How do I get to be Captain Kirk levels of good?
press space bar a little more pham
Was gonna give a long-winded guide, but no idea how nub you are. Instabuy stealth, stick with the Kestral A until you win consistently, run crew to medbay when boarded, prioritize shields/engines and especially weps, target flagship missiles, stay away from giant spiders. If you're really nub, farm every sector, don't rush the exit.
Nigga you wanna be Admiral Adama, survival is your friend and not flashy shit
Watch Rich Evans play this game, he'll give you the run down and you can just go beyond that and teach yourself how to play.
>Admiral Adama
Nah, nigga. You wanna be Jacob Keyes.
I'm no expert, but I do know that killing the crew without destroying the ship results in much higher scrap rewards. So a strong boarding party + healing bay is a good strategy to earning lots of early-game scrap
enemy fires a missile? press space and put as much energy as possible to engines (even O2 and shields). when the missile passed, restore the energy.
i always upgrade the shields after sector one and try to get cloaking as fast as possible.
after that, a boarding crew is crucial for the final battle and it provides you with lots of loot if you take over a ship.
also try to fire your weapons all at once (lasers at least)
Fuck em all to death.
Uninstall and play a better game
Get Mantis Ship B.
Get four Mantis crew.
Upgrade teleporter to 3.
Board and murder fucking everything, lods emone, #itsrainingscrap, and buy all the best weapons and upgrades by sector 6.
>Wandering unmanned drone appears
Watch someone who is good at the game like lethalfrag or darktwinge.
This is only a problem literally in sector 1, though.
If you have even a single missile launcher or any kind of half-decent weapon, it becomes the same as anything else. Because even at medbay2 and teleporter2, you can actually teleport your mantis into the fucking airless drone, have them wreck all the shit they can get their hands on, and teleport them back out before they die and have them healed by the time you're ready to board again. So you just melee that fuck down to 1 hp then hit it with a missile.
Or if RNG fucks you and you get 2-3 in the first sector, just restart, who gives a shit, you've only played for 5 minutes.
True, although I've always liked the Lanius ship with a free teleporter for teleporting shenanigans. They can survive in zero oxygen and kill things nearly as fast, while also starting with a flak cannon (?)
I think you need Tele 3 to pull out crew from unmanned drone in time
But Mantis B starts with boarding drone which can get the job done
This is one of a few games that makes me feel in love with the second default ship, love the Red Tail so much
FTL 2 when
Engi B is actually better than I remembered. A boatload of shit to sell, nice weapons level, nice drone level. Pick up a defense drone and a decent weapon and you're good.
By cheating.
upgrade doors nigga
You mean the "Forever Alone" ship?
Nothing wrong with being alone when you've got robots to do everything for you. Selling your garbage except for one repair drone and getting a better weapon/drone is really nice.
it's easy to die if they teleport directly to your room though
Easy. Upgrade doors once or twice and de-oxygenate the rooms they're in.