Why didn't these two games see the same amount of success as undertale?

Why didn't these two games see the same amount of success as undertale?
Both are excellent games and they both offer close to the same amount of content as undertale. OFF is even free.

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OFF is good, Lisa is vastly overrated

both are still better than undertale

no weeb/furry/manchildren pandery

>Both are excellent games

>implying they aren't

They were both very dark and therefore less accessible, yes Undertale had dark moments but it didn't have dismemberment and fuck words.
Same kind of reason why One Piece has been the biggest in the big 3 shonen manga and is the lone one still going.

>implying they are

Undertale has accessible quirky gameplay and a funny feelgood story.

Lisa has unforgiving turn-based combat and a story that makes you feel like shite. It's great, but isn't going to carry the same widespread appeal.

Undertale is a cutesy game with characters you'd find in a cartoon and a feel-good ending for the pacifist route, which is what most people took. At worst, you get a sad moment with Asriel at the end, and if you do the genocide route you get a dark, but rather unoffensive story. Lisa and OFF are much darker and don't have the same kind of lightheartedness to balance it out.

>not giving reasons why they aren't

Do dark stories really put people off? Plenty games have dark stories and are incredibly successful.

>Do dark stories really put people off?
No, it's the exact opposite. Look at Dark Souls or Persona or Death Note or Game of Thrones or anything else """dark""". It's edgy, so it's cool, so people buy it.

I'm specifically saying Lisa is the bad game, making "both" of them not good. But OFF is.

Do people even know those exist? I don't know many people who played LISA but everyone I know enjoyed it a lot. Not sure if Undertale was better marketed, haven't played it.

Undertale had the Homestuck fanbase and Earthbound fanbase behind it for one. It's also an optimistic little game about making friends and relatively easy combat.

LISA is a game about humanity on the verge of dying and all the unpleasantness that comes with that. It's filled with allusions to rape, murder, drug abuse and a general atmosphere of hopelessness. The gameplay is also honestly rather standard fare, if harder than usual RPGs.

You tell me.

undertale is wacky homestuck tumblr comic: the game
off is grimdark as fuck, plus the combat is pure ass

Child rape is taking it too dark for some people.

Especially in video games, which still aren't taken quite as seriously as a medium.

OFF is virtually unknown outside of Sup Forums and Lisa had some success but is relatively unknown when compared to undertale

>being a shitter
>playing on auto

Never played off. Anyone recommend a good place to download it?

Both of them have shit gameplay
Lisa has shit story too


OFF came out almost a decade ago and was translated half a decade ago. Any hype that it could have had came around slowly. It's been talked about to death as probably one of the best RPGMaker games.

LISA didn't succeed on the same level because of an awkward release time at the end of the year where most reviewers have already blown their load over everything else. Undertale came out in September 15', where everybody with any sort of clout could say it was good and for it to stick around in people's memories. Also, no one knew who the fuck Dingaling was.

Also, Toby Fox had a guaranteed fanbase from the demo and Homosuck. Heck, it was fairly well liked on here before the actual release.

>being a shitter
>playing on auto
getting "gud" doesn't make you enjoy trashy JRPG gameplay

LISA is shit, though.

I found the whole timer mechanic very fun and it made it very frantic, especially when one of your add-ons are low on health and poisoned.

>games that are uncomfortable and disturbing sell less than a game filled with cutesy animals
It really doesn't take a genius to figure this one out


wtf is off?

>tfw we will never get a Wally plushie

I LOVE grim dark shit. I hated LISA though because the story isn't actually good and the gameplay is shit. Admittedly, I only played the first hour or two of the game. I tried to play through it on three separate occasions because some on Sup Forums claimed it's a great game, but it being boring combined with uninteresting gameplay made me give up on it every time.

OFF and Lisa both have dreadfully boring combat systems that made me want to just get it over with when I got to the last stretches. Say what you want about which game has the better story, but at least Undertale's combat was varied enough to keep it interesting.

>only played the first hour or two
Not for nothing, but I don't think it's fair to judge the story after the first hour.

Probably won't change your mind about the gameplay though.

>Lisa combat system
>anythinf other than braindead easy

It's not complex or anything, but it's easy to ruin your run and lose your best characters to RNG events and Russian Roulette.

I played it more or less like a walking simulator, fighting being lame as fuck but still kept going out of curioristy to see what kind of places I'd get to and how the story would develop. And it still ended up one of the more memorable games I played last year. If you don't like the story and worldbuilding it's probably not worth playing though.


now that's just embarrassing

OFF! had a big following on tumblr. Because of the way it was translated/release later without fanfare meant people only discovered it a while later through word of mouth, and that prevented it from really exploding in popularity like undertale.

OFF aged terribly.