Up to the Ruins sentinel

>up to the Ruins sentinel
>already have 150+ deaths

How does one "git good"?

You play a better Souls.

Fuck II

>150 deaths that early
wew lad. There's no secret besides learn to roll

>150+ deaths

You're hopeless t b h.

I don't why but I didn't have much trouble with the sentinels.

Obviously you should summon some phantoms.

This is still early? How long is this game exactly?

Ruin Sentinels is very early in the game. You're literally not even 1/4th into the game. Hell, not even 1/5th.

I actually really enjoy them solo. The first is always dead then it's just dodging their shields and their spin attacks.

There's 37 bosses in the game including the 9 dlc bosses. Take the number you've killed, minus that from 37, and you'll have an idea of how far you are.

>Obviously you should summon some phantoms.

It's too long. I defeated the Iron King a month ago and got tired with this game, it's too long


locate your roll button and attack the enemy until he dies?

By persevering in the face of adversity.

Put points into adaptability, when I played das 2 the first time I went for big and heavy armor and weapons and I could barely move, that made the game really hard and I almost dropped it near the end. Using light armor and having high agility makes the game pretty easy.

Is it just me or this game has horrible input lag compared to other souls? Plus all the attacks have tons of recovery.

I'm using full drangleic armour at the moment so maybe that's a good idea.


level adaptability, it increases the amount of invincibility frames during your rolls
if you're going for a dex build, a rapier is one of the best weapons in the game for pve and you can buy it from the blacksmith in majula
if you're going for a strength build a mace isn't a bad idea i suppose, i forgot what the best ones were
also if you take the strength route you can get a greatshield and pretty much hold l1 to win
>Is it just me or this game has horrible input lag compared to other souls?
only the softs version, at least for me

>go through at least 2 areas
>kill 2-3 bosses

i've killed like 5 bosses though not including this one

I used it too on my first playthrough, thinking back I almost feel like it's a noob bait, making new players think it's great because of the high defensive stats. But without the right stats you barely move in it. Kind of like Ludwigs in Bloodborne.

1) study your enemies' moves before you go in blades blazin'. The souls series as a whole are well known for wonky hitboxes, so knowing exactly when to dodge an attack is crucial. Having higher AGI also helps tremendously as it increases your iframes

2) don't spam spells or healing items. Wait for an opening among the sentinels, THEN use it

3) defeat the sentinel on the first ledge before goig down. Going down triggers the next two, and you really don't want to be on a 3v1

4) don't be fancy if you don't know what you're getting into. Turtle around or dodge to learn what happens between attacks so you are better prepared

5) mind your stamina. Sure, flailing your steel around is fun but it eats up your fuel for the "I win" roll button, so know when to stop swinging

6) try not to summon phantoms. They will drastically diminish your learning progress. If you absolutely must then at least try killing the ledge sentinel solo before you summon phantoms for the other two

7) git gud

>how to git good
lurk more, for one

summoning also increases enemy health and defense
don't do that
solo is easier

Today I will tell them that DaS2 is still the biggest ass in the entire series.

By not playing the worst game in the franchise. Seriously dude, did you not get ANY of the warnings? We all told you.

>Dark Souls 2

Key to not dying is spacing and constantly moving

Cheat mode
>roll a barrel down the dead end stairs outside
>light bonfire and a torch
>light the pyre in the blacksmiths room
>rest at bonfire and open the chest he was sitting on

Now you have one of the best strike weapons in the game and should be able to upgrade it once too. That thing can 5-6 hit Sentinels

I died 100 times on my first run.
Less than 20 on the second, and a lot of those were because of Darkfucker.

>up to the ruins sentinel
Ruins Sentinel could be as early as your third boss fight, or you could finish the game without ever fighting them, so that doesn't necessarily say much.

what should I get good at? I have no problems with the game, it's just too long and boring

>just move
No. You can finish the game with an actual heavy as shit character who can barely move and invest zero points into adaptibility, you just need to get a really good shield early, like the tower shield, if you can beat the old Dragonslayer, which shouldn't be too hard (you can get past the dragon with a bow pretty easily).

Doing a no roll run in DS2 is entirely possible, this isn't DS3 where shields are utter dogshit.

Have you gone from the giants forest directly to the lost bastille? If you did you may have skipped heide's tower and the pirate shelter. They're great for leveling up early game

Just summon other players. Souls is my favorite series, I summoned in every boss fight I could, because these games aren't meant to be played solo due to the extreme difficulty levels.


Ruin Sentinels is like 5 hours into the game tops. Any more than that and you're contending for "Most Retarded Person in the World"

>already have 150+ deaths

Hope you're exaggerating, user.

Even DSP had only like 25 deaths by the time he got to the Ruin Sentinels .

I unironically feel like opinion of Dark Souls II has only gotten better over time. I miss having rolls and heals that are consequential. Dark Souls III fucked shit up to much by trying to make everything Bloodborney.

my opinion, I mean

Too bad DS3 is the most popular and best selling DS game and your shitty contrarian opinion is of no consequence :^)

I liked 2 but it's still my least favourite so far (haven't played BB yet but I doubt I wont enjoy it at least as much as DeS/DaS1

> it's just too long and boring

Maybe it's not for you. Just go play something else.


Easiest strat for senitels is to stay on the ledge as long as possible killing them as they come up. Once there are 2 on the ledge jump down and attack the third down below. From there they should be damaged enough for you to pick them off

At this point II is starting to look better than III for a lot of reasons

Well of course my opinion is of no consequence, because it's an opinion. That's what opinions are. I have some humility, friend.

Yeah this is what I've done every playthrough I've had of the game, and I haven't had much trouble with them.

People in general just don't seem to be able to handle multiple enemies in this game (despite it giving you ways to deal with them in pretty much every fight) and get all buttmad and call it a bad game over it.