After years of hype, people still fondly speak of 999 and VLR but never speak of ZTD. What went wrong?
After years of hype, people still fondly speak of 999 and VLR but never speak of ZTD. What went wrong?
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999 is clearly the best but I had a great time with all of them and I think people go overboard with the hate for ZTD.
It might not have been as bad, but there was a big hype and it ended up being mediocre at best so I think the hate is justified.
>What went wrong?
>What went wrong?
literally everything except the memes
ztd is so bad that it retroactively makes vlr bad too because vlr exists primarily to hype it up
it's a shame but life is simply unfair
>but there was a big hype
Who's fault is that? Not the developers.
The people who hyped themselves the most are now the ones who shit on the game the most. I don't see any justification here.
Yet ZTD was the last time Sup Forums was able to create quality menes
I actually like it, but not as much as 999, I am also too lazy to finish it.
>Make game 1 and it's very well received
>Make a sequel that is also well received but ends up in a cliffhanger pointing out at an obvious third game
>Years pass telling there won't be a third game
>Suddenly he announced it will come
>Why would you hype the game when the others were good? It's your fault the game was bad.
No user, you're retarded.
Also I will always shit on that twitter person from Aksys who said that it was a 40h game. Go fuck yourself.
It's a MGSV situation: people got mad when the game wasn't exactly what they imagined inside their tiny heads.
It's not a MGSV situation. The game flat out drops half of the plot points set up for it by VLR. it doesn't just end them in a weak way. It literally ignores them. Numerous plotholes. And that ignores the plotholes just in ZTD, like Carlos II
>What went wrong?
Damn near everything.
case in point
It wasn't mediocre, it was straight up shit. Retarded shit. Regardless of hype.
Anyway, I liked ZTD, it's weak compared to 999 and VLR but it isn't downright horrible.
(just wish that lip sync could be tuned a little)
ZTD needs more memes to be relevant
Were mind hack, complex motivations, and simply unfair not enough?
This. While overall disappointing, I actually liked Steve Jobs, who was actually foreshadowed extremely well. Does anybody has that big screencap?
No! Stop bullshitting me you damn brat! We need more memes!
>Foreshadowed extremely well.
He was foreshadowed but applies here. It was shit.
>who was actually foreshadowed extremely well
Fuck that. The promo material had Sean's name shown as Q
I don't remember it being the case.
They dropped a lot of hints as to his existence, but he definitely wasn't foreshadowed well.
Sigma and Phi knew since VLR that Brother was a really old dude and then they just ignore the really old dude who's been with them since the start of the test site.
did you not watch the trailers?
>who was actually foreshadowed extremely well
Just no
I stand corrected
as dumb as ZTD was it was still entertaining as hell so i love it for that.
ZTD apologists are fucking scum with no standards
Some of the side plots like Carlos: Dimension Hopper were fun, but yeah. The main plot, the production value, and the puzzles were all shit.
>actually foreshadowed extremely well
You have shit like Q-Team Study room, where the Delta's existence doesn't make any sense.
>93 % positive on Steam
I have no idea whether it's standarts so low or just retarded bandwagoners who latched on to it after Operation Bluebird
ZTD is the MGSV of Zero Escape
>Years pass telling there won't be a third game
You people tend to gloss over this part. The game didn't have a budget and wasn't even going to happen for a long time.
steam score is more like "is this game playable at all?" than anything else
After 999 and VLR people obviously had high hopes, they got a decent game instead of a great one and got mad.
That doesn't mean the game is good
>playing the same "game" seven times
Wake up sheeple
Come on now, the game isn't good but it isn't trash tier either.
It is though.
Any similar games to the Zero Escape games?
Well, apparentlyi guess you have Ever17 and Remember11. Also Root Double\Letter, but i couldn't get into those so i can't offer an opinion, try it yourself.
>it isn't trash tier
No you listen to me right now. I have a list of extreme grievances with ZTD and they are all legitimate. Allow me to go through the aspects of the game in order.
Completely acceptable, but the puzzle difficulty is a step down from VLR without even any alternate solutions. The puzzles are not horrible, but they are not that great and are fairly low on any challenge or engagement.
Lots of remixes. Far too many remixes. The new music is totally fine, and the credits theme is actually outstanding, but most of the music is recycled. This is partially acceptable given the budget but is still a letdown.
Model quality is better than VLR but animations are a joke. They're just plain awful. Again, there was a low budget, so this is partially understandable.
Here is where it goes to fucking shit. Just utter shit. Returning characters act nothing like they were previously supposed to. Junpei is an utter edgelord, which is somewhat okay, but it's forced to the point of absurdity. Akane is a complete idiot who can't even use the morphogenetic field she is supposedly a genius at using, and she flips out at the drop of a hat. Phi and Sigma are useless, doing nothing of value despite training to shift around timelines like time police. Sigma is especially bad about this given that his consciousness is 67 years old. He acts like a kid. None of this gets into the absolutely massive amount of plot holes, which if I wanted to list out would need a separate post entirely. The character writing and plot are both just abysmal, and this is what's not understandable. You don't need a huge budget to write a story out. Graphics, music, all of the rest I get. But the story? Uchikoshi shit the bed so hard that I'm surprised he hasn't been evicted from Japan. The writing is also arguably the most important part of these games, and it's the part he fucked up the most. The rest could have been forgivable.
>who was actually foreshadowed extremely well
Fuck no
It's a basic rule of writing that you don't write a story where there is a literal elephant in the room and nobody ever acknowledges it or speaks its name.
>hurr durr his shadow showed up in this scene
>hurr durr the man in the wheelchair was mentioned in that scene
what a fucking asspull
Did ZTD have a different title in Japanese or was that just VLR?
dude trashing your first draft and writing a new one last minute even when you're tight on funds just so you won't get bored lmao
It was called GSD: Good Series Die
>tfw you hit Betray on your entire fanbase
You can only pick one. Do you:
>Shift yourself into a timeline where the higher ups didn't fuck Uchikoshi over and let him write ze3 with his old staff, and with his original vision. Thanks to the kindness of some extradimensional beings they will let you choose whether you retain your memories of ztd's shitshow or let them go so you can live in blissful ignorance. You have no idea the quality of the original story; the only certainty is that it will be in vn format.
>Alien transport yourself to 2004 with a loan from an extradimensional being that can only be used to save KID from bankruptcy, allowing Uchi/Naka to finish Remember11. It ends with Uchikoshi's version of the ending, and the quality of it is a mystery. Since KID does not go under, they may continue to work for the company and contribute to the release of new vns. The existence of their former "future" projects (ZE series, RD, I/O. punchline etc)
is uncertain, but you'll always remember they existed in your old timeline.
>he doesn't realize that uchikoshi's ending is basically already in remember11 according to him
the only uchikoshi thing I've read was Ever17 and I enjoyed it a lot
should I jump on the zero escape bandwagon?
Sure. Make sure to go 999 > VLR > ZTD and don't play the PC rereleases of the first two.
Only "half of it" was in there is what I've heard. I'd want to see what they'd come up with in the supposed sequel they were planning.
Yes, but I'd recommend only 999. VLR and ZTD's stories are dependent on each other and since ZTD was a disappointment it retroactively lowers the quality of VLR too. Plus, VLR is very derivative of E17 so if you read that first it would probably be pretty boring. 999 has a good tense mystery atmosphere going for it a good characters.
ZTD had absolutely crazy lore and theory threrads that were all amazing, But uchi said nah fuckl that and killed off Kyle and everything he established in VLR for a really mediocre plot tweist.
Foreshadowing doesn't stop it from being the dumbest fucking thing since alien fax machines
>don't play the PC rereleases of the first two
999 sure, but VLR's port is perfectly fine, so I dunno what you're talking about.
>keeping in the teleporter
No fucking thanks
Because if you don't have any of them the easiest way is buying the bundle. So might as well play on the original consoles.
it needed more of best girl
Or, Or. I could pirate them on PC and give no shits? Uchi will get my money if I like the games. Not before.
that it did.
Phi a cute too.
Anybody else like VLR the best? The shit they did and the story was 10/10 compared to 999 even though that was good too. The way they handled backtracking to get every ending was way better as well.
No, VLR has too many asspulls
VLR's tied with 999 for me. The only thing I can prefer 999 for would be the interface.
VLR setup ZTD. Then ZTD ignored that setup. Things like K, and blick were just dropped and almost none of what happens had anything to do with your goal until the very end. Its like Sigma and Phi completely forgot what they were there to do.
I much prefer VLR over the other two.
My mind was blown to bits the moment you make a different choice and Sigma recalls his original decision. Even with the cliffhanger, it's nearly perfect for me.
>people are dying
>mystery person is behind it
Who would not ever talk or acknowledge another person in the room even if he is in a wheelchair? "Sure he kills everyone but he would lie about that. That would be naughty"?
>No plot thread about how Alice used the teleporter to go back in time and become All-Ice
fucking hell
Also, which is worse, Zero Time Dilemma or Danganronpa 3?
Danganronpa has always been shit and I expect nothing from it. ZTD is worse because people were actually expecting something from it.
>Danganronpa has always been shit
I don't want to really get into DR spoilers in a ZE thread but he's right, the overall plot of DR has always been bad. DR2 is pretty good though. DR1 is okay, UDG is shit, and DR3 (anime) is shit. The series is overall very mediocre.
Yes that's what I said and I stand by it.
>Why are you doing this, Akane?
>"To train you to jump timelines. By doing so, your consciousness will be able to enter the fourth dimension. Energy will be stored in your brain, then launched which causes you to jump. Radical-6 slows down your brain which stores your energy, like pulling back on a slingshot. Then, you must be in a state of danger - a moment between life and death. That will shoot your consciousness. When the bullet of your consciousness is fired from the slingshot of your brain, you will cross the third dimension and enter the fourth dimension, where you can time travel and jump timelines."
>Why are you doing this, Delta?
>"It's difficult to boil the reason down to one word. My motives are complex."
What went wrong?
ZTD good parts
>kind of ok conclusion
>confirming phi and brother
ZTD bad parts
>not a new ost
>dropped plot lines
>conclusion relies on deus ex machina
>clover and alice fucked on the moon
>no clover
>ZTD good parts
>kind of ok conclusion
Complete lack of narrative text and blowing the budget on VA
>no clover
I mean, it works within the confines of what we got.
>downloaded ZTD, hype as fuck
>played for 5 minutes
>lol flip a coin
>pick the right one
>okay gg it's all over
That was the moment I knew something was horribly wrong. I gave it another 5 minutes, and then shut off the game and never touched it again.
haha look mom I posted it again xD
>the flash game where you slap clover's tiddies isn't around anymore