In what order should I play them? Chronologically or by release date?
Got the Deus Ex Collection during the Sale
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Deus Ex 1
2. don't even install the rest of them
By release date, don't fall for the meme that you should play Human Revolution first because it's a prequel
Cover your dick in texta, then slap your dick on the screen and which ever title you get the nearest too start.
ALWAYS in release order. Just because one game is a prequel doesn't mean you should start with it. Why is asking this even a thing?
Just play the new Prey.
You can skip all the Deus Ex games IMO. Here's why.
I played all the Deus Ex games when they came out, even the old ones. Yes, they were good at the time... but now? They didn't age well to be honest.
The new Prey is like Invisible War, but with decent graphics, and way more fun. It has everything the first Deus Ex had, so you won't miss much.
True Deus Ex has aged like shit but it's still a game everyone should play.
Chronological and don't listen to this fag, the rest are not as good as original but still are great games
Oh shit, it's out!
>The new Prey is like Invisible War
I heard Prey was actually good.
Wrong. Deus Ex is a unique experience that no other game can replace. I'm not one who even thinks it's the best game ever, but it's damn good.
In order. Skip 2, it's only good for DX nostalgia and you don't have any.
Release date obviously. Playing chronologically is just retarded.
Play dxhr, then md if you want, then dx1, then invisible war if you want. The Jensen Chronicles have a few asthetics issues that stand really hard if you started with the original.
Also get gmdx, and new vision for mods for the first one.
So, I loved Deus Ex 1 and Human Revolutions too.
Now I am thinking of playing Mankind Divided but the metacritic user ratings are pretty shit.
Is it really that bad?
No it's about as good as Human Revolution aside from the shitty main plot. Do all the side quests and explore Prague.
It's a very nice game, it just cuts off at a nonsensical point.
prey is a boring bioshock clone what are you on about m8
How's the ps2 version of the first Deus Ex?
thx for the answers
what about the microtransactions? can I play without them? I hate microtransactions in video games...
The main game is easy enough without needing them, it was obviously thrown in at the last minute. Breach mode is shit, don't bother playing it.
microtransactions aren't really an issue in dxmd since the game never tells you about them