>vidya opinions that legitimately make you mad
What's her name, Sup Forums?
>vidya opinions that legitimately make you mad
What's her name, Sup Forums?
Anything that vee mindlessly spouts
Ayy found one OP
>there is nothing wrong with filling games with token niggers
I don't think it's mad so much as confused/frustrated. But I don't fucking understand why Skyrim gets the attention it does. It literally does everything below average. World design is mediocre, combat is garbage, quest design is mediocre etc etc across the board.
>Game companies will, of course, always sacrifice their product's integrity for money. Why wouldn't you sell cosmetics and DLC? It's just good business. Why do something that would make less money?
dmc and dragon's dogma have bad combat mechanics
>I get angry when a vidya character has darker pixels than me
Grow up, kiddo
I've written that sentence almost word for word before. I don't have to like it to understand why they do it. Corporations aren't their friend and a business transaction is both people trying to squeeze the other person as much as possible.
Final Fantasy XV is a bad/mediocre RPG.
Skyrim is unironically shit. It fails at the most fundamental level, which is being fun to play. Add that onto it being designed like pure dogshit.
skyrim or destiny
>It's bad because it's popular
>being popular means it's overrated
>coh2 is better than coh1
thats the only thing that triggers me
>the game is bad because of boring collection quests
>>not even required to do them
>>main quest is pretty good
you know what it is Sup Forums
>Zelda games are RPGs
>Souls games are RPGs
>I play Diablo 2 singleplayer (and it's boring/story is bad)
>A game can never be 5/5 or 10/10
>Fighting games need singleplayer content
>Nintendo makes good games
>Unity is bad because I said so
>Zelda games are RPGs
Who in their right fucking mind has ever said that
>oblivion was better than skyrim
fastest way of spotting newfags
>dark souls is legitimately hard
that also works
>cute girls belong in games
why would opinions make me mad?
Amoral capitalism is cancer and is what pushes teenagers and dykes into socialism.
>How about you make a better game.
>It's shit because there's no tutorial
>X is the dark souls of Y
It's not as common as Dark Souls being RPGs, but it triggers me extra hard when I do hear it.
>Dark Souls 2 is the best Souls game
I know you're trolling and yet I'm still mad
It's the world we live in though. Join them or fall prey to them. Assume everyone is out to fuck you and you'll be fine. I'm not trying to sound edgy, but every industry I've worked in has put money ahead of the customer's best interest.
>a game is good because it takes 100+ hours to beat
80 hours of grinding and fetch quests are not fun
How is Dark Souls not an RPG?
Name one game doing this
>X is the dark souls of Y
Fuck that shit triggers me every time I hear it. Just because a game is hard doesn't make it Dark Souls. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I hate how when there are black characters in a game, they're almost always stereotypical. It's boring and overdone and unfunny.
I also hate the open world meme because they usually end up filling it with tons of stupid shit to get you to explore so it doesn't feel like a waste.
What makes it an RPG? Stats?
It's better than 3, and I'd say it's equal to demons, with Dark 1 being the best, naturally
When somebody says they liked Life is Strange. I have a searing hate for that game.
"Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire are the worst pokemon games."
"Quick time events are good."
As well as anything most people here say in order to get replies.
I'm 100% serious which one triggered you
A character sheet and player choices affecting story are pretty much the bedrock of RPGs, yeah.
>Unironically having the worst opinion
But he's right.
>often search for yuri incest
>in a cartoon state bordering lesbian and mom/sister
accurate map
>fandoms are a part of the game, not just the game's image
>It's bad because I don't like it
>Hawaii: Asia
Made me laugh for some reason.
I guess Super Metroid is an RPG then. So is the first Titanfall.
>resident evil 4 was a good resident evil
Gen 4 is the best pokemon gen.
Hell anybody saying gen 4 is good in general or anywhere but the fucking worst. Worse than 6 (which I liked even though I know nobody else seemed to.)
People commenting on games that they have never played? That is pretty annoying. People commenting on games they have never played, that are in genres they don't even enjoy? That makes me livid
>Isometric RPGs are good video games.
No, they're mostly books with ass gameplay.
Are you confusing a character sheet with an inventory?
>MGSV is the best game in recent years
Similarly, when people say something's good because they like it. I think that there's nothing wrng with liking something that's shit, it might just appeal to your specific tastes, but don't try and act like it's good without giving any reasons for it, especially not when you're being given plenty of reason for why the game is bad.
Dark 1 is far and away the best by any measurement
Dark 2 has competent multiplayer connectivity while retaining proper invasions, all while being huge but with shit lore
Dark 3 is a mindless cash in with decent connectivity, with trash invasions, making that point null and void. The lore is trash, as well
Demons was the earliest entry and has most of it's systems redone better in every fashion in dark 1.
>smash brothers is a fighting game
>Rhode Island there being patrician as fuck
>the first tow hours of New Vegas are boring, so it it's totally shit.
NIgga I love that game, and even i think the first few hours are hard to get through. You don't get a game that's good in the long haul without some trade off.
>vns aren't games
>(thing I don't like) aren't games
cold hand of business>artist integrity
the closer you get to one, the further you get from the other.
They're basically the same in these cases. Your stats is there.
Skyrims is way better than Oblivion how is this even comparable?
The few things oblivion are better
>The entire thieves guild questline
>A couple of the more inventive dark brotherhood quests
thats p much it. Any complaint you have about Skyrim is worse in oblivion
>I don't play Western/Japanese games
>I refuse to play [game] because of it's artstyle
>People who unironically only play mature games for mature people
Realism isn't fun.
Everything up to leaving primm is pretty fun. But the trip from nipton through novac up to Boulder city/188 is incredibly boring
>bioshock 2 is worse than 1
>bioshock 2 is bad in general
>story is important in video games
>dark souls 1 is the best and above criticism
>Enjoying the Walking Backward Simulator
What are the actual weaknesses of Unity as an engine
Are you telling me you don't understand the difference between who you are as a person and what you're carrying?
What defines and RPG if not control over who you are playing and what they choose to do?
Came across this a while ago. It doesn't make me mad, but it's one of the stupidest things I've read.
>Fighting games are too hard
DS1 is the best but DeS is my favourite.
>Mario Sunshine being anything but the worst 3D mainline Mario game, bonus points for fags that think it's the best
>Overwatch is good
>TitS is a good series people
>People that do 3x3s and don't include Doom
>People that think diversity in gaming is good
>People that defend anything Ubisoft has made in the past 10 years
>People that think FFIX is the best FF
>People that bash Zelda 2
>People that think SF is better than KoF
>People that defend Nintendo hardware
>People that bash the Vita
>People that think blacks are equal to whites
Why would I play a VIDEO game if it has an unappealing artstyle?
>just use mods
just saw a silverfish crawling up my speaker
>trash trash trashity trash are you convinced now that I've said trash a lot? Things are bad because uh trash.
Oh man, what an original and perfectly sensible comeback! Doesn't like pointlessly shoved in negroids in his games? What a fucking child lol grow up, become a mature liberal like me and stop being an immature racist alt-righter!
You're not raising any arguement. If you think I'm just going to jot down a paragraph of descriptive crtiticism for a memearrow post you'd be wrong
Clean better. Toss away packages.
>ywn be this assmad autistic
feels good man
Go ahead and explain the mechanical differences from the inventory system in Super Metroid and an RPG where the DM gives fuck all XP and instead gives you enchanted items giving you abilities and higher stats.
And you didn't say anything about choices before. In Dark Souls you can basically choose to kill someone or not, and that's it. There's no game mechanics outside of killing shit. There's never several solutions to a single problem, like in say Deus Ex or Fallout.
>mindless shitposting about new releases
The Dishonored games and their DLCs are fucking good.
I love you.
>Stop being an immature racist alt-righter!
Well, yea.
it is.
>If the game runs at 30 FPS I won't play it
>Gameplay is more important than story
>Games don't need gameplay to be considered a game
>I can't play old games because the graphics suck
>Fallout 3 is better than Fallout New Vegas
Or any iteration of that
I'll take the bait
>Mario Sunshine being anything but the worst 3D mainline Mario game
The later ones are so much better, right? You know, the ones that strip all the challenge out.
>People that defend Nintendo hardware
It works for its purpose
>People that bash the Vita
I bought the Vita at launch and to this day I still feel ripped off. Barely any good games on it.
>People that think blacks are equal to whites
Depends on the monitor.
>I think they should do (Insert poorly-aged platformer from the early 2000s) remastered!
I can think of one example but I'm not sure if its the one you mean
>laughing at you gif
Nigga I'm the one laffin at you. Every time I see someone say "grow up" in response to things like that I crack up because guys like you are all manchildren.
I mean for something like black women nazi soldiers, you have a point with that being a retarded statement
Gameplay IS more important than story.
>It's a good game, it's just not a good "X" game
>this is supposed to be sarcasm
Any multiplayer focused game "needing" single player content is retarded. Either get some friends or kill yourself. You don't see people crying that the bots in counter strike have been mediocre to play against for the years it's been around