SGDQ 2017

Now: """speed""" run of Earthbound.
Next: Surprise entry

>Sans is Ness confirmed.
>Mysterious 1000 dollar (((donations))).
>every single emote has been banned in twitch chat


Other urls found in this thread:

>that pic

please tell me this isn't a real thing


>"And in conclusion we have shown that Ness is his own mother. But hey that's just a theory... A GAME THEORY. THANKS FOR WATCHING!"

Smash Fortress is one of the only fun things left in TF2 other than LATE-STAGE CAPITALISM

Continuing with the Summer Dicks Gone Quick 2017 dump.

This is the shift wafter from a previous GDQ. I regret not being able to record that original webm in a higher resolution because it really was a strange moment.

>Shout outs to the donation table: Filtering out the best donations to protect the snowflakes out there.

they aren't getting 2 mill

Could anyone here understand the runner during BOTW? Not trying to shit on her for being trans, just legit curious if she was easier to hear over the stream, because it was like listening to a different language for 40 minutes.

Are you implying that Saxton Hale servers are dead?

His smile and optimism: Restored


>another shout out to the retard crew
At least they haven't fucked anything up too bad recently

/ourguy/ did it, lads.

Undertale memes are absolute trash but who cares about localizing Mother 3 at this point? The fan translation has been out for almost a decade at this point.

I couldn't hear shit.

I'm implying Saxton Hale servers are not fun


>chibi's redemption arc

Oh yeah all of the webms with sound that I posted in the /wsg/ thread are still there.

During this guy's run there was a wife's son donation and that was when I started recording audio when necessary.

Undertale community is like the bottom 10% of the 2hu secondaries community
No gameplay
Shitty western artists
Terrible secondary works
Ok soundtrack/secondary music
Shit porn

He won't be back.

I love video games

Goodnight Sup Forums. Was somewhat fun week.
See you during EVO and then ESA in few weeks.

This nigga got his brother killed

I am monitoring this thread, Sup Forums.


Even the runner seems annoyed at the Undertale shit. I don't blame him, I love the game but the Mother 3 stuff is better.

That's what I thought, at least it wasn't my ears.

Did anyone get a screenshot of "I've made the decision that you're Sans, no matter what."

would be great for filename threads

mysterious user donations right at the end.

anyone here speedrun

>Spike sees Proto

what's the point of speed running a turn based rpg?

>Shit porn
The robot as some pretty decent SFM

Bye, user-kun. Will I ever see you in Sup Forums?


>over making a public statement about localizing Mother 3

How autistic are you?

Why would Nintendo give a shit about some speedrunning meme event?

Everyone with a three digit iq already played the gane ten years ago in English anyway, I don't care what Nintendo does for the sake of mouthbreathing fanbiys wanting to "support their friend"

Since we're near the end what was your favorite run? Prince of Persia SoT for me.

And just like any modern family, they all hate him.


is the user with the small mother collection of pics here?


>ok soundtrack
You can throw shade at Undertale if you want but don't be retarded.

Obligatory GDQ image.

link to the past

Aside from chibi cheating in his speedrun, any other reason he is being left out of stuff?


He was very cringy

I've done some speedruns of Dark Souls 2 and 3, it's actually a pretty fun challenge run.

What happened? Did they finally stop fucking with him?

200,000 worth?

what's this


I do it, yeah. Currently trying to write a thorough set of notes for my obscure ass game so I can route for it.

I love video games

Hopefully we'll cross paths again during ESA. Any Uma poster is a friend of mine.

Heard the odd word like "charge" but I couldn't make sense of the mumbling. Couch guy was quiet too but at least he could speak coherently

He's a socially inept autist who shrieks and tries way too hard to insert himself into things.

No, closest I got was the Speedlunky trophy in Spelunky HD.


Gee, if only there was a bonus stream after this.....

So what did you masturbate to this morning? Pic related.

So are the SGDQ people still on a massive power trip?

He's a pedophile who sends pictures of his dick to kids.

Im trying to think of a game to get a WR in just for the fuck of it, but I dont want to put in time or effort.


Ok, added some games to the Tier list as per anons suggestions.

Should Halo stay in good or move to great?
Were there only three god tier games?
Were there only three shit tier games?
Should tranny tier be renamed?

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Swordless)
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Ratchet and Clank
Final Fantasy VII
Chrono Trigger
Donkey Kong 64
Diablo II: Throne of Baal
Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix
Ninja Gaiden (Sega Master System)
Freedom Planet
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
Onimusha: Warlords
Jet Set Radio Future
Dark Souls III (DLC1)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Tetris The Grand Master 3: Terror Instinct
The Firemen
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Silent Hill 2
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Halo: Combat Evolved
E.V.O.: Search for Eden
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Mario Kart 64
Rise of the Triad
Ys Origin
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
Portal 2
Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver
Mario Kart Wii
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
The Maitre D
Super Metroid
Dark Souls
Silent Hill 2 Ending
I Am Bread
Tetris: The Grand Master
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Now that the event is nearly at an end, what were your personal favorite runs Sup Forums?

What do you think, user

This SGDQ has had too many trannies, but aside from that it has felt a bit better than a few previous GDQs. Am I sick in the head, or did I just miss all the shitty runs/cringeworthy runners?

How's the event so far? Was out for a few days, just got to start watching now


lemme see


I havent done it to anything in a week, I could probably even fap to Edobean

who /stopped watching the stream but still posting/ here?

>>every single emote has been banned in twitch chat

Seriously? What the fuck?



Why no Mirror's Edge?

Because it's unofficial and Ninty is beginning to slam down the ban hammer on ROMs/emulation because of their "virtual console" games that they want you to buy.

Yeah boi

yeah. knew about 8 games and did a few marathon runs.

Earthbound is one of those games everyone jerks their dick over that I will never understand. It's so fucking boring and slow, I can't stand it.
Please explain to me what its appeal is supposed to be; because I don't understand.

goes to show that even having a big dick doesn't stop you from being a degenerate

where can i even watch these now that BOOTLEGS is all unlisted



I unironically do speedruns for a Flintstones NES game

Literally internet moderators in real life.

>fingers can't stop running up and down the hole punch in their cargo jorts pocket

>ywn over train your pokemon and have them disobey your orders and dominate you

google money laundry.

Of course they fucking are. The random "papers please" tag checks is evidence of it.

>take a bathroom break
>guy behind them stands up and runs away

Good time to start watching, the marathon is almost over. You can trust this list if you view the vods

>shake shake, shake shake

The list above your post is pretty accurate, but I'm going to have to add a personal opinion that KH2 was my favorite. I don't know what it is about that game, but the way they use every tool available to them to just destroy the game is incredibly enjoyable to me. Actually makes me want to pick up a PS4 for them all.

I think splash should do in good tier

He just didn't want to get aids or some super-gonorrhea

i notice she has a mug

you're mine