Does anyone still play this shit?.
Does anyone still play this shit?
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I died in the big bang.
what a cute little cummies receptacle
I play it off and on
Usually I'll make a character, have fun leveling it up, and then get bored of soloing bosses and quit
Couple months later I'll get the urge to play again and the cycle repeats
What's the point
I watched some videos showcasing high level characters, and they all seem to play the same
Cute, but too bad the gameplay is shit.
Are you God?
If by "all play the same" you mean that they all use skills, then you're right
Despite MapleStory being bloated with different jobs, that's the one thing nice about it; all the classes are pretty unique in terms of gameplay
Take classes like Mechanic, Zero, Blaster and Hayato for example
I'd say the one thing pretty much all classes have in common now though is that they all have a form of flash jump or quick movement options
Im playing on mapleroyals and having a blast
Is maplestory 2 out yet for USAm
Don't remind me user. Mines broken. It'll load the security and then just boot me back to the launcher. No one can help. I just want to play the new update.
are you loading from the website?
i remember that being an issue a while ago for me and i just went inside and launched from the folder
No, Nexon is more focused in Lawbreakers and mobile games.
Also for whatever reason Nexon is buying all mobile studios they can.
no because the game is shit
>more focused in Lawbreakers and mobile games
This very true
Feels like their mobile department is miles ahead in terms of interaction and communication with its players compared to whoever the fuck is in charge of the MMOs
I miss royals
I miss having friends to play with
it's worth playing if you play on reboot assuming they fixed the lag by now
This is the only way to play it anymore sadly.
Get the urge to grind and then give up when leveling once takes a day or two.
>Combat arms NA california dev team was laid off and moved to other games
>EU team was put in charge
>Lose 70% of the player base because they ruined the game in one patch
Whoever is in charge of such decisions should be fired.
Did they still restrict trading there?
Can you group up with people for bosses?
My wife and I downloaded this just to meme around a bit. Both our accounts have been banned most likely thanks to Koreans.
>Did they still restrict trading there?
no trading on reboot
>Can you group up with people for bosses?
yes you can, in fact most late game bosses are straight up impossible without many party members
in the sense of mostly holding shift or whatever to do 100 billion DPS in 100 hits per second? yes.
however there's far more to a class than their main attacking skill.
phantom can steal the skills of other classes and the buffs off of bosses,
shadowers can make the entire party invincible for a minute
luminous can clear entire maps solo in like an instant
aran has a combo system that needs to be maintained to use many of her abilities and do max damage
kaisers can transform into half dragon super forms, one of the types of demon builds damage by stacking HP and casts their skills from HP, etc.
there's a lot of unique things about the classes, especially the modern classes that have their own storylines and unique areas
Yes, sadly
>having friends to play with
>this was 10 years ago
wish there was a setting to hide all this bullshit and clutter of other characters
I'd offer to play with you user, but my social anxiety would probably make me extremely awkward to talk to
It's too bad you died in the patch that made the game much more tolerable.
Welcome to current MapleStory, user
Lies, that's only on GM events.
Commonly mostly of towns are empty except by AFKers.
Check the FM of Khaini for example.
i dont know how people like this shit
pets i can understand, but this is shark jumping bs
Oh, yeah
I was posting that picture just to show how bad the clutter is (or can be) now
But that's what classic maplestory looked like too whenever an event was going on.
>Giant floating soul weapons and items that create other flying things around a character
>Chairs that LITERALLY take up the entire screen
>Even more character clutter with the addition of androids
And that's on Reboot and not the actual servers themselves where huge-ass chairs are the norm
I'll give you summons like the Ice Golem and people using skills
MapleStory is the DBZ of Korean grindan games.
Eventually everyone got some crazy rainbow hair and all abilities blow up the world.
For anyone that's interested, there's a 1x1x1 server coming out in August, it's going to start out with the very first version of Maplestory and it's going to have patches and shit.
The community is getting big and there's quite a lot of people on the discord.
Almost a decade ago, I tried this and got to lvl 26 solo as a archer.
Why is this game still going? Tell me all about it.
Pretty much the first solid 2D platformer.
But yeah, old Maplestory is the original Dragon Ball series, new maplestory is DB super.
That image. I'm glad it died then.
this is a meme server and has been in production for years
>more tolerable
Sure, if you mean by homonogizing all the classes and fucking up the entire world map in an attempt to cut back on useless content, while piling on more content for their whales to dig into. Not a single new class post bb is even remotely interesting, everyone plays the same, and to top it all off it's just jerking off to the big numbers you get from putting money into cubes and shit.
MS2 was so fucking bad not even koreans liked it
Royals was fun until the niggers went full retard and destroyed the Sup Forums guild.
does this sound like maplestory music to anyone else
Yeah, but it's less grinding.
could start by not leaving as the guild leader for four months
I know right? Fuck that sadwolf guy who expelled everyone.
Not sure what you're talking about lad. The reason the Sup Forums guild exploded was because of the nigger leaders charging guildmates for zak runs or kicking members out of zak runs to bring in other people who buy the masks. You guys might've been in the guild before that one. Guild was called Not Again and spooky
It's coming out next month m8, it's confirmed.
nice goggles retard
1x exp is a waste of time
I miss kusoge
Henesys hoes never change it seems.
I was surprised at how much I liked the reboot server but with all my friends gone I lost the motivation to play. I actually like a lot of the changes to classes they make (even if some become slightly more homogenized) but without the people I originally played with its just not as enjoyable.
if u fucks are still interested i made a guild called autists. if /v wants to play for a bit im down.
I barely bother anymore. I got a bunch of characters to 5th job already with over 1 million range each, but the game takes too much commitment now that I have a job, school, and real hobbies that I enjoy taking up the rest of my free time. My friends also all stopped playing, and my favourite guild died, so I'm essentially playing SoloStory right now.
I miss /msg/
Also have a webm of the most fun skill in the game
For me the most fun skill is still Mercedes Leap Tornado when combined with its other link skills. Still, what you posted is pretty nuts. Is that a 5th job F/P mage skill?
That's pretty much how Ragnarok Online has been for years now, but people still play that. Asian MMOs mang..
It is, yeah. I main Corsair and Thunder Breaker, but F/P has always been my favourite class since like 2008. Evan was pretty great too but I'm iffy on the revamp.
>MS2 was so fucking bad not even koreans liked it
I stopped following MS2's development, what went wrong?
My favorite class and the one I got to the highest level was my I/L but I've always felt a sort of bond with F/P mages and thought they were cool.
To this day some of my favorite video game music to date.
Now I'm in a very musical mood!
LaTale also has an incredible OST.
La Tale is one of those games that looks incredible visually but there was something about it that just felt off to me
Gameplay wasn't exactly my cup of tea either
Very good music though, like you said
Two of my personal favorites
The gameplay is fun for me, but the game overall feels cheap. Maplestory feels incredibly polished by comparison.
Still my favorite song, gives me that feeling of being on an adventure and trying to travel
A shame it got shoved into being the BGM for a Themed Dungeon area
I really like a lot of the newer themes as well. Music in this game in general has some nice atmosphere.
Did anyone else have a jobless character or an islander? Those were fun. Too bad they made Islanders pointless with the reworks that allow you to revist the island. Were some of the most comfiest things smacking pigs for hours with friends. ;_;;
I kind of admired those jobless people way back when but I also always felt like that would get way too stale and repetitive. Though that was back when the grind was way worse and it too me several days just to get a level at level 60ish.
ur life is a waste of time kid
>big bang
all my friends stopped playing after they released pay to win items such as 2x exp cards and TCG in game items. Giving players a faster leveling speed does not make the game bad.
join the retards guild on maplelegends whisper KAWAIIKILLA
only estonians in this guild
arcane stones killed the game
shake and kult are gay fuccbois
not jking
im indifferent
>arcane stones
What the fuck are these now?
neo tokyo when
fifth job skill system
These robots gave me a boner
How do I make a private server only I myself can play in?
Seems like the right thing to do since the regular server is like playing alone anyway.
It takes a lot of effort and you need to set shit up in a certain way or else it'll explode. I've done it a few times and it was always a complete fucking pain that took many hours