
Which rabi would you ribi?

Dlc when

>Didnt know you could just smash the blocks to get the spin hammer attack
>Ended up exploring everything and sequence breaking a shitload on accident
Fucking kill me

this """game""" is hyperdimension-tier trash. the girls are the only selling point. I'm a fucking weeb but at least I play actual games

Would really like to hear what are "actual games" then.

At least this game have more gameplay into it, i didn't really dig the design choice though.

This game is literally the best castlevania clone on the market.
Maybe if you weren't such a pussy about design choices you could enjoy a proper good game like everyone else.

Ashuri but also Cocoa.

Good choices, but I still think Cicini is the cutest.

Why the cat sisters of course.

Why would you play weebshit when superior western Metroidvania's like Hollow Knight exist?

In a perfect world there is a game with Hollow Knight's aesthetic and Rabi-Ribi's gameplay.

>superior western Metroidvania

that's an oxymoron

What do you play?

>check one of the artists pixiv
>it's a fucking goldmine
i played this game over a year ago but never thought of this
im a fucking genius

>the girls are the only selling point

Not the Metroidvania/Bullet Hell combo? That's why I bought it. The girls are cute as fuck though, I love the art style.

What's wrong with Rabi-Ribi's aesthetic?

when will this be out on Vita?

I don't want to hate on the pixel art too much because I think one guy did it and that's really impressive, but it's obviously amateur. It's an ugly game. And the overbearing anime waifu garbage direction they went with it doesn't help.

The pixel art is uninspiring. The character designs are terrible and it feels like a game from Winged Cloud. And this is coming from a weeb.

I just want to play games with cute 2D girls and good, fun gameplay and this game's got both

mating press

cat girls, best girls.

>tfw love the music, art style, gameplay, girls and everything else

Feels good to gave good tastes