What are Sup Forumss thoughts on neogaf?

What are Sup Forumss thoughts on neogaf?

Horrible community.
But sometimes they get access to news fast, that's good.

What does the GAF stand for?

Gays and Faggots

gay ass faggots

Gay As Fuck

If you like more than 1 of these games, you are an absolute faggot and should stop playing video games.

giraffes are fun

Neo-Sup Forums IS neogaf a

>Horrible community.

I still remember being pretty excited about getting an account.
I thought it was just serious gaming talk no bs.
everyone telling me it's a leftist cesspool.
try for a few weeks "it's not that bad desu"
one day I thought hey let's try off topic: "let's get these people fired because they upset trannies"
never used my account again.

They browse Sup Forums and spread cancer


>he actually thinks people on Sup Forums like video games
You need to go back, neogaf.

Nice people there. Be respectful and you'll have a swell time.

I've never been, but we have non-ironic pedos here too.
We don't even know who our mods are.

worse than reddit


the only people who hate them are Sup Forums faggots

How about this:

Which does Sup Forums despise more: Reddit or NeoGAF?

But Sup Forums is garbage

>All those bans
how is that place still populated?


neofag usually doesn't leave their filthy hole because they think they're better than everyone else. leddit is built from the ground up around taking content from other places.

>"I think you may be overreacti-"

>"This isn't really video gam-"

Yes but Sup Forums is unironically worse and has always been, Sup Forums shitposting is an improvement

I love reading about how Draconian the mods are. It makes it one of my favorite threads on Sup Forums


Is that even a question?


The ultimate echo chamber

>Last of us is not a...

A hive of scum and pedophiles.

hey man whats wrong with rocketleague

>claims that pedos hang out in Sup Forums
>provides no evidence to back up his claim
>only "big bad alt righters hate a site that purposely censors opinions and encourages cultural Marxism"

cp was literally posted a few days ago

Sounds like Sup Forums

>he doesn't like shovel knight

Yes but the majority of the shitposting doesn't come from Sup Forums, it comes from trolls on Sup Forums who know you will reply to it without fail literally every single time.

it's one big ''safe space''