Artificial difficulty: the games

Artificial difficulty: the games

buzzword: the thread

buzzword is a buzzword

buzzwoody would be the name of the baby if buzz and woody from toy story had a baby

Why are people complaining about the difficulty of this game? Is it harder than the original trilogy?

Calling buzzword a buzzword is a buzzword

1 and 2 are, both have shorter jumps that make some jumps impossible in 1 and some jumps in 2 require a slide-jump-spin whereas in the original you could just slide-jump.

3 is pretty much the same.

>Artificial difficulty
the dark souls of buzzwords

only the turtles are bullshit & maybe a few jumps could have their hitboxes fixed, like the last spit roast in hog wild

Glad i got my Plat early though before patch

WEBM related
thread can end now

Crash is just difficulty.

I Wanna Be the Guy is artificial difficulty.

they said ff13 was linear. hmmph

>shilling the game

That barely changes anything however, it's just casuals who are shit complaining


More like old game the game.

Older games are generally harder for longer play time, so yup, artificial difficulty.

All difficulty in video games is artificial, as in "made by humans"

Earthworm Jim


If you die often enough in Crash they'll start replacing empty crates with Aku Akus and checkpoints.

>being able to fall through platforms you previously could land on easily "barely changes anything"

Anyone who bitches about Crash 1 is a huge pussy, I just watched someone beat it using a DDR machine blind, and they only game overed once Until Cortex buttfucked him I guess

>fall through
He literally slips off at the very very edge of the platform, that's not falling through as his feet aren't on the platform to begin with.

the new game fucked up the hitboxes, that's what all the complaining is about, Crash now falls through shit in the original games he landed on easily.

Wow, that is really weird. You'd think they'd do rigorous playtesting on this.

>crash is hard
only according to underage nu/v/ / reddit

They did, it still works and user is just shitting out of his ass.

I don't think you understand, if you can fall and slip around everywhere in the remake, when in the original you didn't, this can lead to times where in the original you land on a platform and keep going but in the remake you fall because the new hitbox was ever so slightly, out of reach.
Basically instead of giving crash a proper hitbox they gave him a pill, instead of the original square hitbox, which makes him slip and slide fucking everywhere.
Yes 90% of the bitching is still overreacting, but the devs fucked up.

Lion king.

It's fine, the game is better off for it, some parts are extremely challenging yet fun, mastering the controls is still a thing so you get rewarded for your skill.

The ONLY problem I have with the remakes is Ice/Oil mechanics are fucked. And that the artificial difficulty meme is true in one regard, Nitro crates jump way fucking higher than they used too, often into you as you jump over them. I've had a lot of deaths in the second game because of that.

That literally changes everything though.
Making gaps just long enough is game design 101. Any part of the original game where they designed it so that you'd just exactly make the jump over a gap by leaping right before the edge is now totally fucked.
The level design of the PS1 originals was specifically made with OG physics in mind which have been screwed up in the remake.

This is what people are complaining about, Crash is the new slip and slide master thanks to them fucking up the hitbox.

>instead of landing on the thin air next to the platform you instead have to actually land on the platform in the remake
>this is somehow a bad thing
That's completely wrong, I have 100%ed the original crash and never do you get jumps where you only *just* barely make it, there is always a lot of leeway you get for jumps.

>>instead of landing on the thin air next to the platform
no, landing on the very edge of the platform, you dunce
the fact is, they fucked up the hitboxes and that's what is causing all of this bitching.

If you can't beat Crash 1-3 then you just suck.

And you never have to land on the thin air next to a platform to begin with, it's just people bitching that they need to git gud.

>some jumps impossible in 1

And yet plenty of people have already 100%'d the game.

So it's literally nothing. Just compensate for it and you'll be fine. You would think with as casualized as games have gotten people would welcome some extra challenge.

>boot crash 1-3 on psp
>beat them
>pay 60$ for crash hd
>fucked jumps make for a refund
Nice game. Stay the fuck away from CTR.

Crash 2 and 3 aren't even hard.

Crash 1 is hard as balls mainly because Naughty Dog didn't know shit about platformers when they made it.

Just beat Slippery Climb, first attempt, and got the red gem too. That was something else. I do not pity the insane bastards who aim for platinum on that shit.

>i'm shit at games and I can't accept that so it's the games fault!

Was the first crash bandicoot really that hard? I remember thinking it was tricky when I was a kid but I was never actually frustrated while playing it

I just got all of them gems in 2 last night and not once did I need to do slide-jump-spin.

Yeah, and I have platinum relic on High Road and a few others, I've even gone back and played the originals to compare. Some jumps are not possible in the remake where in the original the jump arc is larger so you can clear larger gaps.

>Having broken hitboxes is a feature!

Bonus level in Piston it Away? That one might actually be able to slide jump over the nitros, I didn't test it.

Also you need to slide-jump-spin for a lot of the relics, Turtle Woods you have to to skip the rat pits.

It's not broken, just different. It's a remake, expect some things to change.

>actually falling off of platforms when your character isn't standing on them is broken

All difficulty is artificial since games are man made

I named my dog Crash

>Fall off a platform
>Platform still falls because part of me was on it, but not really, except yes because it still falls, but still not really because I died
>Not broken

Only sonyfags would defend a fucked up remake.
Imagine if somebody released a remake of a rhythm game except the timing on everything was messed up.
Or a remake of an adventure climbing game that fucked up the mechanics making it near impossible to play.
Oh wait, Sony fags have already gotten both of those things and eaten that shit up like candy.

I remember reading that originaly the hitboxes were generated using a map of cubes across the level, they probably have an actual collision detection system now

The original level layouts were made with the original hitboxes and jump mechanics in mind. Those lay-outs were recreated faithfully, but not adjusted to match the new changes to Crash. Sure, it's still doable and can be accommodated to, but having the levels be made based on one system that has been radically changed is not good game design. Either the new levels should have been adjusted to match the adjustments to how Crash moves, or Crash should function faithfully to match the faithful recreation of the levels. Whether or not its still playable is irrelevant, it's just sloppy.

But I've platted all 3 games with no issue?

And some people have gotten all the achievements for Sonic 06
Your beating them is irrelevant to the fact that the remakes objectively and factually control worse than the original

corridor simulator

Bethesda fallout and elderscrolls.

Any difficulty in those games is mainly caused by the shitty engine. Hell, the crashes and bugs may as well be listed as reasons for difficulty.

This remake seens very on par with the mechanics of the original game.


They're different enough for people to throw autistic shitfits over them.

>People are unironically struggling with a kids game

And actually using the hitbox and physics to heal their hurt ego

>crash is as bad as sonic 06
Sick hyperbole bro
A flawed, unfinished, and standalone game is not comparable to a finished remake of a series with some minor physics and hitbox differences.

It is possible to clear those rat pits in turtle woods and the other woods level from warp room 2 by only slide jumping but slide jump spinning is much more consistent/easier.
Source: did it myself earlier today

I'd argue the games requiring more precise jumping thanks to the pill hitbox is a good thing.

A fuck up is a fuck up.
What if they changed the jumps to be .1 seconds faster and collisions .1 meters smaller? Would that be okay?
What if they did the same but by .5 seconds and .5 meters instead? What if they fucked it up so extreme that only the most perfect of near TAS players could beat it?
The most important part of a platformer is the physics and they embarrassingly failed to replicate them correctly. Enjoy that sony cock faggot.

i stopped playing crash 1 for a bit because of the lights out stage, with that final part where the light goes out even if you have a light bug. then went on to crash 3 since it was my favorite and beat it. i found the hardest stages were the motorcycle and coco water stages. the platforming stages weren't easy but not hard. now i'm on crash 2. its not as hard as 1 but still hard.

most of the difficulty in bethesda games is from enemies having bigger numbers than you
the only way to beat it is to run away and level more or scum it by exploiting their shitty AI

in fallout most of the difficulty is from random mini-nukes out of nowhere or unexpected landmines

it's a remake of 20 y/o games, wtf do people expect?

Crash was literally jumping on nothing during that scene with the rope. That only shows how shoddy the original hitboxes were

>ps1 devs are better than ps4 devs
who would have fucking thought

>Sony cock
>The game is a timed exclusive

You've outed yourself

It also looks like he jumps higher in the remake to make up for it

>what if what if what if
okay but none of those things happened.
what DID happen, is that VV made some minor tweaks and you're so shit at the game that you decided to go online and make detailed posts about how THE GAME IS BUSTED THE GAME IS SHIT IT'S THE GAMES FAULT I SUCK.
people are 100%ing the game with all platinum relics. git gud you shitty little dweeb.

>Compares timing in an easy platformer to a genre designed specifically around precision timing
>Game that can be completed with minimal challenge is "unplayable"
Nintenbro get out

Just stick to your call of duty threads, chad

He doesn't

Yeah it feels like the game was built around Crash 3, with Crash 1 suffering the most.

>Rhythm game
>Doesn't require precision timing

Megaman Zero

It is just because they used the fucking gameplay model from crash 3 in all of the games.

It's just because of the new hitboxes and the first two games using the third games physics but there's still no reason you can't plat it

Make me, nerd. Come get your swirly.

>slurp slurp, mmm yes please give us more fucked up remakes! I'll defend them to the death no matter what they screw up!

not an argument

I was going for the gem on Slippery Climb in Crash 1, since it was a coloured gem, you are not allowed to die (apart from the bonus area).

Pretty hard, but not the hardest. But my first run of the level had me struggle like fucking crazy against this one section. It is where platforms in an alternating pattern switch every second, so you typically time your jumps from platform to platform each second.

However, one platform was actually the same timing as the one next to it. So you either tried to cross two platforms within a second or did a maximum jump at the last possible instance on one, and tried to land a milimetre of crash onto the next playform, spending the entirety of your hangtime in midair and hoping it's long enough to not miss the platform and die.

I finally passed it, thought "holy shit" and later looked up a video to see how people do it easy.

The video from Crash 1 I found didn't have this odd platform. "Wow, so they made it harder in the new one"

But then going back to retry the level, this platform with weird didn't exist either. I REPEAT, sometimes the timing of platforms is actually wrong on level-loads.


>1 and 2 are

Crash 1 is a lot easier now

Just got 100% and can confirm, Piston it away is literally the only time I used slide jump spin in the entire game. I had a much easier time with Crash 2 than the original, the road to nowhere levels nearly killed me.

Yes and no, it's easier than 2 remake, for damn sure, but harder than the original. In terms of finishing the game, of course. Getting 100% is easier.

Here's some definite for you faggot.
They definitely fucked up the controls and physics, and it definitely controls worse than the original. That's it end of discussion.
You're probably one of those same retards who responded with "LOL GIT GUD" when the SotC remake was completely fucked on PS3.

>They definitely fucked up the controls and physics, and it definitely controls worse than the original. That's it end of discussion.
they sure did.
yet people still complete it no problem.
stop blaming the game for your own ineptitude faggotron.

They didn't fuck it up, it's not 100% perfect but it's pretty close.

I think it's better desu.

1 is easier to finish and complete thanks to the new savesystem

>SotC remake was completely fucked on PS3.
What was wrong with it?


I guess you got fucked by a local cycle
It's very likely the platforms start moving for the first time only when you get close to them

An example would be that they're supposed to get activated at the same time
but for some reason didn't and the second got activated in a way that fucked you over

I remember something similar happening to me on Sunset Vista like a year ago
bats would fly over one of those flaming things
and the platform would get ignited just as the bats were getting out of the way
which made it impossible to get through without Aku Aku

Honestly, that's a good thing. I just wish they could have adapted the level designs from 1 and 2 to suit 3's physics (and maybe add 3's moveset to 2 and 1 minus the upgrades)

It's fine only shitters complain, literally
Get used to the small changes or go play the original