what hapenned
>Doesn't appeal to casuals.
>Doesn't appeal to RTS players.
>Doesn't appeal to DoW 1/2 players.
Why can't they ever make a good 40k game. Is it really that hard?
The fact that they had to patch in the most fundamental RTS gamemode months after release should tell you everything.
>tfw will never get more DoW1
>There were people who greenlit that shit
How disconnected are devs nowadays??
There's something that really confuses me. I didn't follow the game super hard but the impression I first got when it was a announced was that it was going to be a "real" RTS with base building, economy management and all that shit. Then it came out and the only multiplayer mode was a MOBAeque mess. What happened?
>"Okay, guys. We need plans for DoW3. What do RTS players like?"
Probably the beancounters said 3/4s into development "Hey MOBAs are big now, why aren't we making one of those?".
They probably thought the MOBA influence would help sell the game.
Generic as fuck RTS that has nothing to do with the previous Relic games. They don't know if they want the SC2 or Moba audience and ended up splitting the community again. Don't think it will ever recover.
Oh and Gorb, he's moderating 24/7 and banning people left and right. Relic isn't even paying him. By now, one should be worried that he's neglecting "his" child so he can track all comments.
I don't think you know what the word "generic" means.
That train of thought is so fucking stupid though. Anybody with a brain should be able to see that there are literally HUNDREDS of MOBAs on the market right now and out of those only 3-4 are successful. Why waste money by trying to tap into an over-saturated market that is already on the decline. Shouldn't these people have studied economics?
Were you under the impression that people responsible for creating video games had to be smart?
Probably because the rts genre is on the decline so they tried to hit on the market which has more players.
>Shouldn't these people have studied economics?
Who the fuck studies economics to work for a shit tier vidya dev?
It looks visually worse than the 2004 game. Ignoring all the other problems.
At least there was a good trailer
the sad thing is, after dow 3 flop they will probably give up on a quality 40k vidya for a long time
space hulk flopped, eternal crusade flopped, dow 3 flopped
the only potentially good game i can think of right now is total war 40k
everything else is shovelware tier trash
I waited six long years for another 40k game that would be at least above average like Space Marine and then we're presented with this
maybe games workshop is trying to herd us into buying their shitty plastic models by constantly releasing bad 40k games
It's not. It's that Gamesworkshop are a bunch of Jews and want to squeeze every penny out of the franchise.
>maybe games workshop is trying to herd us into buying their shitty plastic models by constantly releasing bad 40k games
they just don't care about quality anymore, throwing 40k licence to anyone interested
Firewarrior and DoW1
It's funny how the devs always go for the "it's warhammer, nerds will buy it" approach, instead of making a good game.
as someone that likes mobas (HotS) and is pretty awful at rts I really wanted to like this. It was gonna be my real entrance into rts, but the game just isn't fun.
People are calling it a MOBA and they are unopposed now, because nobody is going to defend this game anymore.
But let me set one thing right. The MOBA-esque game mode is the least of this game's problems.
To me it seems that every 40k game is just lazy, like they don't go all out. Meanwhile fucking warhammer fantasy has gotten WAY better games despite GW killing it off for AoS.
usually that works, tho
There's a number of factors that are kind of wrong with this game. Imagine a game where units die almost as fast as a unit in Starcraft but costs 3x to 4x the cost to build. And for some reason they decided every single unit needed to have an activated ability. Morale no longer exists so units that would normally shit themselves when taking too many loses or facing against particular units or characters don't care anymore.
Past DoW games did a nice representation of reflecting not just the universe but the tabletop element of the game into an RTS format. DoW 3 is very much missing this key design aspect of its gameplay elements.
Lol tl;dr nigga bitch
6 sentences is too long for you? Stop browsing on your phone.
Play the other Dawn of War games instead.
>You now realize it's been 15 years since the last good 40k games
Units die about as fast as they do in DoW2, but without any Retreat mechanic.
I think it's a great game, I've had tons of fun with it but the merger between DoW1 and DoW2 has been pretty flawed.
Guys just stop talking about that trash game XD go back to dow 1 to play Ultimate Apocalypse mod, it gets more attention!
I don't recall DoW 2 units being quite expensive to the point where losing one becomes quite back breaking like it is in DoW 3.
You must be mistaken, user. Losing a squad in DoW2 is a bigger setback than losing one in DoW3. In multiplayer you get a fairly good rate of resources to get a army up and running, and you can recover from losses.
the worst part about all this is that we'll never actually get a good dawn of war game ever again.
you just know the execs are going to look at the failure and unpopularity of this game and think "i guess modern gamers just don't like rts anymore!" and so they'll say it's unprofitable to ever try again.
Losing one squad in Dawn of War 2 might be recoverable with a lot of hard work. Lose two and you might as well gg.
>Units die about as fast as they do in DoW2
unless we're talking guardsmen and heretics, that's plain false
and that's not even getting into some of the abilities elite units have
Only for some races like IG and Eldar but otherwise units in DoW 2 do last longer than their DoW 3 counterparts. Ironically Eldar got beefy as fuck in DoW 3 with their shield ability which makes them tanky as hell for some of their basic tier units.
I don't think you understand how a business is run, user.
Well, they explain to my why you need an economist in a vidya dev team.
>The MOBA-esque game mode is the least of this game's problems.
Whats the others?
Fuck you, Relic. Go make a good Space Marine 2 and stop trying to make another RTS ever again.
Wargame 40K fucking when.
MOBAs print money so I can see why they tried their hand at it.
Glad that they failed so miserably, now SEGA will step in and go full nelson on them. Just see how they save CA.