He doesn't have a custom fightstick fightstick done by himself

> He doesn't have a custom fightstick fightstick done by himself
I really hope you guys aren't useless with your hands

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I have a custom pop'n and IIDX controller, because those things are 250-400 bucks each and I built both of them for about 150 bucks.

For a stick, it was a case of either spending 50 bucks for materials and new drill bits, or just buying an old WWE Brawl stick for 20 bucks and swapping out the parts. I'm very happy with the choice I made, you'd have to be pretty stupid to build your own stick when perfectly good cases can be had for almost nothing.

>not going stickless

I want to build a fightstick but I don't know where to start.

>playing fighting games and not just being the shit out of randoms

>get fightstick
>suck at fighting games
>use it for space shooters


I've been thinking about making a Hitbox since they cost so damn much. But I feel like that would be very complicated.

>Don't have the tools
>Don't have the space for the tools
>Extra shipping costs for materials
It's not really worth it, man. I have never seen a top player who had a custom stick. It was always some special snowflake who didn't know how to play anyway

>Search "how to build a fightstick"
>Almost 90K results to choose from
No, I won't spoonfeed you faggot

Hey! That's me!

Start with what games you want to play with it.

I want to play fighting games and emulate arcade games like beat-em-ups.

this. i though having a custom fightstick would be cheaper than modding a prebuilt one. it cost me over 250 for the parts and tools alone when it eould have cost me about 180 to mod a cheap one

I mean specifically, 6 button, 8 button, etc. What platform you're playing on on will determine your budget for parts and the size of your stick to fit components. So before you think about design, think about your specifications and limitations.

>Bought a fight stick
>Can't execute DP motion because inputs look spastic
>Chalk it down to me being shit and not the RAP4 on PC being total wank
>Cry myself to sleep knowing I'll never slam buttons loudly infront of other people

my hands are exclusively for fingering and handjobs

Got a Hori Real Arcade Pro 5 Fight Stick for 70 bucks on craigslist did I do good?

>Hey I bought a high end stick for cheap because some faggot didn't know the value of his stick
>Did I do good?
Nigger, you did great. Is it in good condition?

Has the guy who made that stick taken it to tournaments?

>show up to locals
>it's stick inspection day
>everyone whips out their $100+ Fusions, TEs, RAPs
>venue owner finally gets to me
>shyly reveal my Q1
>sssssssssssssssSTAHP aaaAAAAAAAaaa user's got a little bitch stick!
>everyone starts chanting "BITCH STICK, BITCH STICK"
>they surround me, chanting louder and louder
>they all start kicking me
>I fall over, drop my stick
>it shatters, inferior non-sanwa components are scattered everywhere
>I'm on the floor, everyone is still yelling bitch stick
>one by one they unzip their flies and start pissing on me and the remains of my Q1
>run out of the venue crying and smelling like piss
>only played online since

yeah like new person was selling it for 100 talked her down to 70 bucks


Is this any good for starters?

mine still needs a little work.

I have a metal plate in the back for holding the RJ45, and it needs to be recessed and cut down to be more symmetrical

I also want an overlay on the top of the wood to hide the screws by the stick.

The offending plate in question.
I'd like to re-do it in brass too, same for the DB15.

I still have this thing and it has been trucking along fine after many moves and accidental drops. Custom sticks are nice though and I've been thinking about making one sometime in the future.

Sanwa buttons are $2 to $3 each. Are people to cheap or stupid to swap them?

I don't understand why people spend $150+ on a fight stick when the parts are cheap to swap on an old stick. Some sticks you may need to cut some pieces and do some wiring but they got YouTube videos on it.

I want to turn a small old suitcase I have into a stick

how cheap are the parts to buy/assemble?

your mom doesnt seem to think so

>one by one they unzip their flies and start pissing on me and the remains of my Q1

why boner

Are there PCB for PS4 sticks yet?

Yeah? Were you in a coma or something

For a while yeah.

>buttons instead of knobs

I prefer my silent Arcade Pro V.

I have an old hori I modded with a USB port and a brooks board

What the hell am I looking at

I calculated how much it would costs to get the tools and materials and it ended up being about the same as the Razer Panthera

So I just got the Panthera

>Getting Razer
>Instead of getting a Hori or Qanba
user, this will have long term problems if you aren't careful.

But the Q1's super easy to swap out with
I even got a hyabusa memestick and sanwa buttons on that shit it's ez

only the panthera has a detachable cable and covers warranty if you change the buttons and stick

Looking to get a new stick for the PS4 what is a good recommendation?

a weapon to surpass metal gear

I don't know much about fightans but I know most people don't recommend razor. Yet at the recent Tekken tournament in PH there was a bunch of Koreans and Japs using the Razer stick :thinking:

Forgot pic. It's perfect, don't need to mod it.

Razer Panthera or HORI Real Arcade Pro N or Hori Tekken 7 (same as HORI Real Arcade Pro N but tekken 7 theme)

rest are outdated

Do all the different versions of the HRAP matter?

This is what I use with my PS4

of course, the new HRAP have newer PCBs

Because the razer just uses Sanwa parts and is easy to mess around with. Although it's Razer the only thing they actually did was stick a bunch of standard Jap arcade parts inside a box, slap Razer on it and market it. A lot of razer products are trash but the arcade sticks are actually fine.

And why does that matter?

the Pro N / tekken7 and V (for Vewlix) have different layouts as well

Pro N has more wrists space as well (original pic compared to Vewlix here)

just buy a brawlstick off ebay and mod it

Input lag is improved

here is the Qanba Dragon losing to the HRAPV 2017


how does a wired PS4 controller compare? In terms of input lag.

Are the layouts significantly different or just size wise?

Yes the HRAP N is not based on Vewlix, notice the last 2 buttons being lower to be more inline with your pinky/ring



looks like a eurorack


it's like a big rack of synths

I have this stick and had to change out the stick component. I was surprised the stick was fairly subpar. I also needed silent buttons, though I wish I could've found some silent buttons with that matte material. Pressing on that matte material was goat. Made the whole stick worth it

So the HRAP N is the best?

Do these things make inputting directional attacks easier? I'm really struggling using the ds4 joystick.

Well if you have the money for the Razer Panthera that is good as well. But the HRAP N has headphone support while the panthera doesn't

I have a RAPV that's quickly approaching Theseus status.

I've swapped out the stick for a Sanwa, replaced ball top with an aluminum bat top, put a heavier spring in it to offset the added weight, replaced the button with blue/purple Crown buttons. Broke off the cable door (by accident), put in a Neutrik adapter. All that's really left to do is swap the art, but I don't have the patience to rip off the default because it's fucking glued on.

>People actually fork out money and spend this much time and effort on input methods that don't even enable analog control and have no great need for precision
>Fighting games in general still just don't bother with this because they are built for arcades and people who are invested in their sticks

Yes and no.

At first, you'll do worse on stick than you do on controller if you've never used a stick before. However, once you get used to using a stick, the difference is noticeable in that using a controller, your thumb controls your movement while a stick allows you to use your whole hand/arm for movement.

Same deal with buttons too since you have your whole hand versus just a thumb to hit things with. Just don't forget to practice your movement on both sides of the screen so you don't have a "weak" side when you input commands.

Any tips on making the pop'n IIDX controller?
I wanted to get around playing the ps2 ones

Yes, it's a shoe box

Having played Smash competitively for a good couple years, I can honestly say I prefer not having to worry about analog controls. Fighting games are fine without them, because there's enough depth in them without the consideration of analog input.

That said, I'd love to be proven wrong. If someone can introduce analog controls to a traditional fighting game in a thoughtful way, I'd give it a try.



the FGC is embarrassing

For what purpose?

This is the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my life.

Pop'n is easy as shit, it's 9 buttons you can pick up from China for 40 bucks these days, plus any old encoder or an old PS2 pad or something if you look up the pinout.

IIDX requires you to build your own turntable, which isn't too difficult with a rotary encoder and a bit of acrylic spinning on wax paper. These days you might even be able to hack something together using a DJ hero controller, that game sold like shit so you could buy it for 10 bucks shipped, and then just remove the buttons and cover up the holes.

You're better off playing the games on PC with arcade rips, the later games in the series added a lot of easier options for beginners.

Removable cable. Sometimes done with RJ-45, sometimes done with proprietary connectors (Madcatz TE2), but USB-B is arguably the best option, because B to A cables are cheap as fuck.

>Got a HRAP4 for 80euros
Why the fuck would I take the time to make my own when I can get a decent one at a cheaper price ?
In the other hand, building a Project Diva controller for Future Tone could be fun

>fight stick
>not a dual stick, 12 button set up for playing SmashTV and other arcade games

this shit is so gay lmao
just use keyboard and mouse