So you're telling me you haven't played Thief 1 and 2? What the fuck is wrong with you user?
So you're telling me you haven't played Thief 1 and 2? What the fuck is wrong with you user?
I make it a rule not to play any game older than me. It's probably shit.
>Thief 2 came out in 2000
Finished the first one and it was pretty good, but I want more stuff like Lord Bafford's Manor, Assassins and Song of the Caverns instead of levels with a bunch of undead and supernatural creatures, also the last level was pretty anti climatic.
Best mission was pic related.
Which is better, 1 or 2?
This is probably a good place to ask
After 1 I tried playing 2 and the dark areas are too dark,making even max brightness unlit corridors so dark that I can't see literally anything in the pitch black darkness that covers the entire screen
I figured it was a bug, but even tafferpatcher didn't fix it
Any suggestions?
Then Thief 2 is the game for you. It has more focus on actual thieving and instead of supernatural stuff, it's more technology stuff.
It's personal preference, but I would say Thief 1 is an experiment gone right and Thief 2 has more focus. I recommend you play both though.
Good to hear, it's next on my list after I finish System Shock 2.
Somewhat related but what other of these immersive sims or whatever they're referred to are worth playing? I know of Deus Ex and Dishonored but is there anything else?
But I have, OP, and they're some of the greatest stealth games ever made. After Chaos Theory.
Deus Ex is a great choice but Dishonored is too modern and consolified imo. I don't if it's what you're looking for, but check out Interstate 76. It's a car combat sim with with a sick 70's theme. It's a pain in the ass to get running on modern machines, but it's worth it.
Just thinking about these brings back dear old memories. I'd kill to be able to play through them again on my ps3 or something.
Just replayed them pretty recently (and T2X), and I constantly play FMs, have a hoard of 700+ of them, I fucking love these games taff off
shit games........terrible disgusting
The new Prey is a lot like System Shock 2. Dead Space takes inspiration from System Shock 2, though it's not an immersive sim. Consortium is comparable to Deus Ex on a plane, it's super short but very replayable.
adjust your gamma on your monitor
Already did nigga, in fact I'm playing Thief 3 now.
2 is better but play both.
Go away underage taffer.
You'll enjoy Thief 2's final level, its actually a challenge and doesn't just have you literally walk to the final boss.
What rig do you play on?
My daily gaming PC, why ask?
Wait till you get to Shalebridge Cradle.
I did, but apparently the gamma adjust option was fixed until I edited the .cfg file that someone mentioned in a gog thread
Now it works, thanks
Just wondering if they might work under Linux wine or some other emulator
don't spoil it
In what order should I play them,
did 1 age well?
is 3 shit?
what mods should I use?
Play in order of release.
3 is worse than 1-2 but still should be played for the story and the actual ending.
TFix for 1, Unofficial Patch for 2, Sneaky Upgrade for 3.
Do it taffer.
Tfix for thief 1 (thief gold)
tafferpatcher for thief 2
>Deus ex gets threads all the time
>Thief gets threads rarely and they die after a couple tafferposts and bearpitspost
It's not fair
thanks laddies
Yes 1 aged well
Tfix for 1, tafferpatcher for 2, sneaky upgrade for 3
stealth games live up to their genre and fall under the radar, doomed to obscurity
Actually use tafferpatcher for 2, it includes the unofficial patch.
I also recommend you not to install any HD model or texture packs to retain the feel of the original.
Texture pack for 3 is actually okay, it's just higher resolution original textures.
Graphical updates which exist for 1-2 are all absolutely atrocious though.
I wanted the reboot to succeed. Damn slut ruining the plot from the first seconds...
>no hammerites
>no pagans
>points of no return / almost completely linear levels
>backstory and setting are ripped straight from dishonored
the slut was the least of this game's problems
I have only played Deadly Shadows and thought it was fun.
Nah,couldn't pay me enough
See what I was talking about?