ITT games Sup Forums failed to make you hate
ITT games Sup Forums failed to make you hate
if you like undertale you are either underage or demented
Keep trying
If you fail to use punctuation you are gutter trash.
watch_dogs. both the first and second. Sup Forums can autistic screech all they like, they'll never take away how fun those games were.
game was only worth it for those harusuke doujins
Sup Forums never influences my decisions on games. Nobody does.
my nigga
Watch_Dogs was Mediocre at best, that story is so lame it ruined lots of potential within it.
Sup Forums didn't make me hate it actually watching a lets play of it did.
Undertale is a game that's incredibly fun to play, but the "fanbase", which is to say tumblrwhales and cucks, describing what they think is canon about the game will make you abandon it.
What exactly did you like about watch_dogs? I mean, it was amusing killing people you don't like after getting their bios i.e. furries and canadians, but
EVERY game, and I'm proud as fuck about it, too!
What if you're not a fanbase obsessed autist?
Sup Forums didn't but tumblr sure succeeded at it
something about the premise was really fun for me. I mean it's silly as hell, and totally edgy 13 year old wet dream, but sometimes I like something like that. it was a lot of fun to be able to peer into people's lives at will and alter the way the world acted at a whim. the game is nothing special, but it was a tooon of fun. and watch dogs 2 was even better, it had a way more laid back attitude and added new toys to play with that made you really feel like a l33t hacker.
>everyone except me is autistic
Tumblrtale garbage on Sup Forums was as bad as MLP and pokemon shit before they were assigned a containment board. You couldn't escape seeing it, and their retarded theories and fake "canon" killed my desire to finish the game.
>everyone except me is autistic
I never said that. Actually, the opposite is happening. Sup Forums is the only place on the internet that I've seen that's so obsessed with fanbases.
You guys sound like teenage girls.
I get the feeling that I'm talking about apples and you're making concerted effort to talk about oranges so that you can pretend you're "above it all".
Fuck off, faggot.
Not him but why do people care so much about fanbases so much? Discussing a game and interacting with other fans of a game is not necessary to beating a game at all.
If you like it, you dont belong here. Its really that simple.
>replaying to your own post
>mad transsexuals
Tell me 1 thing that the game actually does well, I mean except running on 640x480 resolution.
Still my favorite of the series, don't give a shit what Sup Forums thinks.
It's not that I care about the fanbases. It's the way the conduct themselves such that I couldn't avoid their constant torrent of bullshit any time I wanted to lurk and talk about any game, and even worse if I wanted to talk about Undertale specifically.
You're a disingenuous shit if you're going to pretend that fanboys don't ruin good games. Fuck, look at FFVII. That game STILL has a horrible reputation for the fans it creates.
And it's not hard to understand why these very popular games create obnoxious fanbases. It's as simple as calculating how many normies jumped on the band wagon and introduced themselves to a genre through that specific game. In the end, what they appreciate about the game, what they think makes the game "good", is irrelevant nonsense compared to the real reasons that the game is good.
The tumblrtale fags ruined my mindset when I play Undertale. I'm constantly reminded of all their silly bullshit as I play.
Are you me?
pic related and Remember me
Case in fucking point:I wish we could gas these faggots.
Most of the hate is against the movie, sequels, spin-offs and the Cloud in Kingdom Hears 1. FF7 is a good game, not the best FF but easily one of the best 5.
Poor little white guy.
>Most of the hate is against the movie
You must not have been here 10 years ago.
Advent Children was released 12 years ago.
>not liking crisis core
>not liking the action schlock films
I don't know what people were expecting from Advent Children. I can't stand the faggots who treat FFVII as if the story was supposed to be incredibly serious. Advent Children tried to have a very serious story, but it doesn't fit the game, at all.
FFVII's story is more like FFV than it is like FFIV. It's supposed to be comical with a couple of serious moments.
The few times I see people talk about Remember Me on here, it's with a note of mild exasperation because the game had potential.
The gameplay sucked and the game had a bit of a half-backed feel to it, but the soundtrack was god-tier, and the characters and world were pretty imaginative.
This also pirated and played it. It was lame.
Bullshit. MGSV, Persona 5, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution dominated Sup Forums far more than Undertale ever did.
I actually don't understand how it's possible to be this new. Like, the fucking Undertale craze was only a year ago I believe.
It makes you wonder how many fucking indie titles we're going to get where the protagonist is a self insert who has nothing but bad shit happen to them and yet they persevere because they're stronk.
>what are release dates
You're so fucking retarded, just what the fuck; please kill yourself.
You're missing the point. FF7, the original game not the spin-offs, was the most controversial game here and many other gaming communities for years. It was Undertale before the existence of social media.
>You're a disingenuous shit if you're going to pretend that fanboys don't ruin good games. Fuck, look at FFVII. That game STILL has a horrible reputation for the fans it creates.
I don't really care for FF7 either way since I've never really played it (or if I have, it was very minimal due to a friend wanting me to try at the moment) but I highly disagree. I just think it's unfair to treat someone or something poorly, due to no fault of it's own.
>It's the way the conduct themselves such that I couldn't avoid their constant torrent of bullshit any time I wanted to lurk and talk about any game, and even worse if I wanted to talk about Undertale specifically.
I mean, it's been toned down now hasn't it, compared to before from what I've seen.
>I don't know what people were expecting from Advent Children. I can't stand the faggots who treat FFVII as if the story was supposed to be incredibly serious. Advent Children tried to have a very serious story, but it doesn't fit the game, at all.
Agreed. It's like Nomura and co. completely forget what made FF7 so fun in the first place.
However, Crisis Core is not a good game, at all. Even if I was judging solely the gameplay it's still an incredibly poorly designed piece of shit.
Never heard anyone here bashing Transistor
it starting to rail on my nerves honestly, we've finally managed to get some kind of point across that relatable protagonists are the best and that no one likes an invincible man ,and now we've gone into "THE CHARACTER YOU PLAY AS IS A TOTAL FUCKING LOSER, JUST LIKE YOU!"
It's dead now; but that's irrelevant. I tried to play this game when it came out.
A single day of the year, not months of several 100+ post threads open at any given time. You're not even bothering to deny that Undertale doesn't fall into that category. Pull the stick out of your ass and try again.
Sup Forums failed but the fanbase certainly didn't.
Life is Strange.
Guild Wars 2
Games Sup Forums failed to make me hate:
Final Fantasy 6, 7, 9, and 12
Games Sup Forums succeeded in making me hate:
Fire Emblem
Persona 4
Final Fantasy 8
Senran Kagumugra
>what are hype trains
Listen, faggot, you named a bunch of other hype train titles that weren't released alongside Undertale and then tried to make a point about there being more MSG5 posting than Undertale posting at a given point in time.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you meant the amount of MSG5 posting in its prime exceeded that of Undertale posting in its prime. By the metric of posts created about either game, you might be right. However, the majority of Undertale posting was cancerous tumblrtale garbage whereas MGS5 posting bothered to appreciate the game.
That fanart is pretty neat.
If that's how you feel, then that's how you feel. It just seems a bit, "Barneyfag tier," especially with the whole gas them all comment. I'm sorry factors came along put you off something, but that's ultimately something the game itself shouldn't have to bear the results from if it's not directly from itself..
Dark Souls 2
Yeah, and you've only been here since then. Go back to tumblr if you want to discuss this garbage.
people rag on gen 3 a lot but Emerald had a lot of cool shit to find and was solid as hell
This. Though I played it on a recommendation of an user from Sup Forums in the first place
I don't blame the game. I don't think anyone blames the game. We blame the faggots who were so obsessed with the game that what they thought the game was about is absolutely true and fuck you shitlord if you don't agree.
I never played Undertale so I wouldn't know.
How did it make you hate 8 but not the rest of the series?
I second this motion.
I understand that a fanbase being shit can certainly effect how you perceive a game, but I also have the ability to separate these two things and really only think about how sad the fact is while I'm not playing it.
Like, if I wasn't able to do this, I'd never be able to play jrpgs and watch anime. I fucking hate my fellow weebs.
Really, most fanbases are garbage, especially for things that are popular. You really gotta not let it get to you, but if it does I certainly don't blame you.
Sup Forums will shit on any new pokemon game but SM was fun for the plot alone
Didn't know the knew Pokemon game was full of slavs.
Yep. I honestly feel like most people who hate undertale don't actually hate it, they hate what the fucking tumblrfags and sjw nu-males are so damn convinced the game is. Like I get it, if undertale was really what they say it is I'd fucking hate the SHIT out of it.
Instead, it's actually one of my favorite RPGs of all time.
Why on earth would you base if a game's good enough on it's fanbase, with that logic it'd be best to avoid every game ever spoken on Sup Forums as users on Sup Forums fucking sperg out when they either like or hate something.
Sup Forumsdidn't make me hate pokemon, GF did a good job all by themselves.
Are people that weak willed they really do parrot opinions?
Only one thing? Ok watch this.
>only the bad guys are white
this never fails to crack me up
Yes, absolutely. It's really sad.
the urge to fit in is strong
Sure, story's garbage. Just like every other Metroid game story.
Emulated it on a gamepad and got rid of all the tilt control horseshit. Plays like a good game. Get fucked Sup Forums, it's fun.
>but the "fanbase
The fanbase only made me hate the fanbase. I still enjoyed the game I played.
It goes both ways and most times it's true. Plus no because people on Sup Forums shitpost about opinions all the time, and even your post can be parroting about how people on Sup Forums do the same thing
>Asgore is a bad guy
The only thing Asgore did wrong was holding back against the protagonist and not pushing aside his emotional/moral problems with it for the sake of his subjects.
Funny thing the people who say it's shit are actually just shitposting just out of the failure that's Gearbox
You think the average tumblrtard thinks about that?
2 is trash and Pre-Sequel is shit. 1 is the only good game in the series because it doesn't have characters yelling in your ear every five seconds.
Yeah, probably this. I like the gameplay, even though everything around it was shit.
I haven't played 2 and Pre-Sequel, but I don't like B1, regardless of what Sup Forums has to say about it. It's a mind-numbingly boring game.
Pre-Sequel was shit though.
You got a point there.
Presquel was never shit
And 2 was fine give me Actual Arguments next time you post
Before shit hits the fan this isn't me
>However, the majority of Undertale posting was cancerous tumblrtale garbage whereas MGS5 posting bothered to appreciate the game.
The Tumblr stuff was greatly outweighed by the people complaining about it and Undertale winning the GameFAQS contest. A great deal of the MGS5 stuff was masturbatory, Kazuhira Miller, Sup Forums headcanon.
The people who hate this series are ironically Nepshitters.
Pic related made me hate Fire Emblem and its fans.
pre sequel was complete shit, crap level design, awful aussie voice acting and human, oxygen packs and space gravity was more tedious than interesting
2 was better than 1 imo
Sup Forums make me dislike Earthbound and hate TES series. But i still like csgo, is the best shooter atm
I just really like her thighs
I agree, Lisa was much better