>game has your phobia
Game has your phobia
>game features The Origin of Species
>game has your fetish
Every single fantasy game ever made.
>game has realistic big spiders
>mfw playing EDF
>want to get into EDF and save the fucking world
>giant leaping spiders everywhere i look
>can feel my hair turning white from terror
its simply not fair
Pretty much any of the games where you do a jump off a giant tower and slam to the ground, I shake for 2-3 seconds as I see the ground coming up.
>having phobias
hello tumblr
You deserve to be killed by an ant
god i wish that were me
Don't feel bad user, I've never been able to beat any of the fallout games because of the insects, and I barely beat skyrim.
Everytime there is spider, centipede or scorpion enemy, basically any enemy that happens to have over 4 legs I have to lift my feet because it makes me uncomfortable.
>game has your obscure fetish
>game has water in it
Some spider enemies get me a bit but the edf spiders are not that scary. Plus most missions you can just snipe them from afar or nuke them with air raider. I cant play Windwaker because the big octoroks scare me so much I have a panic attack just from seeing them. Im not sure why. I was perfectly fine going through the game for the first month I had it then I just kept getting nightmares of them.
>game characters bully you
The only game that has ever actually triggered any form of panic in me is Elite:Dangerous.
I have anxiety issues about riding in fast moving vehicles and one time I "crashed" into a planet at several times the speed of light in E:D. It's not actually possible to crash into a planet in E:D, you just automatically drop out of supercruise with very mild damage when you get too close and I knew this but I still freaked the fuck out having that planet go from a dot to filling the screen in only a second and not being able to do a damn thing about it.
what games have me dying alone and bitter?
what games have brown elf maids?
Wonder if this guy played Assassin's Creed 4
>game has gameplay
I need more games where I can shrink down and explore the innards of a cute anime girl
Max Payne
I did the spider house in Bloodborne with my eyes closed.
>game gives you a phobia
>game has dark murky water you have to swim in
>giant leaping spiders
>gianter giant leaping spiders
>Inb4 tryphobia memers
more like tryhardphobia bazinga
>dark murky water you have to dive in
I don't remember any brown elf maids in Max Payne
Any game with heights that makes my ass clench, and my legs wobbily.
My fear is all life being destroyed to the point where no living thing exists, not many games that I've played really touch on that.
Except for OFF
That's going off the wishlist. Thanks.
>dark murky water at night with an objective at the bottom of it 100 meters down
So the game has me drawing blood ? I don't know why I have this specific fear but I fucking hate needles.
I doubt many games have the ability to spread harmless skin diseases to me, or the ability to actually touch me with a foot.
>Fall / jump off of someplace high.
>Actually get vertigo and a physical rush of adrenaline in my guts like when I'm on a roller coaster, as I fall towards the ground.
I don't even have a particularly pronounced fear of heights, it's just immersion.
along with all the edits