>buy game for $30-$60
>tell some idiot he's a fucking retard
>developers ban you for "causing offense"
>lose access to your entire purchase without refund
Why isn't this against the law? Why is this suddenly starting to happen much more frequently?
>buy game for $30-$60
>tell some idiot he's a fucking retard
>developers ban you for "causing offense"
>lose access to your entire purchase without refund
Why isn't this against the law? Why is this suddenly starting to happen much more frequently?
You forgot the last part.
>whine to Sup Forums
>game has rules saying not to act like a ridiculous faggot
>act like a ridiculous faggot
>get punished
>oh woe is me, why am I so persecuted?
Fuck off
>pay club entry fee
>start mouthing off to bouncers and generally being disruptive
>get kicked out
>no refund
All I know is I'm glad no one recorded my transcripts from my WoW or Dota 2 days.
I've raged before and said every offensive slur in existence and never got so much as a slap on the wrist.
Is that seriously what I think it is? Do people really censor that word?
How could this happen to me?
I made my mistakes
Got nowhere to run
The night goes on
As I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me?
Because it isn't your product.
It is merely licenced to you for personal use.
what other totalitarian rules are you going to defend next?
>video games are an irl club with bouncers
not an argument
Maybe just try not being a pathetic sack of shit. Why would anyone feel sorry for someone who a) acts that childish and b) knowingly breaks the rules.
Don't play a game that punishes people for shit talking, it's that fucking simple. Especially don't play it if you have the language of a 10 year old who cusses every other word.
W-what is it? I can't figure it out
Every day is repost day
why dont you post this in SJWDQ threads?
I can't think of any other word which fits.
I'm sorry. What?
>it's another "edgy teenager gets banned for spamming NIGGER FAGGOTS and violating the terms of service every single game has" thread
What is your argument then? That you should have complete access to a service without any stipulations whatsoever?
Because that is what online play is. Unless you are setting up your own servers which you moderate yourself then just deal with it you worthless human refuse.
>totalitarian rules
>terms of service you agreed to
It isn't against the law because by buying the game and playing it you agree to the TOS which allows them to ban people from playing if they break the TOS.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time
how much of a cuck do you have to be to censor the word cuck holy shit
the argument is that developers should not be able to deny access to a video game for things you say unless they're illegal
they can implement mute features and the like but outright banning is agreed by most here to be a step too far
except you neofags of course
>game tells you if you act like a retard you will be banned and lost your game
>Proceed to act like a retard and be banned
>Why did I was ban and lost my game ?
You aren't using that word correctly. You are just looking for a reason to bitch.
>not food analogy
you had one job
>tell some idiot he's a fucking retard
that's not what it says in your picture
>pro censorship ToS bootlickers are also hillary shill lefty faggots
Devs are allowed to prevent you from using a product if you break the terms of the agreement. Yeah that is about how contracts work.
can I get a quick rundown on this situation?
That looks like reddit, why don't you go back
>"they can't deny you access for things you say unless they're illegal"
You agreed to the ToS when you bought the product. ToS are a legally binding agreement. By violating the ToS, you violated a legal agreement. Please fuck off already, kid.
>guy says "(((hate speech)))" in game
>developers ban him
>redditors upvote him
>OP makes thread about how this should be illegal
>right to censor, NeoGaf and other leftist shills attempt to bury the thread in "LOL u got banned you dumb child you deserve it read the TOS!!"
>The owners of [product] should NOT be able to deny people access to their [product]
absolute autism
You don't buy" games on steam you pay for the right of playing them and it can be revoked if they feel like it
Get cucked and learn to torrent games, subhuman
Its more like
>Go to restaurant
>Order Garlic Bread
>Proceed to shit on other people's Garlic Bread
>Get kicked out of restaurant
>Don't get refund for Garlic Bread
>Still technically own Garlic Bread, just can't eat it in restaurant
>Made initial mistake of buying Garlic Bread that can only be eaten in said restaurant
The product before and after you are banned is the exact same, you still own a "Game that can be accessed with an unbanned account", afterwards you still own "Game that can be accessed with an unbanned account".
You can obviously see this difference in places that uphold your right to modify and jailbreak your purchased software, you would be able to modify the game so that you could still play offline/off server, without getting committing 'piracy'.
They don't take away your right to play the game. The take away a separate thing that was provided to you for free since you bought another thing, then you shit the bed and complain you only have the thing you paid for now, it's not the community manager's fault you can't figure out how to play it afterward.
>he's STILL trying to suggest that online video games can be compared to any real life scenario
you must be paid
This thread is full of:
a) master elite shitposters
b) redditors acting like redditors
I'm the most toxic person in Overwatch and I never get banned. I'm convinced that when you get reported for rude behaviour or what not, you get matched with shitters who are also rude as fuck. Then you're just surrounded in a shitpile of toxicity until you quit.
I've always thought that was the best way of handling toxic players and hackers.
what game?
Same. It's genius, really.
>obama wins reelection
>no one really mentions it or shitposts on Sup Forums
>Trump wins election
>non-stop Sup Forums posting before and since
Really makes you think
fuck off to pedogaf
>that cuck shed in the background
ITT: OP gets banned for being a faggot and is whining on Sup Forums
Hi, OP. What do you get out of making this thread every day? Just curious.
Even though he is a retard, i don't understand banning people for words when there is a mute/block button. Unless that game doesn't have one in which case it's shit.
>what other totalitarian rules are you going to defend next?
thems the rules. what, do you want me to defend shitty behaviour instead?
>be a retarded brazil nigger
>get treated like a brazil nigger
learn english
8 years
Well there's your problem. Also
>buy $30-$60 game
>act like an idiot
>get yelled at by other players
>report them to the devs
>"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
why are modern "liberals" so uneducated and unprincipled?
TOS < The Law.
You get a lot more than 8 years for treason.
>get b&
>make same thread everyday on Sup Forums
>everyone laughs at you
>call them hillary shills and cucks
>repeat the next day
I don't understand the point?
>being this fucking retarded
I bet you're one of those fucking idiots who get pulled over for speeding and tell every officer of the law that you were """"""""""traveling""""""""" and that you have the right to """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""travel""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
kill your fucking self
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?
>having consumer rights
pick one
>buy game
>read and accept ToS
>break ToS
>get banned
>"why am I banned?"
The children from yesteryear are the adults of today and don't feel like dealing with shitty kids anymore now that they are a little less shitty kids.
The medium matured, kinda.
Was this blizzard or some other cuck company?
If so you have nobody to blame but yourself.
Also why the fuck would you make the thread and not name the game/company?
>clearly says Ubisoft
>Thinking Burgers have consumer rights
Because mmmmmurrica and Valve being a Burger company.
The entire reason they implemented Steam refunds is because their no refund policy conflicted with Yuropean consumer rights and they really didn't feel like getting sued over it.
Says Ubisoft in the pic, so it's safe to assume it's R6 Siege.
So blame Canada and their hugbox ways.
Hehe yes goy, read the terms of service and then buy our product again
>mfw denying freedom of speech on online video games that the goys enjoyed for several decades for profit
>the medium matured, kinda.
who is behind this post? oh it's
>10 months ago
I love how the guy knows exactly why he was banned but refuses to accept it and wants to be BTFO anyways. Why do people love becoming a laughing stock to everyone?
>it was a few months ago
is this an argument?
the only people "laughing" are the pic relateds raiding this thread
but it's more like "panicking"
Grow up. People like you shouldn't be appeased or tolerated, paying an admission fee doesn't grant validation to be a complete prick.
Behave better.
fuck orange drumpf too amirite comrade? he's just a manchild immature smallhands nazi
It was a 15 day ban, not permanent.
This whole thread is a shitshow.
You're the kind of guy who thinks he can treat people like shit because he's a "customer" aren't you
Really showing your maturity. Bravo.
The good old days:
>Act like a complete faggot
>Get banned from the server if they're not cool with it
>Act like a complete faggot
>Get banned from the entire game because everything uses matchmaking cancer
OP is a faggot but god damn it I want server browsers to come back.
looks like thread is kill
>implying facts matter to Sup Forumstards
Obviously. His worthless parents raised a worthless crybaby asshole. Go figure.
he said "i hate trannies" and was permabanned
try reading the thread retard
people were telling me this game was good, i regret that i considered buying a ubi game for a few seconds.
You still have the game though. You just can't login to their servers.
I think Valve's way of dealing with it is best. You just lose access to VAC servers, but you can still go on nonVAC servers just fine.
Have you tried -- and stay with me here because it's a radical idea -- not acting like a complete faggot?
#Resist comrades
resist toxic drumpf and gamergate at all turns #StopGamergate2014
>get BTFO
>start making stuff up
typical stormweenie
I must be a communist if I believe in basic human decency. You really showed me
(((basic human decency)))
where have i heard this one before. You PC bro?
>get banned for being a complete shitcock
WHITE GENOCIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Being this much of a cuck.
I agree OP is a faggot but that's like taking user's music player from him because he's playing it too loud in public transport. No wonder all you Burgers are the Jew's whores.
>all the fatherless butthurt redditors defending this bullshit
how do we get rid of them bros
moar liek MAC amirite?