4 dollars on PlayStation store

>4 dollars on PlayStation store

Is it worth it?

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if you don't give a shit about LOTR lore or don't get mad over asscreed combat, sure.

For 4 bucks, yeah it's good.
Anything more? No

Yes. The story is an insult to Tolkien and the books, but is fun to kill things.

yea if u dont wanna save 4bucks


It's the only game that does BamHam combat well, and the Nemesis system is neat.

Yes, it definitely wouldn't be worth it for full price.

That's like bus fare.

Yes, it's worth it.

If you are a lorefag, no.
If you enjoy the batman freeflow combat thing its pretty great, the custom orc thing is pretty fantastic too.

only good thing about this game are the double counters where the wraith comes out of your body to make some sick ass moves

everything else is derivative crap

It's going to be free this weekend

-the combat becomes trivial.
-that ending.
-monotony starts settling.
-tacked on perk system.

but for 4 dollaroos? sure.

it's batman arkham combat set in LotR universe

AssCreed/Batman mix of playstyle with a novel enemy system that can get tedious and repetitive by the end. I bought it during the Steam Sale and don't regret it, but YMMV

>there are people in this thread right now that don't think Orc Wrestling Manager 2014 is a good game
explain yourselves.

>The story is an insult to Tolkien and the books
How so? I've heard the exact opposite multiple times

>4 dollars
I doubt it would be so bad it wouldn't be worth at least 4 dollars.

Its not even really fun to kill things, sword contacting enemies is weightless since its Batman combat
Its free on Steam for the weekend if you can do 42gb

i wouldnt play that game if they GAVE ME A MILLION DOLLARS

they could literally put -$1,000,000,000 as the price of that game and i'd laugh and go back to shitposting on Sup Forums

im 31 years old i dont need that game or money to do what i want which is shitpost all day on the internet, you children should learn this its the meaning of life fuck video games

>sword contacting enemies is weightless
this ^
it isnt satisfying attacking enemies.

haha, only ps4 didn't get a free weekend


It would be good if it didn't do that slow motion bull shit in combat that there isn't even a setting to turn off.


Please answer because lore is all i care about
Also how does it compare to Dragon's Dogma?

Been over a decade since I read the books so I don't remember a whole lot and don't know what exactly they "shit on," but... probably has to do with the fact that you are a nigh-invincible one many army running around Mordor and killing all of Sauron's underlings and theoretically softening it up for Frodo and co. to destroy the Ring (although that part is not specifically mentioned)
Also interacting directly with Gollum

So first ten seconds of the game features a bunch of people being murdered by Sauron for the purpose of Bringing celebrimbor back from the dead Who then Possesses the corpse of the last person murdered who the two of them go on a merry rampage through mordor oh and neither of them can die apparently because of all this.

That does sound very crazy but if they explained it properly and it doesn't clash with the cannon i see no problem


>Explain it properly

>Doesn't clash with canon
If you mean LOTR canon then no, it's fucked six ways from sunday. worse than the hobbit films.

It's a steal for $4. Plays like Assassin's Creed but in the Lord of the Rings universe

Get it on PC instead. It's the same price. I bought it a couple days ago and I'm having fun

it wasn't sauron it was some cultist faggot

That's every vidya adaption of anything ever.

>asscreed combat

If you've not even fucking played the game, why comment? The combat is nothing like AC.

Not even if it was free

>the absolute state of modern triple A games

I'm not even joking

>m-muh nemisis system

This was a bad way of trying to make up for how this game is the most monotonous boring piece of crap I've ever seen try to go for $60 by miles


Sauron is the final boss of this game? That seems kinda dumb.

Not him but it's exactly like AC combat.

You're retarded

The hobbit films didn't really break canon

*sheathes skinny jeans*

Not him but it really isn't. It's absolutely nowhere near as brain dead

Is the entire game just running between different areas of ruins with enemies or am I just really early in the gameplay

The most fun is assaulting strongholds to take out warchiefs

Nah, that's pretty much it. The "story" missions have you do different versions of that, but still just that. If you aren't feeling the Nemesis system then you won't like the game

>It's absolutely nowhere near as brain dead

>your character moves for you and places himself in the best position when spamming dodge button, even when you aren't even facing them

>mash space bar to become immortal
nice fucking game

Shadows of shitdor. fucking the most boring gameplay. same missions over and over. "kill this nigga, recruit this nigga, kill this nigga, collect bullshit"

Horrible game.

Yeah, between the nemesis system randomly generating personalities and the flashy violence in the combat I got a lot out of it.
I'd just rush through the story for powers though and fuck around in challenge mode afterwards.