Filename thread
Keep it vidya
Filename thread
Keep it vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
>making Bethesda games playable
>missing the joke
I didn't get it until you posted that, thanks
>Bethesda Debug team
>missing the post meta joke
>posts filename thread
>asks to keep it vidya
>filename isn't vidya related
Ok OP, ok
>valve business strategy
inb4 "needs a filename" is the joke
This is hurting my brain
Someone help
She is holding him along with the guy in the back. His arms are hidden by the two people infront, while you see her arms wrapped around the guy being held's legs.
I don't get it,
Street Fighter V netcode
my bodies itching yes, but thats because I havent bathed or showered for 6 weeks
>missing the meta meta joke
imagine putting your dick through the holes
>Sup Forums redditor tries to fit in: the post
right click+google search
its not hard user
>2017 anno domini
>having a right mouse button
fuck off you memester
>2.1 GPA
Why the hell would you bring this up as a point?
>out of all these buttons not one of them is on the right side
Is there such thing as a hair job. I need to ask for a friend
yes there is, you can even give yourself a hairjob if you have long hair, feels great
is this some weird fetish?
I dont get it, I have an Nvidia graphics card and my pc hasnt caught fire yet, not even after 5 years?
>not naming it Bark Souls
And my PS4 has games