Smartphone Gaming

Do you play games on your smartphone? If so, what games?

I'm still surprised smartphone gaming turned into what it has. Most games are free with some kind of ridiculous cash grab gimmick. The fact that these devices can actually run games, in a lot of ways, better than dedicated handheld gaming devices and the fact that everyone has a smartphone would make it seem they have so much potential as actual gaming devices. But no developer wants to make actual games for them.

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Because normies that's why.

There are very few good-ish games.
My personal choices are Beat Hazard, Cytus, Cook Serve Delicious and Supreme Hexagon, but I am also looking for more games to play.

I mostly just play classic and occasionally new adventure games, but I got Dragon Quest VIII the other day.

Potion Maker!

fire emblem heroes and ff brave exavius mostly, you get to a point where stamina systems kind prevent you from playing them much but it's a nice thing to stop and do every day

Ridiculous Fishing


Crash Fever is the new PAD

I played angry birds in 2009 but haven't touched any since, I'd rather look like an autist and bring my gba sp or psp around on public transport.

Honestly, the only good phone games I can think of, are Fire Emblem Heroes, and the phone ports for Sonic 1 and 2, but that's it.

Is there an endgame to ridiculous fishing? I'm not sure if the twitter knockoff birdr tells an actual story. I got to the artic sea. Am I close to beating the game?

You can play all those GBA and PSP games on your phone

Kind of took a break after realizing that my phone can't install the new battle cats update, going to risk installing an apk instead, hopefully it'll still start after that.
Other than that,
Crash Fever
Potion Maker


I play summoners war and bit heroes

Get a matte screen protector. Kinda makes your screen look like shit but it makes actually sliding your finger tips around it comfy as fuck.

There are some really good games on mobile if you know where to look.

BUT most good smartphone games also happen to be on other platforms (most of the time they are just ports).

what is the best game for cute anime girls

wait for female ver of pic

>tfw darkest dungeon for mobile never ever

Its so disappointing we can't have new phone games of that quality though. We could have real full fledged fire emblem or advance wars games with proper touch control. But no. The best we can hope for is dumbed down versions with gatcha shit.

Mobius Final Fantasy and Bleach: Brave Souls. I'm about to play Deus Ex: The Fall as well.

They have an android port for Catalysm: Darks Days Ahead so i'm good with that, beside with some dungeon crawler such as Pixel Dungeon

Sad thing is FEH proved that FE would work incredibly well on mobile. Being able to just tap on shit rather than use a d-pad is great.

You can find an unofficial, uncensored port of Sakura Dungeon for Android. It's kind of fun, but I quickly realized that if I wanted to see any of the porn I could just find the gallery with a simple search.


tempest can take 30mins or grinding almost an hour

Anybody has time for a turn based game you can put down and return to at any time. Many maps took me more than one sitting to beat on handhelds and it was never a problem.

I've only ever enjoyed Fire Emblem, but my phone is a bit older so it eats my battery too fast. I'm not far in because of that.

>Cook, Serve Delicious
>Jet Car Stunts 1/2
>Lara Croft Go
>Knights of Pen and Paper
>Pixel Dungeon
>Roller Coaster Tycoon Classic
>Riptide GP Renegade
>Train Conductor World

Are all good games that I recommend, with reasonable or no IAPs, and no ads.

I play Exvius as a free player because I fucking hate myself.

I play some quick puzzle games but nothing like actual games.
Closest would maybe be Severed, but it turned out good. Didn't own a vita

Ambition of the Slimes
Also Telepaint is a decently fun puzzle game

this shitty game ballz is fun

I'm just going to shill Vainglory, pretty good MOBA on mobile, assuming you have stable internet connection. Avoid Mobile Legends at all costs.

Is it a friendly introduction to the genre if I've never played a MOBA before?

How's the IAP structure?
