Warframe Going Open World


Wow. I haven't played Warframe in like half a year(was finally able to break the addiction), but this is very impressive. I legitimately believe this game has evolved more than any other game ever released. If you go back and watch footage of when Warframe's (beta) was first released and compare it to this, it's pretty astonishing how much it has grown.

Really looking forward to seeing more of this.

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They couldn't even have their hubs or dojos work without lagging to hell and back again, so I really doubt Digital Extreme will pull something like an open world off.

They've also become really scummy with their success over the years, like sending a C&D to data miners right before their convention happened, just so they could have some "secrets" to showcase, and ignore the fact that those players have given us locations and drop % for years to keep the devs from fucking the game over.

Also fuck them for not letting us keep rabbit ears past Easter, despite all the other out of place shit within the game.

>P2W garbage
It doesn't matter how pretty it looks it's still F2P trash.

>muh destiny

everyone fucking time bungie makes something everyone out the ass of the game industry has to copy, just like Halo

I never really got what kind of game Warframe is? The main mode is some kind of arena death match pvp right? Where does the open world fit in?

Agreed. F2P game that can't sustain their economy with cosmetics usually end up pretty bad.

>a PVE game is P2W


There's no pvp?

Have to pay for Warframe and weapon slots, which grants paid players a huge advantage in PvE over non-paying customers. It also doesn't matter that they can trade with other players for plat for select items, since the plat was originally obtained by paying players to facilitate such a market.

There is but very little, 99% of the game is PvE. Also the Pay2Win is just to speed up build time and cosmetics. You can earn everything through in game farming and market, even the cash shop currency.


I had somehow gotten the idea that Warframe had a heavy pvp focus. Got to say learning that it's almost entirely pve bums me out.

It's an autistic mission based grinding simulator, pvp isn't really that big of an aspect.

pvp sucks

Datamining faggots are annoying though, there's never any surprises in games because of them

That's more the internet than anything else. Fast info makes shit public real fucking fast. Some secrets in games couldn't be found through datamining that only just got discovered.

literally no one does pvp, and the pvp is fucking weird. If I have a really good gun, fully upgraded, and go into pvp, it loses all its upgrades. Same with the warframe and such. You're basically just running default shit, which means shitters with fucking volt and a rifle can just kill you in pvp.

finally after 5 years you can hear the audience cheering that you can shoot

>Being a shitter that dies to a random volt.
>Not bouncing off the walls at mach 3 while simultaneously killing niggas

pvp was added really late and no one in their right mind plays it imagine a shit diablo but level based and you grind for resources to grind for shit to grind for shit and so on and so on

>literally don't need to pay for anything
So this....is the power.......of nu/v/.....

it's literally just horde mode on different maps with gear upgrades and tons of grinding.

It'll only be a small subset of the game, and will feel more repetitive than the rest of the game since it's a static location vs. tiles lego'd together.

control space spam op

This is cool but I don't understand why they didn't just make fullblown spinoff that takes place in the same universe at this point.

>b-but you can get everything for free!
Wow cool, I can't wait to grind for eight hundred hours before getting my shiny golden gun.

>moving the goal post
Selling one(1) high rarity new or popular prime item is 20~30 plat even on console meme
God forbid you obtain vaulted items which sprergs sell for obscene prices
This game doesn't suck because of the grind
It sucks because there's nothing to use your grinded gear on.

the problem with warframe is they constantly throw new shit in without refining it. They just make shit like archwing missions and operator gameplay then never update them to make them fun they just move onto something else.

looks empty though

oh shit nvm
looks like star wars

>they're aimlessly throwing their game in a different direction
and retards will eat it right up
not like I can really blame them though. it certainly LOOKS like a good game
no saving the ones with +1000 hours though

>See that mountain?
You have to be fucking kidding me

I swear that was intentional. Either way, I kek'd.

is this game basically overwatch?
genuine question

it's a PVE game
you fight against space arabs and space jews and you can grind to get better weapons and mods and even warframe parts and prime parts and you can exchange the premium currency with other players
it's like destiny but you don't have to pay to progress through the story

genuine question from a genuine retard

I played it for like a month or two when it first came out, it was fun but quickly became pretty dull. The endless grind for mats so you could build new warframes was dumb.

is there character creation?

don't be rude please


Color customization only, but its a vast variety of colors

Very minor costume changes, like different helmets or something that you gotta pay for

It's a free game, they have to make money, the way they do that is getting impatient fags to pay to get shit without spending some time in game to do it, I've been playing it for years, and I've spent $50 a week or so after I started but after trading came out, Only the dumbest faggots still give them money because anyone who isn't a drooling retard can sell shit to the drooling retards to make more platinum then you could ever need, and then you can use that to buy whatever the fuck you don't feel like grinding for.

this will make the game goes full mainstream

thanks pal

Well, hey, welcome to the current year.

You cant even buy prime weapons with money unless your around when they are released. even then its cheaper to buy the money and trade for the parts, even then you can just trade for the cash currency.
Everyone is fucked by having to grind forever.

This shit makes me mad, I liked that game, and then they changed it, and kept changing it, sometimes I liked it, but they kept changing it.

The thing that's annoying is just that it's change for change sake, it's not even always an up or a down, it's just different now. Like changing the UI a hundred times, or how the map screen works. Like what's the point, then they change it again and you wonder what the point was even more since they just changed it again.

This shit is insane, not even in a good or bad way, it's just insane. They could have made a whole other game with that effort instead of morphing this one so much for no reason, we don't benefit, they don't benefit, it's just wasted effort.

>huge advantage in PvE over non-paying customers
>huge advantage in PvE
>non-paying customers

Come again?

>spending money gives you an advantage over players you are cooperating with
stop huffing glue before you post

It's a huge advantage to have new content a week early instead of just waiting to get the stuff in game man, it's a big deal.

It WOULD be a huge advantage if the entire ""end game"" wasn't doing the same shit over and over with slightly different weapons and frame that may as well all be the same since they all accomplish the same goals

He forgot about the trannyfu creator.

Wtf she devstream without a bra what a slut.
Conclave was never good dumbass

serious question; why would I play this over destiny 2?

Serious question, why would you play Destiny 2? Are you 12?

it's free and you can already play it now

You don't the only excuse is that it's free
Both games are comparing shit to shit
They both have shit communities, and devs, and they Excell on one certain things but fail on so many other things

You don't
Warframe is shit
Destiny 2 will be shit, either way Destiny 2 will still sell like hot cakes, and Warframe will still be active so yeah it's up to you. But Honestly I just pick Destiny since it honestly has some good things that Warframe can't do like PvP, and raids, and Actual good gunplay

god the art design for warframe is so awful
tennogen is such a blessing, i just wish you could buy it with plat

>open world archwing
Now you have my attention.

>do the unlocks change how you play the game? example: give you more choice of guns.
That's not pay-to-win unless the weapons are more powerful than the default weapons. Mantreads in TF2 are weak as piss but they fall under your definition of pay-to-win just because it's a change in playstyle you can buy or trade for.

I hope one day devs realize this simple fact again.

It's like saying Star Trek Online isn't P2W because you can exchange dill for zen at obscene rates.

It's never happening user. PvP shitters are the majority.

as long as they bring endgame back i'll be satisfied

It did everything destiny one promised
Its free

All the best shit in the game must be built and cannot be purchased

Where the hell did this come from?

it's not pay to win unless paying actually lets you "win"

if paying gives you no significant power advantage it's not p2w

Might we see his feet?

Yeah, but you need potatoes, forma's and to top it all off it's behind a timegate.
But don't worry goy, spend dosh on platinum to get all your shit without having to grind for 7 days :^)

user you can easily get a shit ton of plat without spending a dime. Of all the problems Warfarm does have p2w isn't one of them.

That might actually be a 'her', but it's exceedingly hard to tell either way.
The females have tits but they're hard to notice.

And fuck you, degenerate.

>spend dosh on platinum
or you can just sell parts and mods you don't need on the market. I got a 1000 plat without even trying

On Consoles you can

Warframe has a really nice visual design and fairly interesting worldbuilding. I think it's the only thing that keeps me playing.

I've put a lot of hours into this game and I'm bored at this point.

That does look initially awesome but they need to keep access to the current dungeon system too and they really need more enemies on that map, a small smattering of enemies when our frames are so strong is bad. A large part of the fun is so many enemies coming at you, there were less than 10 in that whole video.

Odds and I reinstall
Evens and I stay away from the game for another year

>Of all the problems Warfarm does have p2w isn't one of them.
But sure, you can get lucky and get a prime power core - or whatever they're called - and sell it for +500 plat if you can find a buyer.

>on the market
They added an auction house? Or is the market just you spamming in /trade?

are the operators gone? if not i don't care. operators were such a trash idea that it turned me off to warframe entirely

How do I filter the shitty neon frames?
Fucking shit fashionsense everywhere.

what the fuck does that even mean?

Same your not the only one

The combat in warframe is insanely good, it also runs really well and the art style is pretty cool.

I wouldn't say it being free is a huge bonus, but it lets you try the game for free as long as you want which is.

You're kidding right?
Who wouldn't want to discover that you are in fact not a cool ass killing machine - but instead some fag kid in a tube saying retarded one-liners constantly?

Strange you'd have such an image despite your disdain but to answer your question; Nope, there's even more focus on them and one of the upcoming features is an expansion to Operator-based combat. Scavenger-styled armors and weapons.

better movement and melee, its free as opposed to the 100 dollarydoos that destiny 2 + season pass will cost

They keep focusing more on the potatos
The newest quest haa a potato fight in the end and everybody complained

Not him, but tell me more.
I fucking love customization.

Is Ember still shit?

Warframe and Destiny are apples and oranges. Try both and stick with the one you like more.

every time. every time when i see people start to defend a p2w claim and start rationalizing it i know to stay away. the kind of hoops people will jump through to deny a game is p2w is the same across every single game. i'll stay away from this. thanks, user!

Also, they said it was a whole 3 square km.
That's...less than GTA 3, and it's open plains, and we have fast frames & faster archwings to get around.
It's a fucking fishbowl, people.


Depending on the builds
She's shit to be matched up with in missions though

>Really looking forward to seeing more of this.

Me too shillfriend, can't wait to play again

Rumor has it that the introduction of Umbra might have you give up your operator in some way.

Though, on their dev stream they talked about improving combat mechanics for the operators since you'll be taking them into the open world for missions and such. They even get their own combat armor aside from warframes

I for one never liked the implementation of kids in Warframe and truly stopped playing after TWW

fuck man i loved warframe and its lore back when it was just ninjas and theory tossing, now eveything is revealed and it turns out were just dumb kids in suits. fuck man it depresses me how such a aesthetic and fun game can make a 180 nose dive into the ground so hard.

start downloading faggot

The kids aren't in the suits user. They control the zombies in the armor remotely.

This. Every time I think about getting back into the game I just go

>But you're playing a fucking weird ass kid

and it kills me.

literally this