Where the hell are my atari bros? Don't tell me you've gone cold me on chilli peppers.

Other urls found in this thread:

disco is dead and so is the ataribox

Disco didn't die, it evolved.

>they're using a kickstarter to get the finds for the ataribox.

The dream is dead, it's going to be the ouya all over again.

What the fuck? Seriously?

Its over cool cats, it didn't even had a chance.

>someone bumped this garbage out of page 10
what a bunch of retards


goddammit! Why can't we have a decent competitor to the big three without them having to shill jewstarter?!

For fucks sake..

'Cuz I think you're just another JIVE TURKEYS

>one gif
>lights are flashing
>no dancing

>another gif
>wojack dancing
>no animated lights

Atari nerds just don't understand, do they?

> "In the meantime, the [Atari] group has released a video revealing a first design of that new product, while the functionality and the technical characteristics will be announced as the work progresses. The group estimates that it is able to develop an attractive product, using the reputation of the Atari brand in the hardware domain. To limit the risk, this product will initially be launched with a crowdfunding campaign."

This is so depressing even moreso when you realize that Atari could have been the American Nintendo, now this is sad and shameful.

Remember the Atari ST?

Come on brothers, don't let these jive turkeys kill our threads..

Yes, what about it? Seemed like a good computer for the time.

Fuck off, stop forcing afrojak memes for your screenshots
The OC is drying up right now because there's nothing to discuss, when more info about the console releases expect daily threads again
Just be patient or else you're going to piss off everyone by forcing a meme

>that ochako

Are there any more brand wojaks?
So far I have the nintenbro, sonyggier, xbox normie, pc fedora lord and atari afrojak

Frojak is the only good thing to come out of system wojaks.


Funny how some places have nostalgia for Atari consoles, while for others it's Atari computers.

Who's that supposed to be

Get outta here jive turkeys spreading lies, spread love instead.

Most people posting these memes never owned an Atari 2600

Amiga revival when?

>implying all these jive turkey posts aren't just viral marketers trying to create some buzz for their kickstarter

Someone post the video some user made with atari wojak pulling up in his car while playing bee gees music or whatever.

ZX Spectrum


Seriously fuck Kickstarter. Why can't somebody hack/DDOS that shitty site. That site is the bane of my existence.

Fuck this millennial bullshit. Just stop it with the crowdfunding garbage you fucking shitty companies. You're supposed to be big companies, there was a time when we fucking respected you and now you have such small balls that you resort to begging for money/testing waters instead of having the balls to take risks.

I fucking hate this world nowadays.

Stop. Fuck Commodore.