Why haven't you downloaded your FREE Pride theme yet? You're not homophobic are you?
Why haven't you downloaded your FREE Pride theme yet? You're not homophobic are you?
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so what if I am?
It's 2017 user
>nu-Sup Forums gets triggered by optional wallpapers
Why do I still come here?
No, I just believe it's totally inconsequential and not something to be proud of.
Sup Forums fags are better people than the "I'm a girl" idiots.
What a nice theme
Because my Cyber Sleuth one is fine
Thank you Sony for being the platform for equality
Looks like shit, unless you have pic related and other colorful shit all around your room
Most people don't mind gays in 2017
Should be applied to Sup Forums.
>FREE Pride theme
>implying they sell themes
sonybros ACTUALLY, I repeat ACTUALLY pay to change their background.
Because I can create my theme whitout D downloading anything?
I like rainbow btw
Well, turns out we're living in $CURRENT_YEAR so I don't understand how anyone wouldn't download it.
Kek, I didn't know about this
Sony is so cancerous, why does Sup Forums nuthug them so much?
Thanks doc
That could have been a pretty neat version if it wasn't for that heart.
Why aren't Nintendo and Microsoft as supportive of the LGBT community?
but it is free
stop shitposting
also best ps4 theme is world of tank x girls und panzer
which was also free
Too busy using my Sonic Mania one.
I have bought like 8 themes for my 3ds, come on now.
I like the PlayStation 20th one more
Nintendo does as well, dunno about Xbox
Does Pride include White Pride?
>literally gay backgrounds and avatars
>waifu avatars
Why doesn't Sup Forums acknowledge Microsoft's superiority?
>world of tank x girls und panzer
Post that shit
Because maybe they want to focus on selling hardware and games?
Sony has the luxury of fucking about right now.
It finally feels good to be a gamer...
Thanks Sony... Keep on being... Dare I say... Epic?
That looks gay af
>dark night
>turn on my ps4
>my eyes burn but at least people can't say I'm homophobic
>basing your whole identity and life purpose on your love for dick
why do gays do this?
why can't they do like Caravaggio or Alan Turing, and just keep the boy fucking to a side hobby?
>tfw gays took the rainbow
gay as this gif
Most do. Pride is a once a year event
They're a minority now go prep your bull ;^)
>ALL the players
Wait, I'm sure this, for someone, is homophobic asf
This is it, this is the last straw. Goodbye.
Because the vocal ones are the ones you're gonna notice and focus on.
It's exactly like Sup Forums
This is fucking disgusting. I am done with sony. I am selling my ps4 and getting myself a xbone. Atleast on xbox i dont have to deal with this faggy shit.
>when your system sold on pretty much sold on nothing but brang recognition and three games so you're you're basically allowed to do whatever the fuck you want
I don't know whether I should be impressed or sad.
that's actually a good looking theme. I'd apply it if it didn't have the text on it.
>"I'm fine with fags as long as I can live my life with nothing even vaguely reminding me they exist haha xD"
this is literally no worse from a straight guy having a pretty woman as his wallpaper or some shit
Gay voice/gay lisp is an actual interesting thing to read up on desu.
Thanks don
It is.
It is literally a meme in every sense of the word
because they have been prosecuted and discriminated. it doesn't hurt to support and love them
Lol playstation more like gaystation
It's not about "love for dick", it's about finally being free after years of being ostracized, beaten up, shamed and so on, solely because of sexual preferences.
>basing your whole identity and life purpose on your love for america
why do americans do this?
why can't they keep their love for their independence to a side hobby?
Thanks doc.
Who are you quoting???
Steam supports theming, or at least it used to, I think even Valve forgot at this point.
Otherwise they'd be monetizing it.
Jesus christ u sound like a typical cuck. this has to be bait. You got everything wrong
Just like how the theme would be great if it didn't have "FOR ALLLL DA GAMERS XD" on it.
Huh? Nintendo knows the entire Sma4sh fan base is queer and supported them with paid DLC. Meanwhile Microsoft keeps supporting turbo queers via Gears of War while cancelling games for straights
Shut up you aids-ridden cumdrinker, there's already reddit and neofag for you to be gay in.
Because my current theme has Mirai in a bikini.
Fags should be drowned in the river desu senpai
Not an argument
>tfw your parents raised you to hate gays and you try to convince yourself you hold the majority opinion when you are actually part of an ever shrinking minority
I have a cock a BIG FAT JUICY COCK and all of you can SUCK IT.
Where's the [anything non-degenerate] Pride theme?
back to r/td with you faggots
Sounds reasonable.
>why do americans do this?
>why can't they keep their love for their independence to a side hobby?
You say that like this hasn't been a common sentiment for 50 years.
As always, subtle is always better really.
Same with graphic tees and merchandise.
Because I don't like how it looks. Too bright. I like it somber while I suck dick.
What penus do you like Sup Forums, be honest
I'm actually annoyed fags have hijacked the rainbow. Now people can't use it without people thinking they're gay. That is a very nice theme
>Sm4sh fanbase is queer
Nigga did you even see the Cambrian Explosion of porn that was made when WFT got announced alone?
This, everyone on this website must be autistic.
That actually looks nice honestly. Maybe not the heart.
Why are gays proud of being mentally ill?
You don't see permavirgin pride parades but you do see all this gay shit everywhere. Please explain
Okay I think it's both stupid but why is it for some reason OKAY to have Fag Pride but Hetero pride is not okay? Both are, according to society, "normal sexual preferences". So what's the deal here.
if you ever liked the rainbow you're already a phaggot tbqh
Wheres the optional fourth reich wallpaper?
What would it trigger you?
whats wrong with r/donald? its a cool place to be. You trying to be edgy m8?
There is now antibiotic resistant gonorrhoea because of you faggots
Some day a super bug will spread because faggots are massive whores, and they'll chase it intentionally and try and infect others
>solely because of sexual preferences
People dislike faggots, not gays.
Stop projecting
xbox allows custom backgrounds
The idea isnt about the gay pride thing is celebrating beaing able to express yourself without fear of being beaten up and shit like that.
Heterosexual people never really had anything to fear in that regard so "hetero pride" is just pointless to be honest
>For ALL the players
Love or hate Sony all you want but this is a fucking genius catchphrase that will get them so much brownie points
> attack helicopter
>Sup Forums hates gays
>but loves traps
I bought 7 kekistan shirts. I am proud to be funding the alt-right narrative. Whats wrong? Upset all the kool kids are doing it, loser?
Majority of fags doing this shit have no experience with things you mentioned.
>Sony makes 1 shitty free background
>want to live a quiet life with my bf
>don't want to get roped into this gay shit
Nobody was ever arrested for being straight
Normies buy it for the multiplats.
Sup Forums is closest gay. It should have been obvious to you by now.
>implying Sup Forums is one person
Why do you want to larp as people who hate you?