How did Nate get away with committing hundreds of remorseless murders?

How did Nate get away with committing hundreds of remorseless murders?

because he's in terrible games for retards

being attractive and white helps

Because he did it in UNCHARTED islands/cities where nobody would have caught and charged him for it


This, if there's no body there's no murder

He started a huge bar fight and shootout in London

He's a fucking white male. A white man.

And he got away before the cops arrived

He doesn't murder anyone in the game, where the fuck does this meme came from? There is not one single mission in the entire franchise where you effectively assassinate a person, so murder, it's ALWAYS self defense, they always start to shoot at him, not the other way around.

were the uncharted heroes the villains all along?
All the antagonists wanted were to make some dough and be famous (except Lazarevic)
And Nate and his friends come along and slaughter them all and joke about it

cameras, witnesses, finger prints, blood


>Please wait, I have a wife and son!

Not true at all
In Unchartred 4 he kills guards just doing their job when he steals the cross
And he does steal it btw, as in illegally
Guards try to stop him as they should and he kills them

I don't know how you played the games. I always went for the stealth kills, starting just about every enemy encounter by straight up murdering some unsuspecting dudes.

Literally did nothing wrong

Brown people don't count. Indiana Jones rules

nah he definitely has some north african/middle eastern/indian or maybe mexican blood in him. especially in the older games


triggered cis attractive white bitchboy spotted

kys yourself

>Please wait, my wife has a son!

t. ironically self-hating white person


Because Uncharted is a work of fiction.

Kiss whom?

>Please wait, my wife´s son has a wife

check your privilege



>Nathan Fake-Drake
More like latino

>stealing our white women


>Hey miss reporter lady that I have never met, there seem to be some pirates coming for us and I need your help. Have you ever used a gun before?
>nah but it's just like a camera amirite? lol

Because hes a fucking white male

>In Unchartred 4 he kills guards just doing their job when he steals the cross

No, he kills them after they trying to kill him. He knock them out before.


She's a whore. He's not stealing anything he's paying for it.

You need to be a suspect first before any of that works.

>How did that niggress get away with tons of merc who shot on sight and a truck with heavy machine gun in town

Literally discount Jake Gyllenhaal

>Play game about LITERAL thievery
>Get mad about mowing down other murderous THIEVES
Gee, wonder why nobody gave a fuck?