ITT: Game companies that fucked everything up for themselves.
ITT: Game companies that fucked everything up for themselves
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Konami is making money thanks to the legalized gambling racket they are running.
They are desperate for money right now, often when that happens you will sometimes get the greatest products out of a company, or they will spiral into the drain.
They have kept their budgets within reason and are making good money. Although Sega is no longer the giant it once was.
Hmmm, sensing a pattern here
square enix
if anything Sega is getting back hard.
Every game they publish has been excellent.
like how they're all japanese?
cause in the west, companies get killed by ea instead
Nintendo as of April, broke their 8 year sales decline. Now all they have to do is keep it up.
Almost every single Japanese one.
Why have the Japanese companies gone into such a suicide dive lately? Is there a new stigma about videogames in Japan now or something?
>how they're all japanese?
xenophobic pride is huge in Japan. Sega had to drop out of the console race because of it.
try to copy west.
still one of the mot profitable game companies
what exactly did they fuck up except their western reputation that has zero impact on their financial gain?
The Tribes curse is a real thing.
Their pachislot venture that they went all in on was a failure and the market dropped by 17%.
I have no idea where that company is going with their direction. The MMO is financially successful after its shitty original launch, but everything else is not making as much as they hoped for.
Now they are remaking titles they had once said was something they would never do. I recall an interview once about an executive saying that Square wouldn't rely on remakes until they produced a game that surpassed FF7.
I think its funny because not only do I think Nintendo is doing their best right now but it's because they accepted a globalist design mindset
Consider BotW being a massive departure from any sort of Japanese video game, especially in the RPG world aside from maybe the proto-mechanics that existed in SotC. But who loves open world games the most? Western audiences. Splatoon is a third person shooter. How many Japanese third person shooters do you know of?
they a retarded.
-almost kill hitman
-kill deus ex
-ff15 was a mess
-ff14 mmo garbage
-setsuna shit
-ff12 remake , one of the worst ff
-kh3 , no comment
-ff7 remake , episodic shit
-nier automata , make by platunium
- tomb raider, meh
Found the article.
>If the team were to remake Final Fantasy VII now, then the Final Fantasy franchise "would be done with
How are they doing financially? I know their last game was a huge flop. I wonder if they are pouring whatever money is left into Memeland 3.
They actually went all in on mobile shit and made a lot of money.
>once made some of the greatest games on the planet
>rivaled Capcom in making Top/God Tier licensed games such as the Tiny Toons, TMNT, Simpsons, X-Men, etc.
>Gradius, Goemon, Twinbee, Salamander, DDR, YGO, Silent Hill, MGS, Castlevania, Contra, Zone of the Enders, Rocket Knight, Boktai and Suikoden franchises
>drive each and every single one of its franchises into the ground
>fires Kojima
>confirmed to treat its employees like utter shit, and then blackballing them if they DARE to quit
>turns its acclaimed franchises into pachislots
>cancels Silent Hill PR for no fucking reason
>incompetently handles YGO to the point where its rage inducing and would be 3 posts longs levels of bad
>either completely ignores its franchises or just makes utter shit modern remakes of them
>has gone from being one of the greatest video game companies in the world to one arguably WORSE than Ubisoft, Bioware, or even EA.