Does Ryzen offer the best bang for your buck when it comes to gaming CPUs?
Does Ryzen offer the best bang for your buck when it comes to gaming CPUs?
I dunno about the 7 but I ordered the 5 1600 and it's doing well so far. I'm not gonna touch intel products for a while until amd fucks up.
whats your temp
Eh, it's sort of a toss up. Honestly depends on what you plan to do with it. Ryzen's got more cores and is better for performing a variety of functions in addition to gaming. Intel is more focused on gaming performance and seems to get better results for those who focus exclusively on that.
The last AMD I owned, I had a pair of 2000+ cpus, the ones with the lower clock speed but higher ticks per second. I think they were like 1.6ghz but ran equivalent to a 2ghz.
I will never touch AMD again. Shit was definitely cheaper but holy shit it was hot as shit and was dinky as hell.
I 100% Intel now.
How does the 1600 stack up against Intel's similarly priced equivalent for gaming performance?
You're missing out because now intel is the hot and dinky one what with the 90c housefires and mandatory delidding
I have an i7 and mine doesn't ever go higher than 70 under extreme load, like Battlefield for 5 hours load.
I'm not opposed to using better equipment but from where I'm sitting, AMD just pops up with a gimmick and goes 'WE'RE BETTER!' and offer arbitrary numbers.
It's like when someone brags about their IQ, it's such a subjective number. Ultimately what it boils down to is how many years will it last and how much of a hassle it is.
just wait for the threadripper
Kaby lake and the new i9s are huge housefires and pieces of shit, the last good intel chips were sandy bridge.
I don't think you actually researched ryzen beyond fanboy forums or shitposts because ryzen is a legitimately good chip. It has the IPC equivalent of broadwell. Broadwell started at like 1k and you can get ryzen for 400 dollars or less.
The ryzen 7 eight core is like two 4790ks glued together. How the fuck is that a gimmick? Plus they're soldered, no delid bullshit.
The 6 cores, yes, because they are good value for money and if you need more you can upgrade to a Zen+ or Zen2 8-core in a couple years without throwing away your motherboard.
The 8 cores a bit less so just for gaming, but an overclocked 1700 is still a lot of value for money.
Only alternative are Intel quadcores, which are an exercise in planned obscolences.
For gaming? Not really currently. You'd be better served by a 7700k on a pure performance standpoint. Most games don't really utilize Ryzen properly. Whether that's an issue with the hardware, Windows, or the actual games is sort of up in the air, because the platform is so young and still has some slight issues.
If you do more than gaming however (content creation), then Ryzen is a great choice. Ryzen pretty much blows away anything else Intel could offer in its price range in most of those cases.
Still, I'd say just get Ryzen to help stir up some healthy competition. Intel has been sitting on their asses for far too long.
Threadripper will be the ultimate CPU for rpcs3.
>I will never touch AMD again. Shit was definitely cheaper but holy shit it was hot as shit and was dinky as hell.
ah right so because you didn't get a good fan you've decided that AMD aren't worth it
dumb cunt
It's so hard to separate truth from delusional fiction though. I don't know of any objective comparison sites that test things I care about.
I don't care how fast it can apply a filter to a 32 gig jpeg, I just want to play vidya. Once you get off the numbers wagon it's full on feudal AMD vs. Intel combat as far as the eye can see.
I had a great fan but it was still a warm CPU, user. I'm not here to joust with you on semantics of the word hot, maybe you should go back to reddit where you can downvote things you don't like.
Depends what you're after. There are valid reasons to go for both the ryzen 1600 or 7700k, both of which are the best price/perf of their respective line-ups.
Don't fall for the AMD gpu meme though.
in 90% of games it doesn't even make a difference which CPU you buy. Only way to tell a difference is to run high end GPUs on low resolutions.
>Rich and don't care about wasting money?
>Plan on upgrading your whole motherboard and CPU in the next year?(6 cores intel came out soon next year, so does devs will make them compatible with it)
>Okay with spending more money for another expensive CPU fan or not care having your CPU throttling due to heat?
Go with Intel
Here is the real question, is intel x series worth buying?
>Don't fall for the AMD gpu meme though
The RX 480 and RX 580 are solid mid tier GPUs with great price/performance. Nothing really wrong with them.
Not to mention NVIDIA no longer has things like Shadowplay or GSync to hold over people's heads to tempt them, so the competition is only getting more interesting.
Vega is looking kind of shaky though. Won't lie there.
Just because you don't care about synthetic benchmarks doesn't mean they aren't relevant
In terms of video games 4 are still good, but there are videos on youtube showing how eight cores actually help for smoothness vs 4 core, since the 4 cores cores will be mostly under load vs the 8 core being under half load
Fuck no. And I say that as someone who fucking loves Intel.
>6 cores intel came out soon next year, so does devs will make them compatible with it
What did he mean by this?
>just wait!
or you could just buy ryzen 1600 now and cruise for the next 8 years
r5 1600 is the best value cpu in the mid-range market with the longest longevity.
Not him but high 30s low 40s idle and high 40s low 50s under load. Overclocked to 3.6ghz on stock cooler
not other user, I agree with you. I've had an r9 290 for a few years and it is hot as hell. I've got good fans but the issue is that all that hot air gets pushed out... into my apartment. In my tiny apartment it gets to the point where I can't play demanding games in summer because it's just too fucking hot in the room to comfortably sit there.
This was from a game that came out in 2012.
Kinda fucking doubt it, but the R7 1700 would be great for it
Maybe if you're American. AMD has never been cheaper for me when it comes to gpu. Also we're talking about midrange gpu's which use as much power as 1080/ti under load which isn't impressive at all (rx 580).
At the end of the day most people buy whichever is the cheapest for them and pretty much everywhere outside of America has Nvidia cheaper hence why they sell a fuckload.
>paying 300 trumpbucks for 4 cores in the current year
I was commenting more on your english than your point.
Its pretty cheap in china and SEA before the etherium craze, sorry yurop.
Chink chong nip nong.
>7700k meme
Don't listen to this retard. The 7700k is only good for content creation. You will not notice a difference in games between a 7600k and a 7700k. ryzen performance isn't far behind intel so you won't notice much while gaming. ryzen 5 1600 or an i5 7600k is your best bet
When is this meme going to die? GTX 780/780ti produced just as much heat, so do current high end cards like the 1080ti.
>Get a devils canyon
>only considered OK because I put the equivalent of a car radiator in my case
Never again.
>doesn't say which game
nice strawman
I can't comment on the heat output of cards that I haven't owned. I can comment on the one I do own. It's like turning an oven on and leaving it open. That's a very pretty graph user, thank (you).
Fair enough
AM4 support till 2020 too
r9 390s and 290s were god tier, don't be a brand loyal cocksucking drone
I will never understand why amd shills here
>see people showing support for company I don't like
take your meds you bloody schizo
Tell me how anything I said in that post makes me "brand loyal". Fuck off retard.
t. Actual 390 owner in the past
Nice try amd marketing
there are no "gaming CPU"'s you fucking shill.
a fucking pentium can provide 60FPS.
And if you play on 144hz you get an i7
>Don't fall for the AMD gpu meme though.
No. 7700 non-K is literally better than EVERY Ryzen for gaming.
>The 7700k is only good for content creation
The fuck are you smoking? The 7700k is terrible for content creation. You'd be much better served by Ryzen in that regard.
As for performance, in most cases, the difference you're looking at between say a 7700k, and an R7 1700 is maybe 10 FPS at most, but if you have a decent GPU capable of pushing most games past 60 FPS, then it doesn't really matter. You'd be hard pressed to find the difference between 90 FPS and 100 FPS, for example.
Still, from a pure performance standpoint for a pure gaming setup, you would be better served by a 7700k. If you do more than just game, then you'd be better served by a Ryzen.
Ryzen just can't comparewith Intel.
How does that make me a brand loyalist you melt?
Go on. Let's see this in depth investigation you've obviously undertaken to come to the conclusion that I'm a brand loyalist because of a personal opinion based on past experience.
Too bad the X299 is an abortion.
sure thing. this post is attempting to dissuade other people from an entire brand of gpus because you've decided they're a 'meme'. from my exhaustive research I've concluded that this definitely demonstrates you're a mouth-breathing twelve year old fanboy.
It's absolutely intel's best for content creation. You don't need the extra threads for gaming you dumbshit. If you're buying an i7 for gaming you're fucking stupid
Some of the lower ones, the 1600 for example, maybe, but even that often loses to an oc'd 7600k
non-K Intel is trash.
>15% better performance
>Insane power draw/out of control thermals
>2x the price
Yup a clear winner here.
>If you're buying an i7 for gaming you're fucking stupid
It's 2017 granpda, not 2008
Yet still better than any ryzen. Oh the irony.
Nice projection ranjeet. If I were to say the same about Intel or Nvidia I wouldn't be a fanboy amirite?
Fun fact: my main pc for years was a full amd build with an msi r9 390 gaming 8g. The 390 was a bad (at the time of crimson drivers anyway), power hungry and hot gpu. Cry more shill.
What's next? You're going to claim it isn't?
I've never bought an i7, but don't high-end gaming rigs mostly have overclockable i7s?
and game these days use up to 8 threads
Plan on upgrading your whole motherboard and CPU in the next year?
Lol why would you upgrade next year?
A 7700k or an oc'd 6700k is the best for gaming right now and it looks like it will stay that way for the foreseeable future
you can get almost the same perf with an overclocked 1600 tho :)
What a fucking joke. It's like you're not even trying when you come up with this shit.
that's only if you look at average framerates. A 6 core Ryzen has higher minimum framerates and it's not on a dead end platform like LGA 1151.
they put out a genuinely good CPU
and infinity fabric is some magic shit
Except for a few fringe cases, the 7700k also has higher minimum framerates.
Also keep in mind that many Ryzen users still struggle getting their ram up to 3000 mhz lmao
Intel 8th gen coming soon to counter Ryzen, more reason for devs to start optimizing with more cores CPU platform
But hey, I'm not stopping you if you want to buy a new CPU today and complain why Devs start catering to next gen Intel or AMD next year.
That's why I said go with Intel if you don't care about reasons I said before..
>If I were to say the same about Intel or Nvidia I wouldn't be a fanboy amirite?
No you're not right, you're just projecting your imbecilic thought processes onto me. That's what projection actually looks like by the way friend.
Before you slam out another furious nvidiot screed do you have any reason why radeon cards are a 'meme' other than the fact you don't like the card you have right now? for instance you mention power consumption; the rx 480 has roughly equal performance of the 390 at almost half the tdp. why is that a worse purchase than the nvidia equivalent? are you just assuming everyone else uses their computer in a broom closet like you?
> mfw I own a FX 9590
> mfw I also own a XFX R9 290
> mfw I also live in Florida
I am moving to Ryzen though, one the fence on getting another amd video card though. Thing is hot as bawls.
you can easily reach 3000 or 3200 with samsung rams
rams from other brands can easily get to 2666 but not above that
but you won't benefit as much from 2666 to 3000 compared to from 2400 to 2666
>planning to buy any kind of GPU with today mining craze.
My 1700 works great
even 1500x is better
Better than the i5 7600k in most titles
The i5 has a clockspeed advantage, but those extra cores on the ryzen really make a difference in modern games
The 7600k is shit for gaming
100% CPU load in many demanding games, which causes frametimes to be all over the place
Just get a Ryzen 1600
hey asshole you just ruined my fucking day
Sup Forums is my safe space, ok?
I don't want any footfag amd shills on this board
go back to r/amd and hang yourself on a cord
>there is people still posting the fake joker benchmarks
>Vega is looking kind of shaky though. Won't lie there.
Looks like Vega is likely going to be somewhere between 1080 and 1080ti
Really depends on the price if its worth buying
high end rigs do usually have them because they're either making content or they think it'll give them noticeable performance. Gaming is still largely bound to single threaded performance so those 8 threads aren't really utilized. an i5 or an r5 are more than enough for gaming
no, the 1500x can't really get better than the 7700 unless it can overclock up to 4.xGhz
but still, it's a better cpu for the price
Only mid-range GPUs are fucked. 1050ti and lower tier as well as high end like 1080ti are pretty much unchanged and still in stock. I know because I've bought 1050ti just yesterday for 160$
>m-m-muh value
Gaming is not cheap hobby! Why are you so fucking dumb?
got a r5 1600 along woth 3200mhz ddr4 corsair vengeance on a b350 motherboard.
i am blown the fuck away by how cheap yet powerful the system is.
i think the 1600 is the best price/performance sweetspot when ryzen2 is out itll probably be the 1700 though.
but holee fuck. i had a 3570k before but it died due to hardware failure and this is such a huge fucking upgrade. its not even funny how powerful the system is. its like were back in the phenom 2 days when amd was actually relevant.
they are seriously giving intel a run for its money. sure it cant compete ipc wise with intels high end stuff. but it performs similarly while being 400-600 bucks cheaper.
its fucking phenomenal. i will only switch back to intel if they can make a i7 tier cpu that has at least 8c/16t for 250 bucks max.
because thats what ryzen feels like currently.
1700 is the only good ryzen processor.
intel just cant compete with 8 inch BBC cores.
1500x is on par with that locked trash, 1600x shits on it completely.
>own amd
>say something that shills (aka you) don't like seeing
Some amazing logic right there.
>current amd card uses less power than a known power hungry gpu from previous gen
>somehow makes it a must buy compared to a cheaper Nvidia gpu which also sucks down less power whilst having better performance on average
What makes it a better buy than the Nvidia equivalent? There's fanboyism (you) then there's simple logic (everyone else). Unless you can find amd gpu for cheaper than the Nvidia equivalent there is no reason to buy it for gaming. Price has been the main reason people by amd. They no longer have that advantage.
got a ryzen 5 1600 2 months ago. very good cpu so far, very fast, energy efficient and perfect for future multithreading heavy games. the sticker is also nice heh.
b350 mb also offers great value for price
>an i5 or an r5 are more than enough for gaming
Not anymore. Unless you're okay with 100% CPU usage.
I want a PC, not a nuclear reactor.
>r5 1600 along woth 3200mhz ddr4 corsair vengeance on a b350 motherboard
My nigga I just got the same setup myself. Waiting for delivery next week. Your post makes me happy
>3200mhz ddr4
oh but speccy doesn't work with ryzen yet, so it seems. In my bios temp says 50 degrees celsius but in bios the cpu runs always at full speed. so maybe 40 idle or so. with stock coller ofc. it's a good cooler