I've never played a Dragon Quest game before, should I buy this?

I've never played a Dragon Quest game before, should I buy this?

Start with the DS trilogy. This game is too bloated

That game is too long for its own good. Start with 4 > 5 > 6

>finish Alltrades
>phew time to level the classes later
>SD card shits the bed and dies
>lost all my saves


i dont know about any of the other games but this one has you do a bunch of boring ass walking for 3 hours before you even get to fight your first monster

The 3DS version slimmed it down. Still takes at least an hour though.

Play 8 instead.

Buy this

Not OP how bad is IX without the online capabilities? Is there a possibility of X hitting america even though they barely ever advertise Dragon Quest? You would think DQ would be advertised better in america if they marketed towards Dragon Ball fans.

Any tips for DQVIII early game I should keep mental notes for when I get there or just roll with it like I've been past games?

That looks like the faggiest shit possible and I watch that show where they reference things. Any context?

fucking kek

I liked IX. Biggest negative is that all party members are custom made and there's no party chat. Combat is good and the vocations are much more interesting and effective than in other games like VII.
Lots of optional quests and rare items are locked behind the defunct online but that's post game stuff.

Play 3, 4, 5, or 8 first. 7's good but FUCKING LONG even in the 3DS version, especially if you don't know if you like the series gameplay yet or not. In 7 you don't even open up the class system until 20+ hours into the game.

buy a boomerang

7 is excellent, but no. You'll be turned off from the series completely due to the length alone. Start with the DS games or VIII.

Yangus's Clubs and Scythes skill trees fucking suck.

Start with 4 mane.

Choose one weapon type for each character and just dump points into that and their individual trait, don't bother spreading points out over multiple weapon trees. I usually go with Spears for the Hero and Axes for Yangus.

I love how it was super gay right up until he struck Kamen Rider Stronger's pose

DQ is like the Monty Python of JRPGs. It influenced everything that came after it but if you go back to it after experiencing other series, it'll seem lame

Iin a world of derivative garbage like Tales, DQ is better than ever.

It's refreshing as fuck to me after playing Persona and shit like that. It's simple and sweet with a good artstyle and when anons say comfy I genuinely think of DQ.