Hey guys, I just completed all of FFXIV's quests. Are there any other games where I can be a mindless errand boy?

Hey guys, I just completed all of FFXIV's quests. Are there any other games where I can be a mindless errand boy?

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go back to and ask

not canon

Canon WoL is male WAR > DRG > MNK though

>Are there any other games where I can be a mindless errand boy?
This one.

It's Greatsword > ARC > WAR > DRG > MNK > SAM

the mnk and sam are two different characters

They aren't

It's the same guy, he just changed his hair.

Can you post a screenshot of your hours played?


Do you live under a cave? haven't you heard of Undertale? It's like earthbound but good.

Let's be real for a second.

MMO quests, are the worst thing about the genre.
Especially for a game like XIV, with those amazing raids, for them t just have "Kill 3 sharks" as a quest is baffling.

Do something with the towns.
Tell an interweaving story like the other sidequests.
Have the player figure something out rather than just travel to a mark on the map.

I'm guessing every other MMO does this too because it's just a staple by now. But it's just awful.

Sounds like you want to play Destiny, or a SP campaign.

When can I play as a qt rat?

XIV is already a story focused game.
"Arrange 4 stones in Yanxia" isn't helping anything.

The only sidequest that's done well in Stormblood is the Ruby Princess.

So something like having the town change or transform when quests complete.
Such a simple thing like, "Collect 3 oranges" can be made so much more interesting if that NPC opens a juice stand after that you can buy from.

That's all it needs.

There is usually one chain of sidequests per settlement, and if you do them all a mother chain that links them together. Of course they all end up as "kill 5 rats" or whatever but at least they have interesting mini stories

This is a good idea. Especially since there's finally some phasing in stormblood

I can't decide what healer to play as

I won't because I'm lying. I created this thread to bitch about the endless fetch quests in the main fucking story. God I really hope this game gets better.

Why would it ever get better? You fucking KNOW it won't get better. Just admit you're playing because you're a miserable bastard who hates himself like everyone else.

Play some POTD to break up the monotony. It also gives you a really good taste of how powerful your class can be at high/max levels. The dungeon crawler feel is great too.

You'll end up hating POTD though when you start spamming it to level alt classes

>It also gives you a really good taste of how powerful your class can be at high/max levels
I don't think doing 10% of party damage because everyone else has 50 level higher weapons will make you feel powerful

No mate its to see the high level skills when you're still low level and don't have access to them yet

You have to reach Heavensward, the first expansion.
I almost quit too ages back with all the quests and dungeon grinding.

You'll get to level 36 and think, "this is so tedious".
Then you'll get to level 47 and think, "I wish I was dead".

But then you get to Heavensward and think, "This is alright".
Then you'll beat Heavensward and think, "This is the best game ever" while this plays.

I remember playing Phantasy Star Online on Dreamcast a long time ago and enjoyed it a lot.

I got XIV this week and have been trying it out. It certainly seems a lot lonelier than PSO was, but I only have 2 or 3 hours in it.

I mostly play fighting games so I'll only be playing this for the social aspect and messing around with random people on the Internet. I'm not sure if people actually do that with this genre nowadays though. Maybe it's so old that the majority of people playing just like grinding.

I'll give it to the end of the month and see if it sparks those old PSO feelings again.

I liked how it frequently pointed out the absurdity of the nation's greatest hero doing random odd jobs for no good reason

>one small accomplishment at the end makes 100+ hours of suffering "worth it"
Just stop, user.

PSO has a different feeling, a feeling of constant progression and management.
XIV is more about overcoming in the later stages of the game.

You'll get your kicks from Palace of the Dead when you reach it.

It does. It's the same with Stormblood.

How is the last one relevant?

Even Tortanic doesn't have you do mundane tasks in the sheer volume as this game does. That game also gives you choices, and dialogue options.

tfw static is making me switch to ast or paladin and i can't decide which one is more fun at 70?

Healing is more fun than tanking

>die because I was gaol'ed and people didn't kill it in time
>just watch people play cuz nothing to do while I'm dead
>watch this astro get the thunder mark at the same time split comes, try to make it to the other side but not in the little safe path of the split, get tossed up and then thundered right when he gets down, killing other people with him
>I dindunuffin conversation afterwards
I swear to god this kind of shit is half the fun of playing this game. It just brightens my day.

>tfw want to play DRK
>don't want to grind it up

>But then you get to Heavensward and think, "This is alright".
Actually it's "But then you get to Heavensward and think, "What did they do to Alphinaud, Urianger, Merlwyb, Thancred, Y'shtola, etc. etc?!""
>mfw every time nu-Alphinaud opens his mouth

>tfw static is making me switch to ast or paladin and i can't decide which one is more fun at 70?
This sentence is a weird midground between a statement and a question.

I suppose it would make more sense in context than by itself

get your wallet out, goyim

Are there Viera in FFXIV yet?

>Second SAM quest is literally *tips fedora* i will protect your honor, m'lady

What does that jump potion even give you besides the levels?

Nah, here's some Viera FFXIV concept art

full set of i260 gear.

You'll get used to it eventually, although it is really jarring at first

If nothing else I was glad to see that Yuri Lowenthal sounding motherfucker get the axe

I'm half tempted

>21,75 euros
Maybe not

>Yotsuyu is everyone's favorite waifu

Are Wind-Up Khloes anatomically correct?

i like the naked design, they should use that one

Who sends them?

No that's Lyse!

Not gonna lie I would reactivate my account right away even if the Viera would cost sixty bucks


The guy who gave the quest to unlock her, a Roegadyn with a bowlcut named Unctious Adventurer. He was a Khloe fanboy.

I used to think that, but I prefer this voice now.

We're all Khloe fanboys

>heals with pets
>heals with random buffs
Just pick whatever.
Conjurer is the only healer you can start with either way.
You can only unlock SCH at level 30 and AST at level 50.

>her fang is made to look like part of her flesh


Khloe is disgusting

The problem with XIV is that it was a rush job to save 1.0. It didn't have the time to do anything expansive other than collect 20 bear asses.

That said, there's no excuse for HW, Stormblood or beyond to have these same shit ass quests. Shameful.

They should have taken notes from ESO's questing. All of them are fully voiced with investigation options for more lore if you want and a lot of them involve puzzles, investigating or dungeon delving for items or people. Killing shit is just something you do along the way in most cases or because whatever you're after is being guarded. There's just simple kill quests, but overall it's a story-driven experience rather than just mindlessly mashing through dialogue.

It's funny for the first one hundred hours or so. Then it becomes very unfunny. Then it becomes funny again after 200 hours in.

Yeah, that's exactly what it needs.
I'd rather a town have one long quest like that that gave 2,000,000 exp than 8 menial maid tasks that do nothing.

Stormblood did get slightly better with the sidequests. They experimented with more stuff like the blowgun quests and running that shop in the Azim Steppe. Hopefully they keep it up and go for more interesting stuff.

Full circle

You know you've been broken when your character seems tired

>there's no excuse for HW
PS3 limitations
Spaghetti code leftover from 1.0



This is why the 30-50 DRK storyline was so good. Because your character finally lost their shit and told people to fuck off with all the slave tier quests.



>PS3's limitations also limited the dev's creativity
Huh, imagine that

Another reason why I shouldn't jump potion a DRK

>they still do summaries for job quests
Thank god.

>be healer
>expert roulette
>9m queue time
Jesus, two DPS in one expansion was a stupid idea.


Do you not get to do your class quests with those?

Leveling DRK to 60 isn't much of an effort at this point, as long as you retain any sort of semblance of interest in playing it.

>had PLD and WAR leveled in ARR
>level PLD and DRK in HW
>never get around to leveling WAR because DRK is an even better AoE pulling dungeon tank with nicer aesthetics
>keep telling myself I'll level it eventually and sit on piles of leveling gear
>finally try to get it to 52 so I can at least throw out the level 50 gear
>it's like an hour of work but I can't even be arsed because I can't stand to play this dumb axe fucker class anymore
>finally just convert all my gear and remove the gearsets

Thing is even in ARR at first I fucking hated how MRD felt and only really played it to actually get to do damage in dungeons.

m queue time
in HW it was 20+, because every shitter who couldnot play DPS jumped off to healers

Explain? I'm retarded, I guess.

when you jump potion you skip the job quests up to lvl 60

I heard PLD is head and shoulders over the other tanks in powerlevel

It's your inner resentment talking to you through the quest log.

>it's an Alphinaud gets bullied episode

So what materia do I fuse into MNK? Is Crit still the way to go or is Direct Hit the new hotness?

He looks like a girl


I think that's embellishing it a good bit, but they're certainly the best.

Play who you think is fun. Jobs rise and fall according to buffs/nerfs

Everything after 2.55 has just been one long Alphinaud gets bullied episode.

Monk, level 66, 20 whole potency on ONE ogcd skill, typically saved for it's utility

Probably Crit since it pulls double duty for MNK by letting them proc more chakras.

Lyse is pure shit

What are the playstyles of the different tanks like?

Alphy losing his shit at the end of ARR when he asks for help on the Steps of Faith was a pretty great moment


>It's Alisaie gets wounded at the end of an expansion so that Aliphibuttboy could get screentime and fame episode

They're all pretty similar.
WAR: Build meter, spend meter
PLD: Rotate cooldowns
DRK: Smash that mf Dark Arts button.

>tetragrammaton is just an instant/free Cure II
>Plenary Indulgence is just an occasional instant/free Cure
WHM utility when

Truthfully it just has some crazy shenanigans in 8 mans that you will never need unless they suddenly start making things actually kill the shit out of tanks again. Otherwise it's really good but not mind blowingly.

I liked Yugiri more.
shes a ninja lizard mermaid, thats hot.