Is this the Dark Souls of FromSoftware games?

Is this the Dark Souls of FromSoftware games?

that makes no sense, fuck outta here

King's Field

>R1 to win spamfest
yes I would say bloodborne and every other souls game is shit


HA! bait harder dumbass.

>what is Armored Core: Master of Arena

>muh bait
why didn't you add le funny fish faggot, these games are shit and this is a fact

Is death note the evangelion of anime?

it's the most reddit souls game

isn't that a tweet from demo

Yah, I thought it was appropriate for this thread.

You are adorable. You probably liked Lords of the Fallen.

Yes but it's also quite good, which is the disappointing part
I love how it was praised for its combat being quicker and more fun when literally all they did was leave out a shield option

>demo still hasn't uploaded the videos he said he was going to make half a year ago
why live
his streams are fun

But did he like The Surge that's the real question.

>his streams are fun
I just join his ustream sometimes. He usually has decent taste in anime.

Why is Nineball always a huge dick?

Maybe he is just working on a bunch of vids at once and he will upload them all at once right guys? Right...?

More like Shark Souls

If you really think thats the only difference you've never played it.

I have, you have the same mobility as an unencumbered DaS character, just with a slightly faster dash. The enemies are a bit more reflex heavy but no more so than souls ever got.

Again with this argument, fuck off reddit baiter nigger

Its the 2nd best 30fps game i have forced myself to play right after BotW.

i think his computer keeps shitting itself, idk i haven't watched any of demo in a while