK

Being shit at games and this unsociable. Have a great life if you survive your suicide attempt.

I'm sorry you got brain damage from being beaten up in real life.Now you gotta live the rest of your life as an achievement hunting autist instead of gaining actual skill in videogames. But hey, if SFV says you are an SSSpectular player, then don't let me tell you otherwise.

No Gold and Coop Win took me fucking forever such a good game though

You what, grandmaster? Are achievements this important to you? You are not shitposting? I pity you.
Have a good gayming day with lots of achievements and awesome skillz!

I didn't bother with sfv since it's shit. Have fun playing Mine craft though, the challenge should be enough for you.

Why do something if you're not trying to improve on your skills? You should always be trying to better yourself no matter what you do.

Why can't people let go of pepe and wojak, even normalfags dropped them a long time ago.

do both players need to be alive for the co-op run? considered just plugging in a controller for player 2 and just using them as a weapon/backup life
no gold seems next to impossible though, not only can you not get items without stealing or being lucky you gotta dodge a lot more than usual

almost made it to hell though so maybe that place will train me enough to smash through that challenge

I'm going to go for the "dig 30 blocks" and "place 30 blocks" achievements today, wish me luck! Hopefully one day I'll be able to master all the epic skillz needed for the "dig 100 blocks" and "place 100 blocks achievements".

Good luck, remember to ask your parents or carer to help you if you get stuck! We believe in you!

this, tbqh
if the game doesn't have acchievements it's the sure sign that i'll play it once and be done within a few hours.
having acchievements gives me a reason to keep playing.
it might just be ocd, but i feel like i haven't beat a game or gotten my full money's worth if it's not 100%'d.

Because some people don't care about gayming skills and just play games they like for fun.
I don't care if someone on a malaysian dog catching forum thinks im good at gaymes, cause i don't play for them.
You sound like one of those guys that daydreams about beating a game in front of everyone to impress his crush.

Thanks, and good luck to you with those very hard to get SSS ranks against the computer!

And here, don't forget your good luck charm, you fucking manchild.

And what fun do you get from casually strolling through a game? You might as well watch a movie. Why don't you want to improve? Some games are a lot better on harder difficulties.

die u dejnrit burnyfags

Improve your hygiene and dietary habits you autistic waste of oxygen.

I shower every day, work out and eat well. I guess I'm what you would call a "normie".

Real life is not anime. You don't have to improve all the time in everything.
And your are trying to move the conversation away from your achievement autism.
>achievements =/= improvement

>look up a gameplay of game I'm interested in

Anime is for kids, the stuff is embarrassing. And you do need to learn some skills to get harder trophies so yes, it applies.

>its a minute and a half intro

I hope you realize how out of the realm of possibility that statement is based on your previous posts, and hope that the fact that you can't even lie convincingly about being a normal, productive person on an anonymous board puts in perspective just how much of a pathetic shitstain you really are.

Lol you're really annoyed with me,aren't you? I don't get why but I hope you can improve your own life someday.

>Lol you're really annoyed with me,aren't you?
And they say you can't teach social cues to an autist.

Lol ok kid