The world of games is in a kind of a trance right now. People are programmed to accept so little...

The world of games is in a kind of a trance right now. People are programmed to accept so little. But the possibilities are so great...

Xbox One X is not just a console, it's an entirely new game system. And it involves a whole lotta new toys that WE have the privelige to be the first to try out. So show some fucking respect to MS/Xbox One X Sup Forums

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>entirely new game system
>not a single game that won't run on the fat launch Xbone from 2013

>that WE have the privelige to be the first to try out.
What? I'm pretty sure you have to pay quite a sum to gain that 'privilege'. Why do fanboys always act as though they're getting this and that shit for free and should be thankful for it? If anything, the companies should be thankful to the consumers instead.

What the fuck are you even talking about dude?

>And it involves a whole lotta new toys that WE have the privelige to be the first to try out. So show some fucking respect to MS/Xbox One X Sup Forums
Be thankful for having the privilege of getting a reply. Show some fucking respect.

I have a lot of respect for Microsoft and what they have accomplished with the xbox one x. This will be a nifty piece of living room hardware to enjoy ga-

They showed a ton at E3

nobody cares about the cool specs, and tthe games are also ALL multiplat

Thing runs on windows 10, i have a pc... what's the point? At least ps4 will have some exclusive titles

What if you don't have a PC? And you want to game?

You buy a pc

You can build a better PC for the same price or cheaper, and get 10x the games

Somebody should make a custom firmware for the One X so that it can be used for etherium mining. Since the One X basically has an rx 480, it would be a great value for miners considering 480s are going for over $500.

Should've been the console they released originally. Shame they didnt have Phil to have this. Finally 1080p/30fps on xbox, ps4 pro2 will follow and maybe will get there too.

Shame neither have any good exclusives.



I was thinking the same thing, both the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X would be great cheap all-in-one Ethereum miners if people hacked them.

Uugghh, after buying the xbone I'm never buy another console again.

irrelevant because, as I said, I have a pc.

Honestly, in this day an age, you should own a PC.
I'm a poorfag collegefag inner city black guy working for slightly above minimum wage and even I have a decent gaming PC, there's literally no excuse in the year 2017.

very few 'actual' exclusives tho :(

What the fuck will it take for sonnyggers to admit the PS4 is trash? Look at the pathetic faggots begging for Sony to stop denying them EA Access. At what point do you realize what a cancerous platform it's turned into and sell the fucking thing?

They'll never admit
It's all they got, it's their identity, their console that was built by someone else that they payed to play games with is their life.
Never gonna happen, shit I even remember how loud the PS2 kids were in middle school, incredibly annoying

Give one me one reason to buy a console when everything Microsoft is putting out now is going on PC anyways.

a ton of multiplats, in fact all of them were multiplats

Do you actually use Windows 10?

With the GPU, CPU, etc, market being the way it is today it's never been a better time especially with how weak consoles are
Including the One X, come on 6 terflops woopty doo that's a GPU from two years ago and you still got a shitty CPU so congrats

The only thing it's using which is impressive from a technical point of view is its power supply.

Don't need to, every "exclusive" to windows 10 already has double take and is usable on 7 and 8.1. Since DX12 is a fuck huge failure compared to vulkan.

not him but, almost every pc gamer uses windows 10


The thing is fucking pointless. Look at Sony. Look at Days Gone, there's nothing out there better looking and are you telling me the Xbox One X can compete? Fuck. No.

But hell, this game looks incredible. It's almost like the world's greatest game artists ought to be punished for handing humanity the single most deforming of reality yet. We're doomed once Days Gone hits the shelves, goodbye productivity, goodbye life,

Only 26% of market share for personal users is windows 10 and it's been dropping every 4
months by nearly 1%, because everyone hears all the garbage about it. Windows 10 is failing just as bad as Vista despite their best efforts.

>there's nothing out there better looking
Than Days Gone?
Kek, is this a joke?

windows 10 was garbage only until redstone update
redstone fixed almost all the problems it had
I don't understand why anyone wouldn't upgrade from 7 to 10 at this point
it's secure & fast (most of the ransomware victims had windows 7 on their pcs)
the forced updates are annoying, yes, but if you are using pro or enterprise you can set it to update when you want it to

Most of the current ransomware attack was not against personal users you dumb shit shill. It was against hospitals and banks who have fucking government contracts, Microsoft is obligated to keep those versions of windows alive and aren't the same consumer grade as 7 and 8.1 you and me use.