How do we stop the PS4?
How do we stop the PS4?
It's simple. We don't. We adapt
We lost again
By buying PS Vitas
We don't. We help it become the best selling console ever, and a staple in every household.
if PS4 has no games why people are buying it for
Advice for Xbox?
Make actual fucking exclusives for the console and fuck off with everything else.
Advice for Nintendo?
Get off your slant eyed asses and stop recycling the same IPs from 30 years ago. Wow ANOTHER Mario game??? DUDE HOLY SHIT. Also, stop pandering to children and nostalgic manchildren might help too
By asking them about their graphics
Money talks, shit walks. Talk with the big boys when your console can out sell a Jap baby toy.
But it does have games.
I'm only interested in 3 maybe 4 of those and one of them is also for ps3
Don't you guys love how it's just constantly posting of the week of May 27th
>its okay when people count multiplats for switch
>"killer app" for XxX
>still looks worse than driveclub
sheesh, MS isn't even trying anymore
Switch has zero games I'm interested in
GT looks million times better, has better models, physics and sounds and doesn't need a memecamera system
ez as pi
June and July numbers are going to be worse for Nintendo m8
>Implying you can't run Chariot Race on the Colosseum.
When did VGChartz become reliable?
Not possible. PS4 pro was on sale for 299 here, PS4 slim 1 tb for 200$ with last guardian. What are we gonna do Xbros?
On 2008/9 when the nintendo Wii was selling like hotcakes and VGChartz threads were posted every day.
We cant stop them Nintenbros, we should just accept the superiority of Sonybros, and as an act of apology commit mass suicide to atone for the years of shitposting
Who's with me?
Why? Actually what for?
Because thats a meme. What? You think they are all playing those multiplats on Xbox or PC instead??
Netflix and HBO GO.
You're right my fellow Nintenbro, we should just accept the fact that we Nintenbros are the scum of the earth and should just die. The world would be better for it
False. PC's, tablets, smartphones and many TV's can already do this. Try again.
bad news user
>Sony Interactive Entertainment has accumulated a total of 60.4 million PlayStation 4 console sales worldwide since the system debuted in 2013. This sales milestone includes the full family of PlayStation 4 consoles: the 2013 launch PS4, the new PS4 "slim", and the higher-end PlayStation 4 Pro, all of which were sold across 123 countries and territories.
>Along with strong hardware sales, the PlayStation 4 has enjoyed a phenomenal software attach rate throughout its lifetime. Sony confirms that 487.8 million copies of PS4 software have been sold digitally and in retail stores across the globe, meaning the average PS4 owner owns at least 8 games.
oops. here's an older article:
>Sony has revealed that the number of games the average person buys for their PS4 is more than any other console in history.
>When you sell your console at a loss hardware sales aren’t really that important, it’s how many games people buy for it. That’s what the software attach rate indicates, and it seems it’s unusually high for the PlayStation 4.
>Sony recently announced that the PlayStation 4 has sold 53.4 million consoles worldwide, roughly twice that of the Xbox One. But what has also just been revealed is that over 401 million games have been sold – which allows you to calculate the attach rate.
>Analyst Daniel Ahmad confirms the rate as 7.51 games per console, which is higher than both the PlayStation 2 and Wii at the same point in their life cycle.
B-b-b-b-but ps4 has no gaems ;_;
Fucking this. As a former Ninty fan the industry would benefit greater if Sony had a monopoly on the console market. Literally everyone else's is cucked and worthless.
You're absolutely right but toddlerbabs will pretend this won't be the case.
Don't bother giving them advice. Especially Shitendo, we all know the Shitch is a critical flop at this point and the only thing we can do now is watch as the company announces their bankruptcy in 2020 while all the faggot manchildren cry, they're the only people who enjoy Neokikeshitendo games.
Bump for Shitoddlebab asshurt
If they fix stock issues, doubtful. Especially since June had all the E3 hype and July has Splatoon 2
t. toddlerbab in denial
Go take a shower and stop smearing shit on your walls denialfag. They'll never restock because Apple is justifiably fucking them in the ass.
>currently being played by over 60million PS4 users
Your point? *also on PC just means "oh, so i don't actually NEED a gaming PC at all. Gotcha." And so, reality continues and people choose the PS4 again and again.
Why would you want to stop it?
Too bad you need to buy a new console that isn't even out yet for $500 to have better graphics than the PS4. The Xbox One is going to still have the worst graphics.
>>still looks worse than driveclub
Lmao no it doesn't.
>GT looks million times better
>Image compressed to shit
Wait for the updated chart
>webm is really dark and is only focusing outside of the racetrack and isn't even 1080p
Lel. Do you need photo mode to make the game look passable?
>Xdrone is actually excited for more Forza rehash shit because he has nothing else
Don't even start that gay >F-F-FUCKING SONYGGER shit either, GT is just as trash but at least I have other games to play
Simple, if you have another console you go and play it and not worry about what the other consoles are doing.
The problem is the comparison.
The sound is turned down on GTS and not only that he compared Forza 7 during the rain with GTS during a dry morning.
>27th of May
This gets posted everyday and people still respond to these obvious bait threads.
Sure is summer
... that is not even driveclub top kek
The Nintendo Switch is failing in the west because of Nintendo's outdated and sexist practices. They aren't catering towards women.
>edited fanmade video to make the game look as good as possible
meanwhile in reality: