Why the fuck are there so many trannies at this event? mandate to have "female" runners? ffs, they aren't even good looking ones. pic related
Trannies at gdq
Because moar diversity = moar donations.
then motherfuckers need to let big jon run golf.
For some reason speedruning attract a lot of mentally damaged people
They're there because they are better at video games than you.
Because video games and speedrunning are degenerate. People always say anime will make you gay. Nope, being autistic about video games will.
cause faggots realized they cant get women, so they became a woman instead
I think it's just the ultimate form of contrition and appeasement that male feminists can perform.
>raising money to send doctors to places that throw trannies off of buildings
I normally don't say this but this is more artificial diversity than actual diversity.
I mean instead of more women we just have more guys dressing up as women.
What actually gets my attention is how the staff is trying to cover the sun with a finger by banning everyone in Twich chat left and right even for emote use.
Is this realy the state of current american society? Encouraging mentally ill people because of diversity?
Pretty much.
Let me fix that: moar "diversity".
It's the state of shit run by SJWs and their enablers.
>This just in: Trannies share common hobbies with non-trannies. More details at 11.
Gender-fluid horseshit has been muddying the waters for feminist-activism too
If you're demanding equal rights for women in front of a progressive-enough audience, you could get booed for not acknowledging there being more than two genders
speedrunning involves constant repetition in a controlled, predictable environment. the nature of it makes it very attractive to those with mental illnesses, especially but not limited to autism
over the past couple years the concept of transitioning has developed into something that's much more well known and generally "acceptable", so these ill people assume their problems can be solved by fixing this imagined issue of being the wrong gender
the end result is disastrous downward spirals like cosmo as they realize gender changes aren't fixing anything, but they can't go back on it now
this is what a REAL woman looks like.
>using an Amiibo
Surely that isn't legal? You may as well use a GameShark for NES runs.
>sees dipshit dudes in dresses
You're mentally ill yourself so your perspective isn't exactly sound. Spamming twitch chat with the intent of causing psychological harm to someone is just as mentally ill as being a tranny. The fact that you think banning anonymous cowards harassing people means they're "encouraging" transexualism is just hilarious. Are you really so delusional that you expect them to not ban insulting people from the chat?
Son, that's a drawing.
my favorite is when they kill themselves after they realize that chopping their balls off and sucking dicks didn't solve their problems.
is it that different from using Tingle tuner in Wind Waker?
Yeah, you're only good at video games if you use exploits and glitches.
>another trannie is speedrunning BoTW
Cosmo/Narcissa btfo
Imagine being so retarded and fragile you suffer "psychological harm" from randos in fucking twitch chat.
Anyone with the actual neurological disorder wouldn't be doing stupid shit like this for attention.
Check my 7
yea epic dude, i too love when completely innocent people suffer misfortune and tragedy because i associate it with identity politics because i'm a stupid simple-minded cunt like everyone else who defines themselves by brainless politics LOL! high five, prayze kek!
Get with the times son.
holy shit, that's some sort of fucking goblin isn't it
Have you ever seen what happens to these people when the RNG manipulation fails or they fuck up a glitch and they need to take a route that they didn't practice?
They are worse at the games than most casual players here. They can't play for shit outside of memorized inputs.
Playing too much video games turns you into a colossal faggot, unfit to breed and have a decent professional career.
Proove me wrong.
You just know she'd be pretty hot with a nose job and some braces.
t.dong chopper
She's a beautiful girl.
You just know she'd be pretty hot with a nose job and some braces.
>alt right sociopath doesn't understand empathy
shadily Sup Forumsro!
Maybe they shouldn't expect everyone to accept their self-mutilation and mental issues in a heartbeat, and you yourself sound like the same kind of faggot. Again, this is covering the sun with a finger, they chose the deranged transexual life, they'll have to deal with the social consequences.
>tfw you're butthurt about cutting your dick off to fix your life but it still sucks.
>politicize a mental disorder to the point of implementing modern day lobotomies
>"it's okay because they might kill themselves otherwise!!!"
>they continue to be emotional wrecks
>they continue to have a variety of personality disorders/bipolar/depression
>they continue to kill themselves
this shit is gonna be so embarrassing in 40 years.
>when completely innocent people suffer misfortune and tragedy because i associate it with identity politics
their tragedy is not the result of some random dipshit "associating it with identity politics". it's the result of them thinking transitioning will fix all their problems, when what they should really be doing is talking to a therapist. i'm not insulting trannies or the ill or whatever, but they need to solve their own problems instead of looking for others to blame
nigga that is a fuckin demon you can't tell me different
Cry more, tranny
Or just realising that their chopped-up fake-junk is nothing like what they imagined and they'll never have proper sexual satisfaction again
But I doubt that MOST of these dress-wearers ever have the guts to go so far as to take THAT step
Is that Proto's dad? Because that would explain a lot.
>when doctors buy into your mental disorder and your life becomes an unbroken series of hormone pills and trannystream circlejerks of "lets pretend how beautiful and brave this clearly psychologically disturbed person is".
Even the people who follow Terry A. Davis around don't feed into his schizophrenia at this damaging of level. People might joke about CIA niggers but you never see people feeding into his hallucinations.
He wasn't a good looking dude, no homo, how did he come to the conclusion that he would look even passable if he transitioned?
It is pretty brave though. Think about how much easier it would be to just sit and suffer instead of actually following through with that shit. In fact it seems to require so much courage that I must be thinking of it wrong.
Maybe, if it wasn't so clearly the most narcissistic circlejerk I've ever seen. It's clearly all about the attention, good or bad. Cosmo literally changed his name to Narcissa, _NARCISSA_.
he's right tho
I was gonna add a bit after about how you might need a doctor after getting bit by a tranny while you were throwing them off a building.
I thought it was too edgy so I just posted it as it. I would appreciate your feedback on the edge-level, though.
yea... but they do
>Instead of going to therapy these guys are permanently ruining their lives
Protip: It costs thousands of dollars less to go to a therapy session or two instead of wasting tax payer's dollars on irreversible surgery
Here's a question:
Why do you all care?
ah sit was was her name again? fuck man i forgot it
it had a C in it right?
>implying most of these trannies aren't weebs
>middle one is a boy
>the other two are girls
trannies are on topic in Sup Forums because most women who play vidya were born with a penis. Trannies are a fundamental pillar of the video game demographic.
The freckled one on the left is the only female.
Because some of them make my peepee hard, but they are never featured.
There used to be more mtf trannies because men were perceived to have it good, thus women wanted to be men. Now it's the other way around, these guys can't deal with being men so they want to become cute girls
>Protip: It costs thousands of dollars less to go to a therapy session or two instead of wasting tax payer's dollars on irreversible surgery
Protip: Trannies have to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a therapist before they can legally pursue a sex change. You might want to research a subject before offering a critical commentary on it.
it's funny to see all of these people shitting on Cosmo for transitioning when he finally has a gf.
motherfucker found a way to speed hack reality.
because they bend over backwards for these dudes in dresses. banning words, apologizing over jokes, basically you have to walk on eggshells around them lest they call up the "OMG A TRANSPHOBIC COMMENT" twitter mob.
Probably the same reason I hate fat people. We're the ones that are supposed to pretend they aren't a huge burden on the rest of us socially, physically, emotionally, etc
>yes goy go see the (((therapist))) for your dick chopping licence
To be fair being a white man is becoming really shit really quickly. We're treated like shit because we're white and male. Especially when you aren't a chad.
you ever consider that maybe that's because any single time one of them appears on screen, the chat and Sup Forums thread explode with comments about them?
this a self-fulfilling prophecy you guys, keep shitting the trannies and they'll only get more protected.
Can you spot the boy? The one to the right.
Because men are goddamn smart.
>Be criticized and overall treated like shit
>Be largely ignored
>Put on dress
>Suddenly women don't have shit on you because they would be attacked by crazy people
>Possibly get free money and shit too
>Get a cult following who adore you
Granted everything successful is bound to attract people that halfass it or are genuinely disturbed.
This isn't even remotely true. If you're having difficulty in life because you're white, you need to take a long hard look at yourself, because it's not because of your skin color
i seriously hope these speedrunners get the mental help they clearly need instead of just getting real life character editors to chop their dicks off and give them boobs.
I would've guessed the left one.
That's one part of it. At least on the internet people are yelling left and right how bad men are, so these guys just give up
This honestly
Soylent. He switch to Soylent the food substitute, the influx of estrogen destroyed his hormones and losing to JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS .helped turn him into the pathetic freak you see before you.
It's mostly because they get butthurt about it. the internet goes for what gets a rise.
All trannies deserve to fucking be gassed
these are the people who think mean things said online are a bigger threat to them than importing a million muslims
by default they cannot into logic
You're missing the point.
That doesn't change the fact that the surgery is a huge fucking waste of money.
Best part? They usually kill themselves because it's like extreme buyer's remorse.
I wish I knew, since I don't, here's another thick black woman instead
Tumblr isn't the internet
transgenderism is essentially undiagnosed autism
the subject mistakenly believes that changing the arbitrary gender roles he conforms to to an alternative set of arbitrary gender roles will address the ennui and alienation he's experienced throughout his life, but it does nothing close to that. it just makes him uglier, sterile, and even more on the fringes of society
speedrunning is also autistic as fuck and on the fringes of society, so there's a big crossover
I used to stream, never lost to a faggot speedrunner in a blind race. They're generally pretty shit at video games. They're just autistic and play the same ones over and over again.
Because the SJW crowd tend to be upper-middle class or higher, and are desperate to throw their parents money at anything that feeds into their doctrine.
Its like rich people trying to buy street cred. "I'm progressive! Look at all this money I give to the poor/gays/trannies! Disregard that I live in a gated community cloistered away from any of the shit I pretend to care about"
nah, it could be. probably less access for socioeconomically disadvantaged whites to get scholarships purely due to skin color
Why do you care what they look like? You know the events about video games right?