>actually like this game
>literally every video game site on the internet hates it
I guess for honor is for goner
>actually like this game
>literally every video game site on the internet hates it
I guess for honor is for goner
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a guilty pleasure since I can be a Roman centurion who gets to punch a samurai to death
the game itself is pretty good but i can`t have these dicsonnects every single match, all my friends had it soo so it`s really these shitty servers. i got memed into this piece of shit
I like to play it and that is what matters. To hell with what the rest say.
Still, kinda wished I had better internet.
I dont understand how they fucked up P2P
>Another for honor thread
Can we just pretend it never existed
>No ones playing it
>Unbalanced from the start
Buy from them more faggot
I got memed into it as well user, don't feel bad.
Since in theory their P2P is meant to make is so no one has the host advantage
When it works it works the problem is it's highly unstable
well ubisoft makes everything possible, it´s kind of a shame though because it could have been something ood
Reddit hates the game too dude
I think they hate it more than Sup Forums
>Reddit hates the game too dude
>I think they hate it more than Sup Forums
Go back
The games dead on PC it's good on console and Ubisoft is forced to give us 4 more heroes and maps so they are stuck
>literally every video game site on the internet hates it
They fired lots of shills to stop wasting money.
Though they probably made a good profit.
The game might be dead but it sold a lot for being a new IP
>years of Cane Man's life wasted on For Honor
What a shame. The guy seemed alright, Red Steel 2 was pretty fun, and his idea for the game was pretty good.
Game is trash. Stop falling for Jewbisoft, newfags.
I wish it wasn't some faux fighting game
>No fan service armor
>shit netcode
>turtle meta
>all problems with staying power that comes with being a multiplayer focused game
The 3 direction guard and attack was a pretty cool concept and I'd like to see it in a single player game. Maybe even as an open world game since Ubisoft likes that concept so much.
>Defensive meta gets removed
>games super aggressive trying to play smart is bad now
its going to fucking happen and you faggots who left the game that complain about it wont care
I forgot I have this game.
I don't want to launch it ever again. Nothing has been fixed or added. Nothing has really changed the meta. No new game modes that take teamwork of sorts. Nothing.
I liked the combat but every engagement is pretty samey and the OP moves are what stay within the community memory, nobody else does anything else besides.
1v1 is a fucking meme game mode and 4v4 is the true shit
4v4 is the best game mode and all the heroes are viable in that mode UNLIKE 1v1 the faggots who complained about this unbalanced are 1v1/2v2 brawl shitters
Kensei is the only shit hero in dominion and their is no "turtle meta" in 4v4 since you can just wail on the faggot who is being passive
>Roman centurion
I haven't played since launch, what the fuck did I miss
again and unless shit has changed 4v4 sucks ass, 2v2 is the real man's mode. 1v1 is just for tryhards
>Peer to peer
>Loot boxes
>no honor between players
>unbalanced gear (levels)
The game was fun during the beta, it would be a fool's errand to expect to be able to invest your time in this game.
piss off I swear
ubisoft didnt kill for honor the community did it was a mish mash of the worst people in video games
Some shit has changed like revenge not being OP and gear stats not being shit/OP
4v4 is still king faggots keep complain about defensive meta but they are all 100% 1v1 fags. People didnt take 4v4 seriously but now is for honors best mode that the devs should balance around and not 1v1
That is exactly one of my points, I agree.
Though the other point exacerbate the problems the playerbase faced.
If people would just have had some patience when someone is 1v1'in then there would have been no problem and there would even have been more gameplay in the long run.
I always found it funny that guardbreak was good at everything but actually breaking guard.
>ubisoft didnt kill for honor the community
Other than terrible balance decisions, hyper defensive meta meaning aggressive playstyles are punished and map design that encourages instakilling an enemy on a single mistake.
>still complaining about ledging
Get fucking good 1v1 fag
Ledging isn't fun m8
Apparently everyone thought the same since the game died out from the aforementioned.
Have you never encountered environment hazards before?
>tfw Ive been playing aggressive warden for a long time and have a positive win rate
Its easy to punish turtling, dash in dash out is a bit harder.
They left the game since it made them mad
Tbf I did always feel like a bit of a dickbag when somebody would be opening me up and it took just one Lawbringer throw to completely delete them out of the round. Especially with guardbreaks being a bit finnicky - if your attack animation starts up, you can still be guardbroken up to a certain point, so you don't so much have to predict as you need to be slightly clairvoyant and gamble much earlier on "He's probably going to guardbreak" than to try to be a bit reactive or short-term predictive.
I have, does that mean they should be in a competitive game and evenmore so in a 1v1 duel? You seriously find parry>guardbreak>throw more enjoyable than actually fighting your opponent? It's a crutch and most of the games community did nothing but sprint to the nearest ledge and just stand there refusing to fight elsewhere unless 2v1
Not even touching on SSJ gameplay when gearstats came into play.
>creative director left Ubisoft
Looks like it's fucked
It needs a lot more fanservice.
ubisoft used to have fan service
Honestly, that's what Peacekeeper should look like.
>multiplayer game built for "competitive play"
>no offline mode
It was the only game I was looking forward to buying after years. Never again. A pirate's life I shall return to, and forever stay there.
>The fun of the beta days will never come back