Portal 2 incentive: 127k/200k
>Now: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
>Next: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Stream: twitch
Schedule: gamesdonequick.com/schedule/
Portal 2 incentive: 127k/200k
>Now: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
>Next: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Stream: twitch
Schedule: gamesdonequick.com/schedule/
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Zelda was never good
trannies ruin everything
How many wife's son incidents were there this time?
who /just waiting for adult swim to start/ here?
Thank you Anonymous for all the generous bits donations!
they've been onto that shit for a while now
Why did his message get deleted Sup Forums ? is yandere dev racist?
>only one hour into the run
fucking hell
looks like that one persona 5 teacher
>there are people on this board that are subbed to this pathetic sperg
who /just waiting for UFC to start/ here?
>That nose
>That frizzy hair
>Those eyebrows
>tfw the earthbound characters won't be named after smt 4 characters
I never actually played OOT or Majora's Mask
is it worth getting them for the 3DS and playing through them?
None to few. Same for ironic :greetings from germany/sweden" donations
One that I know of.
Audio is slightly desynced on the couch cam.
How many farts do you guys think have been drilled into that couch?
only one or two - they're onto it and keep them from getting read
but a couple slipped through during the late night sessions
so how long until the tranny run?
>Great Bait Temple
>trying to go trans after your mid 20s
>jew nose
Why don't these girls try to learn to use makeup? I dont understand.
>not using BTTV and having it show deleted messages
theres an option in bttv to view deleted messages
Why is MM so uninteresting to watch yet OoT is so satisfying
Probably because hes a giant faggot.
Hey kids, just a reminder that you can get bits by watching ads on Twitch and then you can send those to get that incentive goal!!!
Shame feelings have yet to translate into reality.
>inb4 someone posts the if statement
hell yes. i assume you're not a cuck with an un-hacked 3DS, so you've got nothing to lose
Fuck You
Thanks for your contributions to this great payche-I mean charity.
She's very pretty!
Bras and makeup are anti-feminist. She doesn't have to doll herself up to your standards, user.
What game is next?
im a Sup Forums lurker but you fuckers memed me into having attractino toward really feminine trannies
Daily reminder
i didnt know that thanks but its too late to see it now
>Not wanting to take the knot.
You should get BTTV and enable show deleted messages if you are gonna bother with twitch chat.
More Miku
I wish I could be tranny for a day just so I could see how much I can make myself look like a girl
Then I could either confirm that these fucks don't even try or then I could sympathize with their struggle
cool social engineering post mindgeek
you're gonna get got
Furries at least can bring some quality porn to the table
I love you guys but your obsession with attacking trannies is starting to color your perception of reality
>literally ordered BOTW link in february
>still hasnt shipped
fuck japan
Trannies. No question. I'm assuming furry trannies are included in that right?
at least furries don't trsy to make political statements and mostly stay within their own wicked circle
name of announcer? i wanna fap to her instagram
>More Miku
Thanks for the go ahead.
Im not stopping until i get banned again.
Trannies. Furries are weird but you can get some nice porn out of them.
Yeah, I have a brewed 3DS. I'll download that shit tonight then.
Which should I play first?
furry art can be good
Would you a Narci?
Its like they think that all women are naturally beautiful and that you don't have to work at being a convincing woman when all women use makeup and shit to appeal.
>Twortal Poo
Those puns fucking sucked
Oh don't worry, it will be forced.
Hey losers who's the announcer?
Trannies! Takes out large chunk of the post-2007 cancer furs and leaves the ones that still like smelly spread Vulpix fortune cookie. Win win.
Also saves anime, video games, and Sup Forums. You can't NOT pick trannies.
It's not like there's anything worthwhile left after this run
>lol I'm a weeb
>look at how self aware I am
Why do you say the word "trannies"? Fuck off, you're not wanted here.
OoT? Yes. MM? No.
Trannies every single fucking time.
Furfags dont bitch for 'muh oppreshun' nor do they go full commies in politics.
I find that HYLIAN-likely, why do you guys TRIFORCE this meme?
At least furries are shunned by all of society.
go with OoT first. MM is a sequel to OoT (though that's not really important since the stories are unrelated)
Can we just talk about Zelda during a Zelda speedrun instead of talking about trannies?
Whats your favorite Zelda game? Mines still Windwaker
Trannies, not even in the same universe of close.
play the n64 versions, cuck
edobean. check out her insta, she's cute as fuck. pic related.
Why do you fags care so much about trannies? You care more about trannies than trannies care about trannies. How do trannies affect you? Why are they worth devoting so much attention to?
Thank you
This young lady needs to shave her face
trannies just because they are a fucking puke inducing eyesore.
furfags are weird but not nearly as disgusting.
Absolutely Ocarina of Time. They're almost like two halves of one big game, and you'll enjoy MM more if you play OoT first.
so there's no chance they hit 5M right?
They poopied on our money laundering game marathon thing
Why do you care so much that people care so much about caring about trannies