Steam Machines Flop

This shows how Valve accidentally landed on a gold-mine with steam and how they are actually out of touch with PC gamers

Also who the fuck buys Steam Link? I have a $1.5k gaming pc connected to tv and a $300 multimedia/work PC

Other urls found in this thread:

>linux gaming

Do not click on OP's link because there is a good chance that he is yet another shill trying to earn pennies on the dollar for further degrading the quality of this board. Archive of the article

Not a surprise. It's the worst aspects of a console and the worst aspects of a PC combined into a single device.

Ignoring this blatant redditspacing, Steam Machines failed because at the end of the day they are all just overpriced, underpowered prebuilts that don't even come with Windows pre-installed for free.

>Also who the fuck buys Steam Link?
Cause it was $15 and can stream your desktop.

The only criticism I have with these is that they're overpriced. Shouldn't have gone with alienware. Then more people might have bought them.

Any laptop you already owned could do the same.

I'd rather just pay $15 and have something the size of a deck of cards plugged in.

>out of touch with PC gamers
>Also who the fuck buys Steam Link? I have a $1.5k gaming pc
Indeed. PC "gamers" are the most pathetic "people" on this world.

This is why Windows will forever have us by the balls

Don't fall for the doom and gloom stories funded by microsoft.

SteamOS is a slow burn and constantly evolving. Games running on Linux are released every day.

I opened his link in 5 tabs :^)

steamos is a piece of shit that can't be even installed on your PC without formatting your disc
it should be just ubuntu with a gaming interface option

Steam links fine if you don't wanna keep moving your pc. I don't have anywhere good to put my pc in my living room and my pc is good enough to stream so it's not that big of a deal for me. It was only 50 bucks.

Valve grew quite bold with what it was doing back then. Pushing out VR, early access, the marketplace, SteamOS (and its accessories) all at once was probably too much for them.

People weren't even sure what they were getting with steam machines. They didn't know or didn't want to go through the hassle of installing a copy of windows as well to access the usual software. And the hardware was often composed of weird laptop GPUs with an excessive price tag. Valve's controller didn't help the idea either.

OP here. Namaste and bless you

I'm replying to your post in 5 different tabs. Which one will I hit enter on? :^)

Doing God's work here user.

At this point Steam and Microsoft are looking to use a similar development ideology.

Keep cramming as much shit on your original software as possible until the whole thing is an absolute fucking mess bloated with features.

>you can't install an operating system without formatting your disk in some way
wow...this is clearly limited to steamos....surely I can have a single disk with a single partition and install both windows 7 and 10 on it...really makes me think...

Valve stumbled across the Steam idea by mistake. the same way a drunk ends at his home at 2am

NO ONE THOUGHT SELLING PC GAMES will make a profit sinve 93% of us are pirates

BUT DIGITAL KEKOLDERY IS A THING ; yes there are people who prefer to pay $60 for a game instead of getting it free

But Steam is genuinely a bad idea. I don't understand why anyone likes it, and I just pirate any game that's steamlocked.

They just turned it into the Xbox One X so it'll sell more (shhh they don't know)

>Steam is genuinely a bad idea

Cuckoldin is a bad idea too BUT there are men who push their wives to fuck men in front of them

93% of pc gamers pirate yes BUT the 7% buyers all ended up on steam making millions

>why are there only shitty early access games, microtransaction filled games, low effort indie trash, and a decreasing amount of single player games?
>who cares, better just pirate it all until the only games that are left are multiplayer only cash shop shit
Thanks, cancer.

oh OK
the installation is still kinda shit

Steam is good what if I pirate and get a virus

>console (its a console) with no exclusives
>a reason to own it
Pick one

The guy's response is going to be something along the lines of "You were stupid enough to download it"

>standard dual boot procedure as it has been for over 20 years

If you want a fool proof solution just install it on another physical hard drive and switch between them in bios at boot

What if Half Life 3 is a SteamOS / Linux exclusive?

The point of the steam machines, steamos and controller is not to solely make money. They were created during a period in which Microsoft seemed to be shunning the status quo of the pc market and heavily promoting the windows 10 marketplace.
Like a nation who has it's arms being built elsewhere they created their own subset of similar tools to send the message the they will fund and use alternatives if they are otherwise locked out of windows. It seems to have worked for the most part as Microsoft themselves are starting to pull further towards steam development especially with the onset of VR and failure of the new halo trilogy

its only a matter of time before ms removes steam from windows, and theres nothing gaben can do about it


Its very possible to happen

Nigga, that's stupid. There's ideas that are so dumb that even the most arrogant of companies wouldn't try and pull for fear of backlash.

That's one of them.


they tried one with kinect, they will try again with this, but this time they ensure first that you cant refuse, you already cant install 7/8 on latest pcs, what will you do? jump to linux?

If M$ improved their store to a higher standard than Steam....we would have no problem

Clone that shit

and there would be nothing but halo and bone ports

in trying to control PC gaming they would literally kill it


the problem with valve nowadays is their lack of support on almost everything they release, they will launch it and after that expect it to survive and give them money without them putting almost any effort, Valve's bussines now is creating systems that generate money instead of creating products.

>out of touch
You are retarded, it is you who is out of touch. With Microshaft moving in to lock down their OS, Valve is trying to find the means to counter them. Investing in Linux gaming is the only way they can do anything at this point.

>don't even come with Windows pre-installed
Duh, that's the entire fucking point of the Steam machine.

You are a literal retard. Steam is just a shitty launcher you fucking retard. If they break Steam they also break any other software you retard.

He said out of touch with PC gamers, in my opinion they somewhat are and just don't give a fuck anyways, they only want to be in touch of money and appealing to more consumers as possible

thats the point you retard

At this point it's not about simply appealing to their custoemrs or simply making money. Everyone knew Linux gaming was a joke even before Valve tried to release their Steam boxes and everyone with half a brain knew those Steam boxes would not get any decent spread among the PC gamers, yet Valve still did it? Why did they do it? Because it was not simply a matter of making money, but a matter of survival. If MS locks down W10, it's fucking over for ALL digital distribution platforms, including irrelevant trash like GoG or Ushit.

>any other software
like what? Even Photoshop has a UWP app.
What's stopping them from forcing windows 10 apps? They're doing it for DX12.

because bilions of older software doesnt have that uwp app

maybe should have advertised or something cos I honestly forgot about them

>Paying through the ass for a prebuilt PC that runs Linux
>Buying all your games from a DRM-laced digital storefront

>its only a matter of time before ms removes steam from windows
You're an idiot.

>calling steam DRM
Don't use it then or go back to your xbox, hahaha

The ironing here is that he probably doesn't understand are physical means of DRM and are 10x worse than any software DRM.

Valve just wants to turn PC gaming into console gaming. Steam machines, steam link and Steam controllers, so you can pretend you're playing a console. Also forced updates is the single biggest problem with Steam and basically goes against the entire idea of PC gaming. Fuck Valve.

>doesn't understand that consoles are physical means of DRM

>overpriced bottom tier hardware
>cramped in absurdly small boxes half the size of any console

I'll never understand why people are so obsessed with having the smallest box possible, if I'm going to drop 400-500 bucks on something I want it to be heavy and sturdy.

>Valve just wants to turn PC gaming into console gaming.
>by using an open OS on their Steam amchines
You have no clue what you're even talking about, dumbfuck. What makes a console an actual console is the closed architecture. If you stuff some PC parts into a box in the shape of a console, it will just be a PC, which is exactly what Steam machines are.

Windows 10 has it's own version of Wine now that can run Linux programs.

Not that guy but if you were stupid enough to download AND install it, you have to be quite the autist. Who the fuck gets viruses torrenting anymore? Me wife torrents movies and music and never gets a virus and she doesnt even know how to plug a display port into the back of the computer.

Room can be an issue.
If all my consoles were as big as the Xbox HUEG I'd need different furniture.

Meanwhile all the Nintendo systems from the last four gens together arent as big as one HUEG.

Size wise the 360 is my upper limit for a console.

I don't because I like to be able to sell/trade my games 2bh. Been over a year since I bought anything

Problem is that if you're going to pack that much hardware in such a small box you're going to get overheating or what's almost as bad - a loud fan.

Valve just likes to half ass things most of the time. They have a good idea (or just an idea), attempt to do it and lose motivation halfway through.
Look at Half Life, their flagship title. Look at how they ignore it. It's like if Nintendo stopped giving a shit about Mario games, despite Mario being the reason why they got into the business in the first place. Even if you can't come up with something for HL3, you could still make games in the universe for it, spinoffs and shit. Instead of doing shit all.
Look at the HTC Vive. It's an incredible piece of technology and Valve managed to put only 1 demo game on it after like 1 year now. They're apparently developing more, but like always they keep mum about details because why would we want people to be excited about our upcoming shit?

The biggest problem for them is their relationship with their customers. I hate how silent they are. I hate how they make stupid decisions without asking if the community even wants it, see the paid mods fiasco. That only served to give them bad PR and soured the relationship with the customers.

They're complacent. Everyone working there is on huge dollars. They can do whatever the fuck they want, the pressure of time to release doesn't apply to them because they print money with hats, skins and % of store sales. They may not be doing out of malevolence but they need a fire lit under their arses. A competitor needs to steal a huge percentage of their business and with the way we're going it doesn't look like that'll happen anytime soon.

pretty much this. Valve can afford to being shitty and lazy because they have no competition. They make so much off steam that they don't need to make games or support their projects. They need some competition.

The idea of a steam machine is good. L O T S of people are ALWAYS like "hurr console is dumb you can build a way more powerful rig for cheap". But building a rig is hard man, harder then buying a box that just needs to be plugged in. So you have a box that needs to be plugged in except it's a PC.

What we instead got was overpriced underpowered pieces of shit. If you're dumb enough to buy one of those you're better off just buying a """gaming""" laptop like I did and have all the benefits except it runs windows and it's portable.

Also steam link is kinda stupid because there are always other workarounds. Like, how big is your tower? Where is it? Is it really that much of a hassle to unplug it and move it to another room, just buy some extra cables to hook it to the TV? Is your computer even that far away from the TV? Can you bluetooth a controller and just run a really long HDMI cable? All the other turbonerd PC hardcore dudes I know all have their computers in fairly close proximity to the main TV so it seems like a solution to a problem that a casual audience would have, for a product that is not for the casual video game audience.

For that price it sounds fine, but when I googled all the reviews say the steam link is $50. I'm guessing they dropped the price?

You'd think they'd want to make a sequel if only to continue the story and work on a project a lot of them probably love. Printing money must be fun and all that, but you can't possibly be satisfied making TF2 hats and Dota skins for the rest of your life, can you?

The complete radio silence is what kills me though, the least Gabe could say is that they're working on it, instead of being a complete cunt and refusing to answer any questions in regards to EP3.

>there is a good chance that he is yet another shill trying to earn pennies
there's no referral code in the URL - he has to be an author for earning anything from that (and they'll earn more by writing another fresh article), you absolute cretin

>Printing money must be fun and all that, but you can't possibly be satisfied making TF2 hats and Dota skins for the rest of your life, can you?
That's probably why a lot of high-profile people left Valve over the last few years. Like the writers for Half Life. How can you fuck up this bad? How can you hire these people and not do shit with them?
It's like Valve is a sports team, and they hired the best international players in the world just to bench them and never actually put them on the field.

Valve had some damn good writers. Half life's story was good, Portal and Portal 2 were tight as fuck in terms of comedy writing. The fucking updates for Tf2 were packed with funny shit and they had barely anything to work with.
The talent is certainly there but I think it's a lack of leadership due to the way they're structured (work on what you want) coupled with the laziness that occurs with having zero pressure to release.
Add on to that the realization that whatever they were to release for ep3 could not possibly live up to expectation. Maybe they'll release a flagship title for VR and blow us all away but I doubt it.

>prebuild PC
>linux distro
Who expected this to succeed again?

I'd actually like a new Steam machine. I currently have an old as fuck Zotac(?) one from back when they first mentioned it.
It was decent to see Steam trying to push Linux at least.

Their endgame is to phase out win32 and have every software go through their new much more controlled API.
There's already been sabotages by win10 towards steam in the past but every time they had to backpadle on it because people actually noticed what's up.

Yes, actually. I have no love for steam but fuck ms and their monopoly.

Valve is a horrible company, and it's nice people are finally seeing that and we don't have the Gabe cocksuckers anymore.

I use Steam, but they're incredibly incompetent and questionable when it comes to ethics.

LOL it will never happen and by the way, Steam IS in the windows store:
Dumb faggot

They accomplished everything they wanted just by announcing Steam Machines.

Games got ported to Linux, GPU manufacturers committed to Linux hardware acceleration drivers, and as a result we can tell Microsoft to take Windows 10 and shove it instead of having to quit gaming forever.

Microsoft just fused Xbox division with Windows division back in 2014 and Steam Machine was DOA.

>There's ideas that are so dumb that even the most arrogant of companies wouldn't try and pull for fear of backlash.

did you even read the description you retard? its a mobile app to control win32 stream. ms will never let real steam on the store

This sounds crazy but every other update Windows 10 fucking uninstalls Speccy and CCleaner

>implying I don't block all ads, analytics and trackers by default

Idiot. Although there are probably people on Sup Forums who don't.

why don't valve just make games?
they were decent at that

Yeah, they assume PCfags are just as retarded as consolekiddies.
It's hilarious.

They allowed or paid Valve to put their shit on Store
So? Steam will be available on Windows forever. Add to that they port some of their older games in there like later this year

Let me just buy a system dedicated to Steam that doesn't even play every fucking Steam game.
I wonder how many people bought it expecting that. I had to talk a friend out of it because he simply assumed it would play all Steam games like any sane person who doesn't keep up with every piece of gaming news would.

>Meanwhile all the Nintendo systems from the last four gens together arent as big as one HUEG.
Because they use phone and handheld hardware to run cartoon games for children.

>heh, I see you got a guy grabbing your balls..
>but have you tried letting this other dude squeeze your nuts?

Are you low IQ?
The reality is doesn't matter, as either company would have ended up the same.
If it wasn't windows it be linux, if it wasn't linux it would be windows.

Either way we're getting a grabbed by the balls, the logical end point is the same.
Do you want a red, or yellow stick shoved up your ass next? HINT: They are the same.

50 for how small the machine is with an I/O including Ethernet, 2USBs, and HDMI is still a good deal and way better than any laptop.

Disable windows defender in group policies.

People bitch about win10 but windows is designed for absolute morons. Which means it has to look out for malware and literally not allow people to install anything that could fuck with the OS.

Wrestling back full control by throwing out half of win10 and tweaking it took me 2 days.

except win7 wont be here forever, max 10 years, probably not even that. if ms turns off win32 then what? its basically over for steam because will never allow other store to be on the their store

I did buy one when it was about 15 dollaridoos. Works fine.

I have both an let my stuff update whenever an this has never happened.

Fix your broke ass shit or stop lying.

> being the first to accept always online DRM and pay for it
> not the kids in the playhouse

Because their primary way to make money off of those games, selling them through Steam to Windows users is going to be cut off in the future.

Why commit to a multi-year development cycle for Half-Life 3 when at the end of it Windows will only allow UWP software from the Windows Store to be run?

Gaben has said that HL3 development only makes sense once Linux use hits 3% of Steam users, though that was back when Steam was much smaller than it is now so its possible that even with ~1% of users that it would be profitable for them to release a primarily Linux game.

>when at the end of it Windows will only allow UWP software from the Windows Store to be run?
microsoft would get sued if they did that

>paranoid fantasies that never came true.png