It's currently $9.99 on the playstation store, is it worth the buy?
It's currently $9.99 on the playstation store, is it worth the buy?
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supposedly its the best one in the series, so yeah, i'd say so.
I've only played a couple of the games so I'm not a series fan, but I strongly disagree with this. It didn't have the charms of games I've played before, and it got repetitive fast. It felt a bit "Knack". Just a little bit soulless.
Not bad by any means, but certainly not exceptional.
Go for it.
For 10 bux? Fuck year.
They trim a bit of fat and remove some levels in favor of expanding others, but overall it is s stellar platformer.
Don't worry, it's actually a terrible R&C clank game but since it looks good and plays like every R&C games after going commando, people like it.
Sure why not.
You could just get the HD Collection for the same price.
No. It's inferior to the original in every way.
>30fps instead of 60
>Ratchet and Clank have far fewer interactions, can't even tell if they're friends if their names weren't the name of the game
>interesting one-off side characters gone
>most of the story gone (like Clank's mom's arc)
>some of the plot points they insisted on keeping don't make sense with the new plot (like Quark's betrayal)
>Ratchet is now a generic self-insert who spouts "I love being a nerd!" instead of being a bit of the tough guy jock he was in the original, guess it wasn't relatable enough
Id say its alright for 10 dollars yeah
You really have to post that long ass video of yours in every thread now? I agree with it but for 10 dollars its acceptable a nice fun timewaster
I have $9.99
already bougth Furi and Im having a blast, what else should I buy? should I save my money for another sale?
No, just play the original games instead. This is an extremely poor remake.
Why you asking us? Atleast leave some suggestions on what else interests you in the sale
dunno, I thought this thread was about the sale
also, I like platformers but I don't pay for Plus cuz it's bullshit
is little big planet 3 offline worth it?, I like platformers
It's a fine remake, not as good as the original but I'd say it's worth the 9.99.
>Snobby Brit
>Talking about consumerism in a fucking ratchet and clank game
lol, great vid lad. keep shilling that shite.
Id always play little big planet for its level creator and shit offline made me almost fall asleep and you cannot 100% it alone
For 10 Dollars I'd say it's an okay grab. Kinda made me want to watch the movie but I haven't got round to it.
The gameplay is fun and some of the levels are pretty faithful to the originals but there are some of its own thing in there.
My main gripe is the characters are very bland. It becomes painfully obvious in any sort of cutscene that isn't pre-rendered. Ratchet just stands around with the same look on his face. It's quite sad. In fact, just about all the characters do.
Don't expect the whole character development from the first game. It's not really there unless your name is Captain Quark. He has an interesting character development (although his voice gets annoying if you go under water for more than 3 seconds).
Gameplay is pretty okay. Has a mixture of old and new weapons. Story is different to the original and characters are pretty bland aside from Quark and as for replayability it doesn't really have any incentive. You can get everything on your first playthrough with ease.
Where did you hear this bullshit? It's undoubtedly the worst except for maybe the original
I've played the entire main series and I think R&C PS4 IS one of the best in the series.
The gameplay is stellar.
is the butchered story so bad that I should just skip the cutscenes and play the decent gameplay?
I didn't really have a problem with it, but I've never held much stake in the story of Ratchet games.
It kind of surprises me how much some people here care about it. I don't think even Future-era Insomniac cared as much as Sup Forums seems to.
That said, the story in the game is kinda fucked up because it's following the movie plot, but they don't follow all of it because they want you to watch the movie. It makes things feel disjointed and rushed at times.
The gameplay is no more stellar than anything past the PS3 era wtf
So if it plays as good as A Crack in Time, then it's still one of the best.
Your point?
It doesn't play as good as crack in time though
You're right.
It's better.
haven't played it yet but it looks like a crack in time to me.
A Crack In Time was 60fps whereas the remake is 30, so a huge downgrade obviously.
Acit had shitty weapons and big empty areas.
Ratchet has never, ever been fast enough for 60fps to make a meaningful difference.
It's purely aesthetic. It doesn't impact playability whatsoever. You only care because it's a change.
Ratchet could have been 30fps ever since the first game and the franchise would be no different.
yeah but muh buzzwords
it's not on PS4.
just get it on Vita
They butchered the characters to the point where you don't feel any attachment to them at all and they don't seem to have any connection with each other, Clank feels like an actual robot with no soul, and I'm pretty sure Ratchet is an android that didn't quite work out facial expression.
>60fps is only necessary for very fast paced games
up your Arsenal and the first ps3 game are the best
When it comes to playability, yes.
Framerate only impacts precision.
If your game isn't precision-based, like fighters, character action games, rhythm games, etc., then 60fps will more than likely not provide meaningful improvements to control over a lower framerate.
If 60fps was part of Ratchet's GAMEPLAY, then Insomniac would have never gotten rid of it.
They stopped aiming for 60fps because it DOESN'T matter. It's more work for no reason. They even explained this themselves after A Crack in Time.
shut the fuck up retard
>It's more work
Eh? It's less work because they don't have to spend as much time making flashy graphics that lower the framerate.
Yeah, it's definitely worth that price.
He never said that. Ratchet wouldn't benefit so much from being solid 60fps aside from feeling a bit smoother. It's a sad complaint that people use now because they don't know how to criticize video games.
I take it you haven't watched the developer commentary LP, where they said that it was far easier to code in 60 FPS, and functions that used to be just 5-10 lines suddenly became 200 line monstrosities
If you haven't played the series, don't start with this. It's nowhere near the level of the original trilogy.
It's not a remake of the original. It's "The Movie: The Game" Understand that so you don't go into it with expectations too high.
That said, it's a good game and definitely worth $10, just don't compare it to previous R&C games because that's not what it's trying to do.
The problem isn't that it's 30fps. It's that it's 30fps with dips. I want to play R&C in 60fps but if it has just as many dips then it's worthless.
And then I forget a link to it:
Even moving the camera is greatly benefited by 60fps. This is a game with 3rd person aiming and shooting mind you. It's still a very playable game but it no longer feels as nice
For Ratchet it's more about the particle effects and large amount of enemies/models on screen.
It's easier to make that shit run when targeting 30fps.
The commentaries on...
PS2 games?
The console with a completely different architecture to both PS3 and PS4?
i-ign user...
>Ratchet wouldn't benefit so much from being solid 60fps
Please kill yourself
My point is that when they knew their games were always, ALWAYS going to be 60 FPS, it was easier.
nigga it was like 2006 do you know how different things were?
oh well framerate drops definitely aren't good. I generally look past them if they aren't often or obstructive to gameplay but I'd say that's fair concern
>They stopped aiming for 60fps because it DOESN'T matter. It's more work for no reason. They even explained this themselves after A Crack in Time.
Doesn't surprise me considering Insomniac lost all fucking integrity after they put out that game. These are fast action games, running at 30 makes them feel like a fucking slog and was always one of the first things people complained about any time they tried putting out a game in 30fps. Deadlocked, ITN, and the remake would have all benefitted from 60. At least with deadlocked that was a ridiculously busy game and I'd honestly believe it was physically impossible to get it running at 60, but ITN and the Remake run at 30 because Insomniac got fucking lazy.
>These are fast action games
You're using "fast" very loosely here.
Ratchet is a brisk jog at best.
It's arguably the worst in the series
yeah it's easier when you set everything up for a franchise in the beginning of a console's lifespan so you don't have to do it all over again every time. atlus is a perfect example of this. the difference here is that R&C PS4 is the first ratchet game on the PS4 while that was a commentary about the third game in the fucking series back on PS2.
>R&C is bad because i liked the old one better
The old one was ugly and glitchy. This one is better in all things that doesn't revolve around content. The story is a mess and there is less content.
But at the same time it cost a 3rd less for the buyer upon launch.
Ratchet and Clank was a ton of fun and definetly worth the asking price by a WIDE margin.