Games that have aged horribly

Games that have aged horribly

How so?

The controls


PC version is ass, all original marketing in game and music has been removed in new versions, and none of the new versions are as good as the Dreamcast

So then the game as originally released hasn't aged horribly.

Dreamcast version still plays as good as it did in 1999.


Are you playing the arcade original on its cabinet?

Still playing it

Tomb Raider.
Not saying the game is bad, but the controls are ass compared to today

play it with a wheel faggot

its an arcade game and in its proper setting has aged like wine

not a fan of the games but my partner plays them constantly and they look super stiff must be hell on the fingers


>PC version
I fucking love Crazy Taxi but how?
It's almost as bad as the PSP version.

It's an emulated copy of the Dreamcast version. It looks fine to me.

Oh, I thought you were playing the PC release that's on Steam.
My bad, sorry.


what a piece of shit game.

It was never good


you have to be 18 to post here

3&K was the superior game anyways.
No spindash is fucking terrible




>No spindash is fucking terrible
is that hard pressing down while running?making a quick jump can give you a little speed up and i felt that is quicker to do than stopping and charging the spin dash

Nor was this.

>Game is built around rewarding the player with consistent speed the better they are at recognizing level design patterns and map layouts. As a result the games get funner and faster the more you play through them.
>Penalizes newcomers who just want to get the goal as fast in possible with no prior knowledge.
the genesis titles are the ultimate pleb repellent.

Agreed. I never enjoyed how it felt. Same with Super Mario Brros. 3

>game marketed around how fast it supposedly was and how slow Mario is in comparison
>as soon as you get out of Green Hill Zone you immediately switch into slow-ass levels like Marble Zone and Labyrinth Zone that are slower than Mario ever was
Sonic 1 was never good kid. Having it available in Generations makes it extremely apparent because you swap out from a well-designed game into a game people only pretend was good because it's old.

I was talking about the genesis titles in general. Sonic 1 is definitely the weakest out of them with tone whiplashes but the "sonic was never good" argument always comes down to "I suck and it's the games fault not mine"

>It's a delusional "rewards you with speed" Sonic 1fag
I don't even hate the game as I love the series in general, but only like half the game has any fast moments. The later games are much better.
>I was talking about the genesis titles in general
I already have my post typed out so I'm posting it.

>I was talking about the genesis titles in general.
And I was talking about Sonic 1. I haven't played 2 or 3 & Knuckles

you should. It fixes a lot of Sonic 1's problems and the only real setback is no widescreen which is fixed in the remastered versions of Sonic 2 and Sonic CD (3&K
remastered isn't out yet. The people in charge are working on Mania)

The Driver games, I would love a remaster of the first two but they'd be too hard for modern audiences