>90% of the game is trying to open one door.
90% of the game is trying to open one door
Other urls found in this thread:
key simulator 2000?
behead those who insult resident evil: REMake
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There's a 100% chance this scene is from one of the dullest franchises in history. Seriously each game following the femboy "Jill" assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of fun gameplay, all to make the game not fun at all and to make action seem inert.
>a-at least Remake was good though
The writing is dreadful; the game was just terrible. As I played, I noticed every single door was locked and needed a "Key" of some sort to advance making this series into one of the dullest things I have ever played.
did you kill Lisa or did you make her kill herself?
I'm curious what games you enjoy
Jill only appears in like 3 games though
Wasn't it more like a third or so?
>90% of the game is turning enemies into doors
>Doors can open doors
>90% of the game is Just reaching one door down a corridor
bump for resi :)
You can kill her?
Fuck off, Jill is my babe, grandpa nostalgia is blinding you, the RE remakes were top notch.
Kys and play your old games on your PS1 no one cares.
>punching enemies turns them into doors
>different enemies turn into different doors
Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door
She's okay after the fall though
Literally paper mario TTYD
I love this trope honestly.
It makes it feel as though you've come full circle when you finally do open it.
this is bait. it's literally the Harry Potter has the worst writing meme. "No!" fuck off back to tv. your dying board. I'll see you there because that's my home too
Also Asscreed 2 3 and brotherhood had a door that was relevant to the story
Hell at least its realistic given the context and how it's hard metal gate and you are trapped in the mansion by monsters.
Waaaay better than DaS2 for instance where you literally spend most of the game killing the most powerful monsters of that world just to circumvent an easily climeable pile of rubble.
>unlock red door
>see this
wat do?
Literally the fucking easiest fucking pussle in the game meanwhile 99 percent of you dumbfucks go and make bullshit that it's harder than anything in the world.
The instructions is literally in your goddamn fucking hand on the fucking screen like wow holy shit! You hit the bell with the scrolls one time, hit the bell with the key two times and finally hit the bell with the dagger two times and TADA IT FUCKING OPENS WOW SO HARD OH MY GOD PLS NERF DEVS REEEE!
Fuck your all retarded.
If this is how you actually pass the puzzle then why does Sup Forums bitched so much about this oneIs it just a meme or something I missing here?
Go on 3:50, literally easy...
not sure if underage or don't understand sarcasm
How does it feel to be 4?
Boy, it sure is summer in here
It takes at least 30 minutes to figure it out on your first playthrough
I can't tell if this is double irony or if it's just summer.
same here user. I'm so confused.
So Paper Mario 2?