What would you like to see from Animal Crossing Switch?

What would you like to see from Animal Crossing Switch?

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More in-depth dialogue, and dating

Porn mostly.

Give villagers personality again.
I know it's a kid's game but dialogue was more interesting when villagers regardless of personality didn't treat you like best friends forever the second you talked to them.

Can choose the Villagers you want
More dialogue
More day-to-day events as well as exclusive Villager events
More buildings and stuff to do
Best friends and dating


I just realized that video has 5 of the best characters in it

How do Cats do it?

Best faces

i just want ankha to bully me

Remove ReTail and just have everything be in Nook's shop. I'd like for Blathers to have more flavor text again like he did in City Folk. More lore for the shopkeepers would be nice. Maybe some new holidays. The removal of Isabelle. Christ, how did she get bigger than both Tom Nook and KK?


Die. You don't fucking throw the biggest goddamn bone on the planet to the huge group of extremely autistic furfags.


Sonic has gone and done it and now their series is back from the dead so why can't AC do it too?

Seriously though, all I want is a AC game on the Switch, that App on the Wii U got me really fucking hopeful with all the nice features and models it had.

Fire the team and get level-5 to make it

We could meet half-way and have a mechanic where you can become best friends with a villager. You could have extended conversations with them, borrow money and items from them whenever you please, and hug them

Who is the best cat and why is it Katt?

I just want them to switch it up a bit.
this post will be a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.

I want to see my waifu

Some more features to feel closer to her would be nice. Like going out together, being roomates, hardcore anal sexscenes, and going swimming at the beach

Dating. I would even buy a switch from a scalper.

Best Waifu .

Isabelle comes back as a villager. You can become friends with her.

>Best friend system

This is something I do want implemented. Pictures are cool but something more meaningful would be even better. I can't think of what, though.

I know I don't want it to be enhanced version of New Leaf. Like how City Folk was exactly like Wild World

Put Savannah in and add the ability to date. I wanna fuck that Zebra

More Ankha

Made to be a Mummy

Source on pic?

An option to shorten store clerk dialog after you've played for a year
Holy fuck stop telling me welcome to the second floor you little shit

>What would you like to see from Animal Crossing Switch?

A release date

And reproduction. A good way to intoroduce NG+ or starting a new town while keeping your stuff.