
expensive talent fee, perhaps?

Other urls found in this thread:


He wouldn't fit the character's personality or background. It would be pandering at the cost of quality.

I can see Crews playing the part of a previous Doomfist, but that will be a minor cameo that probably won't happen for some time.

Doomfist isn't a black american

He's a Hollywood actor, and also working on voicing in an entirely different game. He doesn't have time to come in every few months and do voice lines because he has other jobs. Crackdown 3 is taking up his time, and it's still in development, so it'll be taking it up for quite a while. I hoped it would be Terry too, but as soon as I saw that Crackdown 3 trailer, I knew there would be no way.

He probably voices a skin of another Doomfist so they could pay him less.

The guy voicing him is a trained stage actor, but naturally redditors like you would rather have LE WACKY SHOUTING BLACK MAN

then why the character so lacking in personality and background?

The only criticism I have for Blizzard over this is that they should've made it clear early on that it wouldn't be Terry, rather than feeding the fire. Otherwise, why would throwing their vision of a character out of the window because of fan input be a good idea?

>wouldn't fit the personality
>every character proceeds to have a silly quirky taunt and emote XD
This was solely a retarded move that pleases no one but the diversity quota
T. Minority who is sick of this stupid bullshit that adds nothing but token nothingness

>If you don't like what I like you're reddit xDDD
Now I'll add more layers of irony to my post and call you a summerfag.

Doomfist has a background beyond being a black man?

a black man who was in jail


Hes a Nigerian Terrorist, Crews wouldn't fit

But that FULL POWER is awesome & it would be really cool for him to voice another Doomfist

You know he's an actor right? One of the things that actors do is act like someone who has a different personality to them.

Actually all this whine about Terry Crews not casting Doomfist is made by band of overhyped childerens. Let me tell something about this.

Before release of Doomfist, everyone thoughs that Doomfist is brainless fucking pile of black meat, without any brain, emotions, goals, and only one thing that made him one of the Talon leaders is he can level a skyscreeper, and that was anything he can. That was before releasing Origins Story movie.

After Origins Story my first though was "Thank God they didnt cast Terry Crews as Doomfist", and It was not because Terry Crews is bad at acting and being VA, but because his voice, his experience as actor and VA was far too different than Doomfist himself is. Terry Crews is best VA for hero with POWER, MUSCLES, OLD SPICES and Scream all over his face, but problem is, Doomfist is not one of this guy.

Doomfist is fucking Alpha of fighters, great tactican, toned to fucking limits, and because of that, extremaly dangerous, and Terry Crews is just not that type of guy.

That's why I think Blizzard made a good move.

You know what name doesn't fit his character? Doomfist. We didn't need a super fucking serious edgelord.

>fans hype themselves up for something that blizzard never once said would happen
>get mad at blizzard when they don't do it
I hate nublizzard as much as anyone else but come the fuck on faggots

Has he commented on this yet?

Yeah, and Crews wouldn't do a good job at that? You know what I meant, idiot.

>Great tactician
>Stand alone in the middle of the city just punching whoever attacks him

Because all you'd think about while playing him is Terry Crews and not Doomfist.

Well, if they cant do you a scratch, why even bother?

Just look how much fucks he gave when Tracer just fly around him, It was just "meh"

I think on his twitter he just said that he appreciates every ones comments and consideration, but he still loves blizzard and is liking how Doomfist is

Would have been funny if doomfist was still this serious straight edgelord and they got terry crews to literally voice the doomfist
so they have these like back and forths and it could have been a funny reveal in game to contrast the super serious trailer they put out.

>Can't do a scratch
>Still get beaten and sent to prison
10/10 strategy

>remove any semblance of a personality for COOL DARK DANGEROUS
>while he's still lugging around a gold-plated arm the length of his body
Doomfist is a shitty design idea that shouldn't be taken seriously. His name is fucking "Doomfist", he's what a kid would name their character. Trying to play it up like a threatening villain is laughable.

>hurr terry crews wouldn't fit the character

No, he wouldn't, because the character is shit and the collective mental image everyone had was far more interesting. None of anything of what we know about doomfist was established before the reveal, so he could've been anything, and they took him down the worst possible route.

That would have been good & fit into Overwatch's tone




Doomfist is portrayed as a serious, ambitious character with dark goals. Terry Crews, while a great actor, just wouldn't fit the character. People who want Terry Crews were obviously hoping for him to voice Doomfist in an over-the-top, memetic manner with lots of shouting and POWEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR, which would have stuck out like a sore thumb when you actually look at Doomfist's story.

The only mistake Blizzard made was not shooting down the speculation right away to prevent people from getting their hopes up. The voice they went with is just fine.

Gorilla itself can leave you without hands, guess what can do Genetically modified one.

All that can be taken as saving power for Boss Fight.

Do you even think user?

Read something about his lore. That would save you time from writing such bullshit.

>cost of quality
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA AS IF DOOMFIST HAS ANY OUNCE OF QUALITY ABOUT HIS STORY OR DESIGN HHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA kill yourself even Orisa was more interesting than this shit so the least they could have done is make it fun and memorable

And he went 1 vs 1 against that gorilla, no item, fist only, final destination.
How is that proof that he's a tactician? He's a fucking moron.

The only time I hear people bitching about Terry Crews is on YouTube comment sections. Congratulations Sup Forums, you're all just as bad as the YouTube comment section.

I read his lore, it's fucking horrid and I can't believe you'd try to defend this shit.

Whats the matter

There was barely any fucking character before the reveal. They didn't have to go full on ow the edge.

>Doomfist is portrayed as a serious, ambitious character with dark goals

And it's a horrible portrayal. Ever that read the name Doomfist expected something completely different.

>Humanity can evolve only from battle

user, just stop, you lose...

>Doomfist's dance won't be that rave dance Terry Crews did in White Chicks

im so upset.

>"the character's personality or background. It would be pandering at the cost of quality."
Heres the thing though, This is overwatch. We don't even know what happened to reaper. Doom Fist had no background, personally or purpose prior to a few days ago they could have made anything up

It pleases people who want a giant African warlord with a fist. Oh I'm sorry, blah blah blah those damn SJW's blah blah blah.

>The only time I hear people defending blizzard is on YouTube comment sections. Congratulations Sup Forums, you're all just as bad as the YouTube comment section.

why are Brazilians so retarded

>They didn't have to go full on ow the edge

Says who? You? His character isn't ow the edge either. It's just your survival of the fittest style villain. Blizzard wants him to be seen as a threat, which is why they didn't make him into a meme via Terry Crews.

Ohhh what's wrong boy? Is that everything you got?

What is reddit's obsession with this guy? It's like if you want to sell anything to the gamer stereotype you just hire him to shout in their faces and they get all giddy and compliant.

So he throw all those tactics out the window if it means fighting strong opponents? Is he black Goku or something?

Woah, people like a thing!? Shocking.

And they failed miserably

why are people getting mad at blizzard for this anyway? did they say terry crews was going to voice doomfist and then change their mind or something?

Fucking Yes?

>He's a Hollywood actor,
So is Liam Nesson and that didn't stop him


>Herr is dont mater if he look like shit LORE
Fuck off

>And they failed miserably


>armstrong is basically a republican doomfist
>B-but armstrong is cooler because he's white!

muscular black man that is outspoken makes 12 years old happy

He's still working on a different game right now and doesn't have time for Overwatch

Cause Armstrong is smart and doesn't have a giant dumb arm

Yeah Yeah, it's not okay when blizzard does anything ever. They could give someone a hundred dollars and Sup Forums would find find problem with that.

And I'm supposed to take this guy seriously?

The weapon 'doomfist' itself was always treated really seriously when it was referenced before. I don't think anyone who payed attention was really expecting wacky shenanigans man.

>He wouldn't fit the character's personality or background. It would be pandering at the cost of quality.

That's retarded as fuck.

This isn't War and Peace, faggot. It's a stupid E-Sports FPS with goofy characters. Terry Crews is also a goofy character. If they were worried about incongruity they should have just made a different backstory.


>armstrong is smart

He isn't threatening, not with that dumbass name. He isn't even particularly interesting. He doesn't look like a leader, he seems like the guy they put before the final boss. He seems fun to play as, but that's about it.


Look at discussions anywhere, nobody wanted this.

Because Armstrong was silly as fuck for how cool and serious he was.
The Doomfag is edgy as fuck with none of the comedy acknowledging how fucking stupid he is.
It's literally unironic.

He wasn't a bumbling retard is what I should have said

>It's a stupid E-Sports FPS with goofy characters

No, it's a game that bases heavily off superhero tropes. And if you've ever read or watch a superhero, you'd know that they aren't just a pile of goofy memes. They can be funny sure, but heroes and villains can range from all sorts of personalities. The idea that anything other than Terry Crews level memes won't fit is just you being asspained because your meme VA didn't get in.

But Overwatch characters don't have personality, user.


They shot themselves in the foot by alluding that it would be Terry instead of shooting down that rumor.

He's a famous movie star so

1. Scheduling clashes
2. Terry Crews/His management asked too much in money

>make nigerian character
>he is basically a village nigger with sci fi glove

Half of you people dropped this game, why do any of you even care?
Christ, why is Overwatch the only game where people who despise it visit threads regularly to shit post? At least in a battle born thread Sup Forums would discuss the fucking game.
I don't know man, I just want to talk about overwatch. The game has flaws but Sup Forums is extremely hyperbolic about them.

this here is probably the actual answer

Who actually plays Overwatch for the lore?

I just want fun characters the play as.

He does voice Doomfist, not The Successor but The Savior.

reminder to stop watching porn


Terry's been there, he'll help you through it

Yeah, it's really annoying when you say something positive about the game and you get ten replies immediately.

Overwatch as a whole is pretty damn goofy, though. From cartoony character designs to colorful, even over-the-top personalities.

The game itself doesn't do anything to give its characters depth so they rely heavily on goofy gimmicks to make them amusing.

I want to play as an angry giga nigga with a fist and that's what I got.

Not going to lie I lost all hype for doomfist when I found out it wasn't terry voicing him. The only way Blizz can recover is to create an alternate skin of the previous doomfist using terry's voice.

Is that a bad thing though? Sup Forums usually complains about video games having "too much story" so having simplistic characters should be a good thing right?

Can you imagine being this tryhard about overmeme lore of all things?

>Terry "Reddit" Crews

no thanks

>people dislike one extreme
>let's go to the other extreme
That's usually a bad idea.

>There was barely any fucking character before the reveal
Of course there fucking was you retard. They likely had Doomfist planned out for a long time, might even already have voiced him before the whole Terry debacle

How is that an extreme? Neither of those things are an extreme. God forbid a game has characters.
Oh whoop sorry, just realized we're not allowed to compliment anything blizzard related ever.

Hahaha what the fuck?
There's no middle-ground idiot. You either have depth in your character or you don't.

"Come on blizzard just hire a busy actor for multi millions of dollars"

You're dumb dude. Also this "terry crews should be doomfist" is the most reddit opinion of all time. Wow he does old spice commercials and shouts while naked. That's so cool man, he should definitely voice every black character in every game!!!!

>He isn't threatening, not with that dumbass name

I mean if you can't take a character seriously with the Doomfist as a name, then fine. But I can guarantee you're in a vanishingly small minority of suerhero-loving people who think that way. Anyone who's even remotely familiar with superhero stories knows that names like Doomfist are hardly out of place. Remember that this is the same society that goes crazy over characters named Batman, Joker, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, all of which are equally cheesy names yet are still beloved.

And honestly I definitely find Doomfist threatening after the video where he nearly killed Tracer. He's modeled after an African Warlord, and if you don't see African warlords as leaders or threatening, you should look some of them up.

>the most reddit X of all time
You belong in a garbage can.

"Too much story" isn't solved with "characters relying entirely on simplistic gimmicks". It's solved with "less story".

Overwatch is a weird case in terms of lore and story, though.
On one hand its characters are just simple personas you play as in an arena shooter which embody their specific skills by cliche quirks.
On the other, there are hints of things like a historical war, tensions between humans and robots, many of the characters being veterans, etc.

It's like Blizzard want this game to be BOTH deep yet simple.

>Oh whoop sorry, just realized we're not allowed to compliment anything blizzard related ever.
Don't be a dipshit, please.

>dick-ride a man who has done nothing at all except for yell zany phrases in a body wash commercial

>Make a thread whining about how your pussy hurts so bad for this man


Wow hi redd1t you devoted your vagina & life to a man before even verifying facts. kill your self.

Thanks for telling me this story.

Im sorry user it appears you have run joke into the ground syndrome. Your a cancer to society, The only cure is to end your life