What is your favorite or 'favorite' vidya movie?

what is your favorite or 'favorite' vidya movie?

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Mortal Kombat.

lord of the rings

I suppose it's not a movie but I'll still count it.

I thought AssCreed was neat.

>That interview where the guy was trying to bait the Warcraft movie producer or whatever and his bait wasn't being taken so he straight up walked out of his own interview

The professor layton movie


the DmC animu was better.

i want to see this

Incredible adaptation, only retards disagree.

Ace Attorney

What bait?

the one and only

it was pretty good. watched the behind the scenes and they put in a lot of work. shame that the second movie was so bad. it wasn't the same director.

Yeah 2nd one was a shitshow.

WarCraft and Silent Hill.

>Silent Hill

which one?

>I don't know, I think we adapted it the best we could.
Apparently Adam was very salty afterwards when Duncan tried approaching him about it, and this interview has been removed from a lot of places.

I only saw the first, I actually forgot the second existed.

pyramid head has a sword fight to save the girl at the end and malcolm mcdowell does his best malcolm mcdowell impression

The Super Mario Bros movie. Not because of the actual movie, that's shit, but all the stuff going behind the scenes where you learn that Bob Hoskins almost went insane during the production.

>We will never get the extra 40-50 minutes of script that Duncan had planned and was cut because the studio didn't want a LotR-length movie despite him wanting exactly that.

I really enjoyed the Prince of Persia film for what it was. Sure it was cheesy and underwritten but it was super fun and had better then average camera work and shots then any other vidya game adaptation I've seen

It's a shame because there's a scene in particular that talks about the fel and introduces Grommash that was cut out. Overall I think I enjoyed the movie, the humans were admittedly boring, but the Orcs more than made up for it imo.

A second movie is likely since it did well in China.

>Tfw I saw this and enjoyed it without even realizing it was based off a video game

It's a shame they killed Durotan the way they did, because now we can't get the moment that happens in Lord of the Clans where Durotan's arms are chopped off and he's bleeding to death with his wife.

I liked the first Resident Evil movie

>that durotan/gul'dan fight scene

Based Gyllenhaal. Give him half written, cheesy shit like Nightcrawler and Demolition; he'll still make it watchable

ben kingsley is magic

The Orcs were the best part of that movie but they still fucked them up too.

This mother fuckers is the only correct answer

Duncan Jones and a producer of the film held a special screening in London last month. After the screening he talked about what he wanted the second movie to be about, were there to never be one. The tone of the night in general was very "This is probably it, so, let's just talk about what could be for the night."

>Warcraft was a financial disappointment in the United States, earning only $47 million here on a reported budget of $160 million. But the film racked up an additional $386 million overseas, which, even when you factor in the advertising costs, seems like it surely turned a profit. While that may sound like it meets the necessary requirements for a sequel, Jones still isn’t convinced, saying, “there’s no reason for me to believe there’s any likelihood of it happening” aside from sheer stubbornness on his part. One assumes that he’d be involved if conversations are happening about a follow-up, so unless something changes, it looks like this franchise will end up as a one and done.

Giving credit where credit is due, Duncan does seem quite passionate in making movies. To be fair, they picked by far the hardest part in the history of Warcraft to adapt in movie format. I definitely think that something more focused, like dealing with Thrall or even Arthas, would see more success.

Well whaddya know the first post also happens to be the best one

>“This first film is about establishing the world, and showing Durotan helping his son escape a dying planet. So to me the idea over the course of three films would be for Thrall to fulfill that vision of Durotan to create a new homeland for the Orcs. So in [the sequel] it would be the adolescent years of that baby, and anyone who does know their Warcraft stories would know it’s very much a Spartacus story that goes on with that character. I would basically follow that through. And with the human side of it, which is a little less clear of how that would follow, but basically there is an aftermath to this film which would need to be completed. And on the Orc side you’re very much following that baby, Go’el, known as Thrall in the universe, and how he eventually creates the Orc homeland.

>My fascination with trying to do Warcraft in three films and the idea of family is, I love the idea of Durotan has sacrificed himself so his son and the people he cares about can survive – I want to see that sacrifice pay off. That’s the trilogy. That’s the heart of the story. The rest of it is mumbo jumbo names and shit (laughs). Good shit, because Chris Metzen is a wonderful writer, but the heart of the story is someone’s sacrifice because they thought it was worth sacrificing for, and it was a good person who has a good kid and I want that good kid to pay off.”

so long as they fucking redeem what the did to Orgrim I can live with a Thrall movie for the third one.

>Revenge duel is the orc literally running his self through a blade.

Didnt watch the movie

What did they do with Orgrim and was he at least voiced by Peter Cullen?

>Lothar mentions that they need to outsmart the Orcs in a fight since they're so fucking massive and easily win fights with their size and strength
>Blackhand was so cocky and full of rage at the fuck that took his hand, he thought he had him, and ends up doing something retarded and getting himself OUT FUCKING SKILLED and killed

It might not have been as visually satisfying as the duel between Durotan and Gul'dan but it still fit.

He was a member of the Frost Wolf Clan and not the Blackrock clan and he betrays Durotan. And he wasn't the one to challenge and kill Black Hand to take control of the Horde. And like to many orcs in the movie he was Brown despite all the orcs being Green by the time they invaded Azeroth.

Dead or Alive is my fav because reasons.

Warcraft is probably the best.
Prince of Persia was pretty good.
I love Mortal Kombat as a kid.
Haven't seen Assassin's Creed yet.

I did enjoy that the Orcs at least upheld their own honor at the very least.


they knew exactly what movie they were making

>Durotan laying on the ground dying
>Orcs screaming "CHEATER" and "THESE ARE NOT OUR WAYS" at Gul'dan

Fucking loved that scene so much.

The orcs, specially Gul'dan saved the movie for me, sadly he won't even be in the sequel...


I still can't fucking believe how amazing of a track this was.

Warcraft is my favorite bad movie, would happily watch again.

Oh I'm sorry, should there be more green jesus and king anime hair?

Gul'dan was the only good thing about that movie

Man, this movie was such a fucking waste.

>write really fucking awful script with the worst fucking actors
>then hire a passionate and skilled director who adds the best scenes in the movie
>get pissed at Duncan Jones because the bad parts you already made were bad

I read an interview that originally the orcs were just dumb villains and Duncan was the one that insisted on adding orc-focused scenes to make them more likeable. Those were the only good scenes in the movie!

Netflix castlevania

>Want pic related

Fug, i wish i was a richfag.


idk about warcraft, I have never played the games, but the flick was ok, though the CGI chars were better actors than the real people.
any other vidya movie is trash

And people were "Oh! There's too many characters! Normies won't understand what's going on and who is who!"
Are people really this dumb?

It was clearly not perfect, but in the end, the adaptation wasn't bad at all and had its share of good moments.

Also the Prince of Persia movie was very decent. Not a great movie but good Holliwoodian production.

I can't be the only one who actually liked Doom.

>only non generic looking demon was the Cyclops

>I think we adapted it the best we could.
they didn't even use the source material lmao

The warcraft movie did a fantastic job of depicting the scale differences between humans and orcs and portraying the momentum and strength of their bodies. I was actually really impressed with the movie, considering that I was going in and expecting nothing.

I want to say something nice. Something that will help you feel not alone. But I can't. This movie was so awful....

This one was ok.

The FPS scene was nice!

This movie was fucking great. I don't understand the hate it gets. Then again I've never played a single Warcraft game.

I think it was terrible and stupid ahah. But I don't judge you. I mean I actually liked an Adam Sandler movie, so I'm in no position to blame you.

no it fucking wasn't. it was typical japanese poorly written, poorly voiced, and poorly paced garbage. the dmc anime was pure fucking trash.

Were we supposed to feel bad for the rapefugee?

It had nothing to do with the first game for some reason but most normal people I know (not game fans) hated it because they said it was just a stupid lotr wannabe.


The first Silent Hill movie is actually pretty comfy. The soundtrack from the game is just pure kino.

i really liked it too. it was a solid fucking action adventure movie. they only fucked up by hiring jake g. which automatically soured it in the eyes of critic right out of the gate. they could have literaly hired any attractive brown person as the lead.

>no one is allowed to do high fantasy or it's ripping off lotr
I don't understand normalfags.

Well they said everything in the movie looks super crappy, just look at the human armors and the settings is like they spent all the budget on orcs also that chinese elf lmao.

not true

one of the only parts of the movie that was enjoyable imo. The guy would've made a pretty good doomguy too if he kept his mouth shut.

The Rock wasn't bad in it either. The story was trash overall though.

"I've got... ONE round"


My nigga

very true

this tbqh. That dmc anime sucked shit. No style, no curazhee, no DT (until the very last scene of the last fight, and you don't even fucking see it). Very poor all around

I thought pic related was a fairly decent movie, for its budget.

sounds kind of bland to me, but maybe there's something wrong with me

The only acceptable answer.

In terms of games that game crom movies it has to be Goldenye.

Sounds nice.

But how does the Alliance fit into all of this?

who cares

Hardcore Henry

i was very pleasantly surprised by this one. Didn't get motion sickness at all, I don't know how the hell they pulled that one off.

I don't also to be fair.

As long as I get to hear sweet troll accent then I'm happy.

the upcoming deus ex movie thats in hiatus

Okay I admit I actually enjoyed this. It didn't try to do anything fancy. Just a simple dark and twisted story with a bad ending.