I just bought this game , thoughts ?
I just bought this game , thoughts ?
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Play it and tell me yours.
yeah i am later i just wanted to know before hand
GoTY 2016, even if it drags on for about 5 chapters longer than it needs to.
This game is a goldmine for moments like this
first one wasnt bad, but i dont think i finished it.
I looked up gameplay of this game but I don't understand it. Is it actiony once you get in the battle?
It's an SRPG, but you actively juggle and combo enemies with your attacks.
It's pretty simple all in all.
I'm playing the first one. It's not bad but man does it get drawn out and repetitive. I just do the same combos over and over again across tens of enemies per level, it gets tiring.
This game has better interactions than Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Why are you buying shit when you could be getting it for free?
CFW on 3ds is so retard proof these days you have no excuse to pirate shit.
From what I've heard it has some amusing crossover jokes and stuff but the gameplay is a complete slog. I have a lot of SRPGs on my backlog so I doubt I'll get to this one soon.
Or any MvC for that matter, but it's not fair to compare a fighting game with a more text heavy one.
Gameplay's only a slog in the first one, due to infinite reinforcements and poor resource systems. 2 fixes all of that completely.
Natsu a shit
most ice-cream vans have better interaction that marvel vs capcom infinite
To be fair, the first few MvC didn't have a focus on a story mode or anything like that, just a simple 2 slide ending or pre/post battle dialogue. Infinite is going to force the fuck out of the story mode, especially after the demo leaving a terrible impression
Not really. They just read better than if they were acted and animated. Take any given interaction in PXZ and give it an actual cutscene, and I can guarantee it'll be just as forced and awkward as MvCI. Like the bit with scaling that wall.
>Rocket runs out of ammo on one of his guns even though he is loaded with traps, other space guns and grenades, and Groot
PxZ doesn't take itself serious AT ALL. MvC I is all dark and serious. That makes a huge difference on how the dialogue is delivered.
With crossovers you have to be more than a little self aware
im stupid and just buy games at places
>This fucking chapter
Holy shit, i have never laughed this hard because of a video game ever since Mana Khemia 2's Goto scene where he pretends to be gay with Enna in front of the vice principal.
Wait until you get to Marvel Land.
Hm, might pick it up. I'm going to get very few of the references though. Is it still enjoyable?
>No Sonic
>No Digimon
>No Rick Taylor
>No Gene
>No Viewtiful Joe
>No Amaterasu
>No Bayonetta
>No Jack Cayman
It sucks. You should return it for a better game.
I actually recently updated my 3ds and now it won't turn on help. I've updated before and nothing happened, what changed?
As someone who barely knew about the Sega and Namco reps, outside of maybe hearing their names on the internet, yes, you will enjoy it. If anything, it pushed me to try games like Resonance of Fate
>No Sonic
>No Digimon
>if i throw these in with actually decent picks, no one will notice!
While you're not wrong, I don't think that's a factor here. I don't think the tone is what's fucking with the dialogue here, it's just that what's being written doesn't translate very well to 3d animated cutscenes spoken by actors. Interactions like what you posted there is what I'm talking about. I have no faith that anyone could make that scene work as a cutscene. That Rocket and Dante bit could work easily as one of those post enemy killing interactions if trimmed down a little.
I'd say it's enjoyable. The dialogue's elder-god tier, and I only knew about a third of the cast going in.
There's a demo on the eShop if you want to try it out, in any case.
I wish MVC upscaled its small characters like PXZ did with Arthur
So who do you guys want in PXZ3?
*Lloyd and Colette
*Ziggy and MoMo
*Kratos as a Solo unit
*Albedo as a Rival unit
*Haruka Amami as a Solo unit
*Amaterasu as a Solo unit
*Gene as a Solo unit
*Wesker as a Rival unit
*DmC Dante as a Rival unit
*Bayonetta either as a Solo unit, or paired with Dante
*a pair unit from Persona
*Pit and Palutena
*Hades as a Rival unit
*Shulk and Reyn
*Dunban as a Solo unit
*Eirika and Ephraim
*Ike as a Solo unit
*Black Knight as a Rival unit
*Samus as a Solo unit
*Ridley as a Rival unit
I think if we were to get a 3D recreation, with anime/cartoon-like art style, it would translate just fine. Of course dialogue like this wont work when you have characters looking like they just came out of Call of Duty.
I dont think its whether its 2D or 3D, but what art style they use. The NxC/PxZ has always been about jokes and light heartedness even though worlds and universes are going to be destroyed. But seeing characters like Arthur and Dante trying to fit into a "serious" story with their jokes (or misfit appearance in Arthur's case) just doesn't work, whether 2D or 3D.
No Haken/Kaguya no buy
Jack Cayman solo, with The Black Baron as a rival unit. Sketch Turner solo as well.
Also if for some odd reason they bring back Axel Stone I want to see Shiva as a rival unit so Max Man can be part of the OST
I dunno, user. The story doesn't really come off as serious to me.
If Segata Sanshiro can get in, then maybe Captain N?
Is Nintendo actually going to stick around for the series?
This. Also the tone of it I really like. I hated how there were people who thought it was corny and cartoonish. Of course it's a little corny and cartoonish, it's a crossover game where half the characters are practically cartoons or anime as fuck. My problem is that the interactions are forced as fuck. The dialogue and writing could use a lot of work.
I don't think changing the artstyle would've magically made any of these interactions feel any less forced. The fact of the matter is that these interactions just don't seem like they were written with the intent of being acted (or at the very least acted in a 3d environment), but rather read by the player, like PXZ.
Its good, but personally I enjoy PXZ and NXC more.
Wasn't there a chapter where Reiji and Xiaomu flat out state they were fucking in the back room?
I hope not, I'd rather have Namco, Capcom, and Sega stay in the spotlight with just a couple guest characters from a different company, rather than just adding more and more companies to the mix.
Should I buy this game while it lasts, or is it not worth it?
I like the cross-over series.
Namco x Capcom is still my favorite on PS2 but very very dated and battles take forever
PxZ1 was eh in terms of the main characters, Reiji and Xiaomu as the main heros in 2 are much much better.
At least neither the Fire Emblem or the Xenoblade characters felt out of place in this one. Having Metalface and Bison in the same game was a plus too.
>Is Bison piloting that?
it's a __fun time
Hotsuma/Hiryu and X/Zero the best
yeah get it ,play the demo first
>one-shotting final boss with Hiryu/Hotsuma and Axel
they're alright
Alright. I heard rumors that the game will be removed from the eshop. Is this true, and if so, when?
True, though I fucking hate that Lucina was included.
Hotsuma pls
>My father is not a sexual deviant!
>He might be a bit awkward, but his heart is in the right place!
God damn, I'm not even a Lucina fan but PXZ2 Lucina is literal wife material, she's just too cute.
Loved how Ryu's solution for everything was just a tatsumaki.
>Bison plans to make all the girls into his soldiers
>"Is he gonna put us all in those outfits?"
>Lucina gets excited
>"God I hope not, they look so stupid."
>Lucina shuts her mouth and keeps quiet
As much as I dislike the way she's handled in Fire Emblem and its spinoffs, she felt pretty enjoyable and inoffensive in this game.
Fug. I was hoping for more SRW reps.
wish we got the OSV like japan did
>tfw no sanger and ratsel duo
>everyone jumps to the shop blimp with a typical leap and action sound
>Ryu's sprite is fucking spinning in the air while he goes "TATSUMAKISENPUKYAKU"
That gag was ALMOST starting to get real fucking old, but then they pull that shit and it takes a good long break.
It would've been nice to have the original version of some of the themes, mainly the vocal ones, but some of the arranges were pretty nice too.
There actually is a version with the original versions, thing is, it never came outside japan. it also came with a valkyrie extra game which I rallied for it to get dumped on /hbg/ idk why anyone has made a patch for the english version though.
She's basically a completely different character in PXZ2
They replaced BlackRose with Haseo. Fuck this game.
>hopes for PxZ 3
>learns that the producer left monolith soft
I want more crossovers.
Why this lucina is so good? i was expecting her to be the buttmonkey because she is the most flat girl, not the fangirl with dangerous lewd wishes!
Someone has that pic of jin and kazuma shittalking kenpachi?
Is she really? Huh, I guess I shouldn't have been skipping every bit of dialogue she spoke and refusing to use Chrom and her whatsoever because of how much I hate her.
The final battle of this game has been one of the most hype moments I've ever played in my life. Not only is a massive war against several final bosses of different games but the main screen music, which is amazing, plays even during special attacks. It really makes you feel you got the whole universe in your shoulders.
Character interactions are the best and nobody feels out of place. Lucina fangirls about everyone's clothing and it's both funny and cute.
The way she and Estelle become friends is also fucking adorable at times.
i wouldn't think it'd be hard since its already all in english and im sure nothing is different maybe except what it does to pick out songs, but then we would just use the jp version as a base and implant the english text and shit
now i want this and it wont happen
Just realized I own a copy of the first of this game.
Worth playing or should I skip right to 2?
skip to 2, unless you really like 1's cast.
I love the two Project X Zones but they do drag.
Play her game user.
I'm playing through 1 and I'm kinda mad Dynamite Dekka hasn't reappeared in like 20 chapters. Hope he gets the limelight later
You make a very convincing case user.
You know you want to.
I enjoy this game but FUCK CHAPTER 26
>Defend Mission, instant game over if ship is touched
>Have to use Kite/Haseo to defeat Skeith or instant game over
>All those flying enemies
>Have to deal with several sub bosses as well
Would be easier if the Dragon Turtle just bailed for the battle after defeating Skeith, and turned the chapter into a Route The Enemy mission.
Does gold and EXP earned still remain if you get game over/retire or just gold?
Her weapon was honestly interesting.
Give me a break user, I can't put the game in my 3DS any faster without breaking it.
>MFW my cousin deleted my cleared saved from PxZ 2
>but there was still a quicksave of it and could restore the save from it
That was a close call.
I think the devlopment team had a rule about "human-looking hero characters only" So none of the shining force beastmen or similiar characters, the only time those show up for the heroes are cameos
This game got too much pits.
Me likey. Although I completely forgot who is that.
It sure is 'interesting' alright
Still mad them and Sanger got cut from 2.
He was busy in the moon dwellers, same with Haken. Remember that PxZ is canon to SRW OG.
good taste
In that case, PxZ 3 can have the best SRW character then since he hasn't had any appearances recently.
If there was an example of a sequel completely outclassing the first, this is it
I was very pleseantly surprised with how good this game was compared to 1. It doesn't even become a slog until near the very end and even then you'll most likely have every character upgraded. Shame we'll probably never get a PXZ3 ;-;
have some OC Bruce Willis from PxZ
user sthaph I have already jacked off.
Urashima is good too.
Hahahahaha, fuck you. I bet they will add the girls to OG but he will be removed.