Whats her appeal?


Other urls found in this thread:


>cute face
>nice eyes
>child bearing hips
>taught belly
>perky tits
>delicious brown skin
>good rhythm and dance moves
>angelic voice

her shyness, she looks like she's about to go tomato-face any second
her outfit is also pretty attractive

she is a nigger


Calm down there, Kramer.

How is this a kids game? Hope it doesn't get e rating

Virgin for life right here


>delicious brown
>much, MUCH better looking than her gremlin partner

Gee user, I dunno.

lmao, what a loser

Probably the only attractive character in Splatoon. Everyone else looks like ugly gremlins.

I want Marina to impregnate me!

not being a deformed gremlin

She exists to trigger racist snowflakes.

She only looks good when compared to her fuck ugly counterpart.

Dat smile.

She's not Pearl

This but the other way around.

There's nothing inherently sexual about her design that would make her child unfriendly, though

To prove that Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums. (which it is because everyone here is racist)

I like her design but so far her personality isn't hooking me. Pearl doesn't look that bad she just seems like the kind of squid who'd be a rapper because she thinks it's cool and has some slight talent. Her appearance and behaviour is that of someone trying to be street. That being said in her banter with Marinna she seems more interesting than her almost as much as Marie

>taught belly

I was going to call you a fucking retard but there's no need to be so nasty on my part. But it's taut, not taught.

(Good black girl features - bad black girl features) + (Sexy outfit) x (likable personality) = Best Girl

Its an elementary equation.

Unf. That belly button.

I don't think you understand how this works.

sorry, its not workin...kek

The octo girls have always been the hottest characters in the game

That marie character is some of the most intense and focused waifubait nintendo has ever produced. Even I'm hooked. I was unsure about buying spla2n before but now I definitely am.

Jungle fever

Squid hair is ugly.

Why do 3 out of the 4 singers have beauty marks?


Leftist calling their opponents "snowflakes" must be the most pathetic thing on this faggot Earth.
You don't even know what this word is supposed to mean.

>implying you're not a virgin too

I know. It's gross. There's no more of a misnomer than a "beauty mark".

Imagine slimy tentacles growing out of your head that you can't even control.
I guess you could cut it off and eat it.

thank godness she's an octupus.

getting a bit triggered there arentchya? ,':^)

Same thing.


Because delicious brown skin op, that's why.

Not for long


Well imagine trying to explain to a squid person about the idea behind hair growing out of your head. To them we'd be just as nasty.


>designed by commitee catch-all character

Pearl > Marina

>No one likes best girl

More for me

She looks middle aged at youngest. If she had an actual voice we could be proven wrong if she's supposed to be young.

Is NeoGAF sperging out over her sexist outfit or did they ignore it bcs she's a black?


complaining about sexy drawings is so 2013


The latter.

Similar to bayonetta where if you can spin it as "progressive" in some way, theyll ignore it.

Nonsense, I like her!
Because she totally has a dick since Sea Slugs(typically a misnomer for nudibranches) are hermaphrodites


Guys I found the 17 year old volunteer sheriff / mall cop Sup Forums kid.


Both sides are just as """"snowflaky"""" as the other.

>I can't really tell if she's a grown woman or a loli
>ah, I'll just draw both

Reminds me of these abominations.

How dare you. Simultaneously though, that makes sense considering the "popstar" motif.


This looks like something out of Dragon's Crown. What the heck?

>saying racist on Sup Forums
fuck off back to plebbit you nigger
samefag leftcuck faggot

She appeals to niggers

>That hair clipping

Is this really the power of the Switch?



I actually prefer this particular character design to the 2 nu Squid Sisters from the same showing. The head shake animation sells the design

holy shit

>calling others racist unironically

probably the usual lolihag trope

Sounds about right.

That's not a loli stupid toddlercon

>Sup Forums boogeymen
Sure is summer in here

>tfw listened to her theme twice in a row the other night
>started feeling lightheaded
What the fuck has Nintendo done? youtube.com/watch?v=0fG8T17i3pI

Download the demo and listen for yourself nigga

The only other alternative is quite unpleasant to say the least.

Nice try, nigger.


>has clearly visible breasts
get your facts straight or I'll be forced to revoke your doctorate in memes

Callie & Marie > Nigger & Goblin

there's nothing inherently bad about black skin

The fact that it usually comes with inflated lips and booger noses doesn't really help.

this is fiction, it's perfectly possible to have the best of any world

Chocolate-mint fans.

If only designers could actually divorce the colour from the culture and trait list.

Can you faggots stop the act now? You degenrates are shilling a literal shitskin and I wont have any of this anymore here on Sup Forums.

Appealing negroid features mixed with asian "am I kawaii uguu" attitude and cartonish elements to fuel feticists.
Also, being near a hellspawn makes here more interesting.

Tldr: babbytier waifu. No wonders it's a nintendo one.

Wrong. I hate niggers and want to fuck her.

But the only thing black about her is her skin.

to make my dick hard

her sweet choctopussy

I don't know didn't play the first game but i thought the one with the black hair? was cute, with her smug face and her fang.

>Skin colour is all that matters
You sound exactly like the people you claim to oppose, sempai.

This is the power of lazy motion capture, yes

No. Just the power of your autism.

>Hair clipping is totes acceptable bro!

Really Sup Forums?

only thing about her design that is bad is that cowbell of a zipper, otherwise goat tier

>SJW is the one to start race war

No surprise there.

>why do people like pearl over marina ?
Homies over hoes.